3,438 research outputs found
From Schr\"odinger's Equation to the Quantum Search Algorithm
The quantum search algorithm is a technique for searching N possibilities in
only sqrt(N) steps. Although the algorithm itself is widely known, not so well
known is the series of steps that first led to it, these are quite different
from any of the generally known forms of the algorithm. This paper describes
these steps, which start by discretizing Schr\"odinger's equation. This paper
also provides a self-contained introduction to the quantum search algorithm
from a new perspective.Comment: Postscript file, 16 pages. This is a pedagogical article describing
the invention of the quantum search algorithm. It appeared in the July, 2001
issue of American Journal of Physics (AJP
Realization of generalized quantum searching using nuclear magnetic resonance
According to the theoretical results, the quantum searching algorithm can be
generalized by replacing the Walsh-Hadamard(W-H) transform by almost any
quantum mechanical operation. We have implemented the generalized algorithm
using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques with a solution of chloroform
molecules. Experimental results show the good agreement between theory and
experiment.Comment: 11 pages,3 figure. Accepted by Phys. Rev. A. Scheduled Issue: 01 Mar
Quantum computers can search rapidly by using almost any transformation
A quantum computer has a clear advantage over a classical computer for
exhaustive search. The quantum mechanical algorithm for exhaustive search was
originally derived by using subtle properties of a particular quantum
mechanical operation called the Walsh-Hadamard (W-H) transform. This paper
shows that this algorithm can be implemented by replacing the W-H transform by
almost any quantum mechanical operation. This leads to several new applications
where it improves the number of steps by a square-root. It also broadens the
scope for implementation since it demonstrates quantum mechanical algorithms
that can readily adapt to available technology.Comment: This paper is an adapted version of quant-ph/9711043. It has been
modified to make it more readable for physicists. 9 pages, postscrip
Efficient Simulation of Quantum Systems by Quantum Computers
We show that the time evolution of the wave function of a quantum mechanical
many particle system can be implemented very efficiently on a quantum computer.
The computational cost of such a simulation is comparable to the cost of a
conventional simulation of the corresponding classical system. We then sketch
how results of interest, like the energy spectrum of a system, can be obtained.
We also indicate that ultimately the simulation of quantum field theory might
be possible on large quantum computers.
We want to demonstrate that in principle various interesting things can be
done. Actual applications will have to be worked out in detail also depending
on what kind of quantum computer may be available one day...Comment: 8 pages, latex, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, revised version has about
double length of original and contains new ideas, e.g. how to obtain the
spectrum of a quantum syste
Lower Bounds of Quantum Search for Extreme Point
We show that Durr-Hoyer's quantum algorithm of searching for extreme point of
integer function can not be sped up for functions chosen randomly. Any other
algorithm acting in substantially shorter time gives incorrect
answer for the functions with the single point of maximum chosen randomly with
probability converging to 1. The lower bound as was
established for the quantum search for solution of equations where
is a Boolean function with such solutions chosen at random with probability
converging to 1.Comment: Some minor change
Grover Algorithm with zero theoretical failure rate
In standard Grover's algorithm for quantum searching, the probability of
finding the marked item is not exactly 1. In this Letter we present a modified
version of Grover's algorithm that searches a marked state with full successful
rate. The modification is done by replacing the phase inversion by two phase
rotation through angle . The rotation angle is given analytically to be
, where
, the number of items in the database, and
an integer equal to or greater than the integer part of . Upon measurement at -th iteration, the marked state
is obtained with certainty.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in Physical Review
Quantum search algorithms on a regular lattice
Quantum algorithms for searching one or more marked items on a d-dimensional
lattice provide an extension of Grover's search algorithm including a spatial
component. We demonstrate that these lattice search algorithms can be viewed in
terms of the level dynamics near an avoided crossing of a one-parameter family
of quantum random walks. We give approximations for both the level-splitting at
the avoided crossing and the effectively two-dimensional subspace of the full
Hilbert space spanning the level crossing. This makes it possible to give the
leading order behaviour for the search time and the localisation probability in
the limit of large lattice size including the leading order coefficients. For
d=2 and d=3, these coefficients are calculated explicitly. Closed form
expressions are given for higher dimensions
Hamiltonian and measuring time for analog quantum search
We derive in this study a Hamiltonian to solve with certainty the analog
quantum search problem analogue to the Grover algorithm. The general form of
the initial state is considered. Since the evaluation of the measuring time for
finding the marked state by probability of unity is crucially important in the
problem, especially when the Bohr frequency is high, we then give the exact
formula as a function of all given parameters for the measuring time.Comment: 5 page
Quantum computers can search arbitrarily large databases by a single query
This paper shows that a quantum mechanical algorithm that can query
information relating to multiple items of the database, can search a database
in a single query (a query is defined as any question to the database to which
the database has to return a (YES/NO) answer). A classical algorithm will be
limited to the information theoretic bound of at least O(log N) queries (which
it would achieve by using a binary search).Comment: Several enhancements to the original pape
Nested quantum search and NP-complete problems
A quantum algorithm is known that solves an unstructured search problem in a
number of iterations of order , where is the dimension of the
search space, whereas any classical algorithm necessarily scales as . It
is shown here that an improved quantum search algorithm can be devised that
exploits the structure of a tree search problem by nesting this standard search
algorithm. The number of iterations required to find the solution of an average
instance of a constraint satisfaction problem scales as , with
a constant depending on the nesting depth and the problem
considered. When applying a single nesting level to a problem with constraints
of size 2 such as the graph coloring problem, this constant is
estimated to be around 0.62 for average instances of maximum difficulty. This
corresponds to a square-root speedup over a classical nested search algorithm,
of which our presented algorithm is the quantum counterpart.Comment: 18 pages RevTeX, 3 Postscript figure
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