889 research outputs found

    Topologically confined states at corrugations of gated bilayer graphene

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    We investigate the electronic and transport properties of gated bilayer graphene with one corrugated layer, which results in a stacking AB/BA boundary. When a gate voltage is applied to one layer, topologically protected gap states appear at the corrugation, which reveal as robust transport channels along the stacking boundary. With increasing size of the corrugation, more localized, quantum-well-like states emerge. These finite-size states are also conductive along the fold, but in contrast to the stacking boundary states, which are gapless, they present a gap. We have also studied periodic corrugations in bilayer graphene; our findings show that such corrugations between AB- and BA-stacked regions behave as conducting channels that can be easily identified by their shape

    Interface States in Carbon Nanotube Junctions: Rolling up graphene

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    We study the origin of interface states in carbon nanotube intramolecular junctions between achiral tubes. By applying the Born-von Karman boundary condition to an interface between armchair- and zigzag-terminated graphene layers, we are able to explain their number and energies. We show that these interface states, costumarily attributed to the presence of topological defects, are actually related to zigzag edge states, as those of graphene zigzag nanoribbons. Spatial localization of interface states is seen to vary greatly, and may extend appreciably into either side of the junction. Our results give an alternative explanation to the unusual decay length measured for interface states of semiconductor nanotube junctions, and could be further tested by local probe spectroscopies

    Gate-controlled conductance through bilayer graphene ribbons

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    We study the conductance of a biased bilayer graphene flake with monolayer nanoribbon contacts. We find that the transmission through the bilayer ribbon strongly depends on the applied bias between the two layers and on the relative position of the monolayer contacts. Besides the opening of an energy gap on the bilayer, the bias allows to tune the electronic density on the bilayer flake, making possible the control of the electronic transmission by an external parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures include

    Electronic transport through bilayer graphene flakes

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    We investigate the electronic transport properties of a bilayer graphene flake contacted by two monolayer nanoribbons. Such a finite-size bilayer flake can be built by overlapping two semiinfinite ribbons or by depositing a monolayer flake onto an infinite nanoribbon. These two structures have a complementary behavior, that we study and analyze by means of a tight-binding method and a continuum Dirac model. We have found that for certain energy ranges and geometries, the conductance of these systems oscillates markedly between zero and the maximum value of the conductance, allowing for the design of electromechanical switches. Our understanding of the electronic transmission through bilayer flakes may provide a way to measure the interlayer hopping in bilayer graphene.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure