353 research outputs found

    Classical frustration and quantum disorder in spin-orbital models

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    The most elementary of all physical spin-orbital models is the Kugel-Khomskii model describing a S=1/2, ege_g degenerate Mott-insulator. Recent theoretical work is reviewed revealing that the classical limit is characterized by a point of perfect dynamical frustration. It is suggested that this might give rise to a quantum disordered ground state.Comment: 7 pages Revtex, 3 ps figures, proceedings 1998 NEC symposium, Nasu, Japa

    Near-real-time TOMS, telecommunications and meteorological support for the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment

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    The goal of the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment was to improve the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole. Total ozone data taken by the Nimbus-7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) played a central role in the successful outcome of the experiment. During the experiment, the near-real-time TOMS total ozone observations were supplied within hours of real time to the operations center in Punta Arenas, Chile. The final report summarizes the role which Research and Data Systems (RDS) Corporation played in the support of the experiment. The RDS provided telecommunications to support the science and operations efforts for the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment, and supplied near real-time weather information to ensure flight and crew safety; designed and installed the telecommunications network to link NASA-GSFC, the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO), Palmer Station, the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to the operation at Punta Arenas; engineered and installed stations and other stand-alone systems to collect data from designated low-orbiting polar satellites and beacons; provided analyses of Nimbus-7 TOMS data and backup data products to Punta Arenas; and provided synoptic meteorological data analysis and reduction

    Spin and orbital excitation spectrum in the Kugel-Khomskii model

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    We discuss spin and orbital ordering in the twofold orbital degenerate superexchange model in three dimensions relevant to perovskite transition metal oxides. We focus on the particular point on the classical phase diagram where orbital degeneracy is lifted by quantum effects exclusively. Dispersion and damping of the spin and orbital excitations are calculated at this point taking into account their mutual interaction. Interaction corrections to the mean-field order parameters are found to be small. We conclude that quasi-one-dimensional Neel spin order accompanied by the uniform d_{3z^2-r^2}-type orbital ordering is stable against quantum fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages with 3 PS figures, 1 table, RevTeX, accepted to Phys. Rev. B. Rapid Communicatio

    Single-electron tunneling in InP nanowires

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    We report on the fabrication and electrical characterization of field-effect devices based on wire-shaped InP crystals grown from Au catalyst particles by a vapor-liquid-solid process. Our InP wires are n-type doped with diameters in the 40-55 nm range and lengths of several microns. After being deposited on an oxidized Si substrate, wires are contacted individually via e-beam fabricated Ti/Al electrodes. We obtain contact resistances as low as ~10 kOhm, with minor temperature dependence. The distance between the electrodes varies between 0.2 and 2 micron. The electron density in the wires is changed with a back gate. Low-temperature transport measurements show Coulomb-blockade behavior with single-electron charging energies of ~1 meV. We also demonstrate energy quantization resulting from the confinement in the wire.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-wave softening and Hund's coupling in ferromagnetic manganites

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    Using one-orbital model of hole-doped manganites, we show with the help of Holstein-Primakov transformation that finite Hund's coupling is responsible for the spin-wave softening in the ferromagnetic BB-phase manganites. We obtain an analytical result for the spin-wave spectrum for \JH\gg t. In the limit of infinte Hund's coupling, the spectrum is the conventional nearest-neighbor Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin-wave. The o(t/\JH)-order correction is negative and thus accounts for the softening near the zone boundary.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Orbital order in classical models of transition-metal compounds

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    We study the classical 120-degree and related orbital models. These are the classical limits of quantum models which describe the interactions among orbitals of transition-metal compounds. We demonstrate that at low temperatures these models exhibit a long-range order which arises via an "order by disorder" mechanism. This strongly indicates that there is orbital ordering in the quantum version of these models, notwithstanding recent rigorous results on the absence of spin order in these systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps fi

    Multicomponent intervention for patients admitted to an emergency unit for suicide attempt: an exploratory study

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    Suicide is a major cause of premature deaths worldwide and belongs to the top priority public health issues. While suicide attempt is the most important risk factor for completed suicide, intervention for suicide attempters (SA) have produced mixed results. Since an important proportion of SA request medical care, emergency units (EU) are an opportune setting to implement such interventions. This exploratory study evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of a multicomponent intervention for SA admitted to an EU. The intervention consisted of coordination by a case manager of a joint crisis plan (JCP), an early meeting with relatives and the existing care network, as well as phone contacts during 3 months after suicide attempt. Among 107 SA admitted to the emergency unit during the study period, 51 could not be included for logistical reason, 22 were excluded, and intervention was offered to 34. Of these, 15 refused the intervention, which was thus piloted with 19 SA. First-time attempters most frequently declined the intervention. Feasibility and acceptability of phone contacts and case manager were good, while JCPs and meetings were difficult to implement and perceived as less acceptable. Refusal pattern questions the global acceptability and is discussed: JCPs and meetings will have to be modified in order to improve their feasibility and acceptability, especially among first-time attempters

    Orbital dynamics in ferromagnetic transition metal oxides

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    We consider a model of strongly correlated ege_g electrons interacting by superexchange orbital interactions in the ferromagnetic phase of LaMnO3_3. It is found that the classical orbital order with alternating occupied ege_g orbitals has a full rotational symmetry at orbital degeneracy, and the excitation spectrum derived using the linear spin-wave theory is gapless. The quantum (fluctuation) corrections to the order parameter and to the ground state energy restore the cubic symmetry of the model. By applying a uniaxial pressure orbital degeneracy is lifted in a tetragonal field and one finds an orbital-flop phase with a gap in the excitation spectrum. In two dimensions the classical order is more robust near the orbital degeneracy point and quantum effects are suppressed. The orbital excitation spectra obtained using finite temperature diagonalization of two-dimensional clusters consist of a quasiparticle accompanied by satellite structures. The orbital waves found within the linear spin-wave theory provide an excellent description of the dominant pole of these spectra.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Orbital order out of spin disorder: How to measure the orbital gap

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    The interplay between spin and orbital degrees of freedom in the Mott-Hubbard insulator is studied by considering an orbitally degenerate superexchange model. We argue that orbital order and the orbital excitation gap in this model are generated through the order-from-disorder mechanism known previously from frustrated spin models. We propose that the orbital gap should show up indirectly in the dynamical spin structure factor; it can therefore be measured using the conventional inelastic neutron scattering method

    Exact Ground States in Spin Systems with Orbital Degeneracy

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    We present exact ground states in spin models with orbital generacy in one and higher dimensions. A method to obtain the exact ground states of the models when the Hamiltonians are composed of the products of two commutable operators is proposed. For the case of the spin-1/2 model with two-fold degeneracy some exact ground states are given, such as the Valence-Bond (VB), the magnetically ordered, and the orbitally ordered states under particular parameter regimes. We also find the models with the higher spin and degeneracy which have the new types of VB ground states in the spin and the orbital sectors.Comment: 4 pages(JPSJ.sty), 2 figures(EPS), to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, No.2 (1999) 32