139 research outputs found
Double fermiophobic Higgs boson production at the LHC and LC
We consider the phenomenology of a fermiophobic Higgs boson (h_f) at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and a e+e- Linear Collider (LC). At both machines
the standard production mechanisms which rely on the coupling h_fVV (V=W,Z) can
be very suppressed at large tan beta. In such cases the complementary channels
pp to H^\pm h_f, A^0 h_f and e+e- to A^0 h_f offer promising cross-sections.
Together with the potentially large branching ratios for H^\pm to h_fW* and A^0
to h_fZ*, these mechanisms would give rise to double h_f production, leading to
signatures of gamma gamma gamma gamma, gamma gamma VV and VVVV.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, expanded discussion, fig.1 changed slightly,
version to appear in Phys.Rev.
Cerebral microembolization during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery with the Symmetry aortic connector device
ObjectiveThe use of aortic connector systems for proximal vein grafts in off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting might minimize aortic manipulation by eliminating the need for partial aortic clamping. The objective of this study was to asses whether use of a Symmetry connector (St Jude Medical, Inc, St Paul, Minn) reduced intraoperative cerebral embolization.MethodsThirty-two consecutive patients underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Sixteen patients received at least one mechanical proximal vein graft anastomosis with a Symmetry aortic connector system. Sixteen patients representing the control group underwent operations with standard suturing techniques using partial aortic clamping. During surgical intervention, all patients were monitored continuously with multifrequency transcranial Doppler scanning, which detected and differentiated cerebral emboli.ResultsThere were significantly more cerebral emboli in the Symmetry group (median, 36) compared with the control group (median, 11; P = .027). This was due to a higher number of gaseous emboli in the Symmetry group than in the control group (median, 27 vs 8; P = .014), whereas there was no significant difference regarding the number of solid emboli (median, 7 vs 3; P = .139).ConclusionUse of a Symmetry connector system during proximal vein graft anastomosis increased the number of emboli to the brain compared with a standard technique in coronary bypass surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass
Discovering a Light Higgs Boson with Light
We evaluate the prospects for detecting a non-standard light Higgs boson with
a significant branching ratio to two photons, in Run II of the Fermilab
Tevatron. We derive the reach for several channels: inclusive,
jet and jets. We present the expected Run II limits on
the branching ratio of as a function of the Higgs mass, for
the case of ``bosonic'', as well as ``topcolor'' Higgs bosons.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, 4 tables, uses aipproc2.sty, contributed
to the Physics at Run II Workshop, analysis redone with optimized cuts and
improved background estimate, references adde
NLO corrections to ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon scattering, shadowing and small x
We reconsider the Standard Model interactions of ultra-high energy neutrinos
with matter. The next to leading order QCD corrections are presented for
charged-current and neutral-current processes. Contrary to popular
expectations, these corrections are found to be quite substantial, especially
for very large (anti-) neutrino energies. Hence, they need to be taken into
account in any search for new physics effects in high-energy neutrino
interactions. In our extrapolation of the parton densities to kinematical
regions as yet unexplored directly in terrestrial accelerators, we are guided
by double asymptotic scaling in the large Q^2 and small Bjorken x region and to
models of saturation in the low Q^2 and low x regime. The sizes of the
consequent uncertainties are commented upon. We also briefly discuss some
variables which are insensitive to higher order QCD corrections and are hence
suitable in any search for new physics.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2e, uses JHEP3.cls (included), 8 ps files for figures
published versio
Searching for a light Fermiophobic Higgs Boson at the Tevatron
We propose new production mechanisms for light fermiophobic Higgs bosons
() with suppressed couplings to vector bosons () at the Fermilab
Tevatron. These mechanisms (e.g. ) are complementary to the
conventional process , which suffers from a strong suppression of
in realistic models with a . The new mechanisms extend the
coverage at the Tevatron Run II to the larger region, and offer the
possibility of observing new event topologies with up to 4 photons.Comment: 15 pages, including 5 eps-figure
The CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model: the approach to the decoupling limit
A CP-even neutral Higgs boson with Standard-Model-like couplings may be the
lightest scalar of a two-Higgs-doublet model. We study the decoupling limit of
the most general CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model, where the mass of the
lightest Higgs scalar is significantly smaller than the masses of the other
Higgs bosons of the model. In this case, the properties of the lightest Higgs
boson are nearly indistinguishable from those of the Standard Model Higgs
boson. The first non-trivial corrections to Higgs couplings in the approach to
the decoupling limit are also evaluated. The importance of detecting such
deviations in precision Higgs measurements at future colliders is emphasized.
We also clarify the case in which a neutral Higgs boson can possess
Standard-Model-like couplings in a regime where the decoupling limit does not
apply. The two-Higgs-doublet sector of the minimal supersymmetric model
illustrates many of the above features.Comment: 54 pages, 2 tables, revtex4 format, some new material added
(including elegant forms for the three-Higgs and four-Higgs couplings) and
typographical errors fixe
NEOadjuvant therapy monitoring with PET and CT in Esophageal Cancer (NEOPEC-trial)
Contains fulltext :
70883.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Surgical resection is the preferred treatment of potentially curable esophageal cancer. To improve long term patient outcome, many institutes apply neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. In a large proportion of patients no response to chemoradiotherapy is achieved. These patients suffer from toxic and ineffective neoadjuvant treatment, while appropriate surgical therapy is delayed. For this reason a diagnostic test that allows for accurate prediction of tumor response early during chemoradiotherapy is of crucial importance. CT-scan and endoscopic ultrasound have limited accuracy in predicting histopathologic tumor response. Data suggest that metabolic changes in tumor tissue as measured by FDG-PET predict response better. This study aims to compare FDG-PET and CT-scan for the early prediction of non-response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with potentially curable esophageal cancer. METHODS/DESIGN: Prognostic accuracy study, embedded in a randomized multicenter Dutch trial comparing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for 5 weeks followed by surgery versus surgery alone for esophageal cancer. This prognostic accuracy study is performed only in the neoadjuvant arm of the randomized trial. In 6 centers, 150 consecutive patients will be included over a 3 year period. FDG-PET and CT-scan will be performed before and 2 weeks after the start of the chemoradiotherapy. All patients complete the 5 weeks regimen of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, regardless the test results. Pathological examination of the surgical resection specimen will be used as reference standard. Responders are defined as patients with < 10% viable residual tumor cells (Mandard-score).Difference in accuracy (area under ROC curve) and negative predictive value between FDG-PET and CT-scan are primary endpoints. Furthermore, an economic evaluation will be performed, comparing survival and costs associated with the use of FDG-PET (or CT-scan) to predict tumor response with survival and costs of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy without prediction of response (reference strategy). DISCUSSION: The NEOPEC-trial could be the first sufficiently powered study that helps justify implementation of FDG-PET for response-monitoring in patients with esophageal cancer in clinical practice. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN45750457
Some technique-dependent patterns of collateral flow during cerebral angiography
During selective transfemoral catheter cerebral angiography, anastomoses between external carotid branches and the vertebral artery, between the vertebral and deep or ascending cervical arteries, and between the middle meningeal and ophthalmic arteries can be demonstrated fairly frequently in patients with no known vascular abnormalities. One can occasionally show bidirectional filling of these anastomoses depending on the vessel injected. Visualization of these anastomoses occurs to a variable degree and is sometimes entirely technique-dependent, reflecting a transient increase in the intraluminal pressure during the injection of contrast medium.-Thus, demonstration of extracranial collateral arterial flow during cerebral angiography should not necessarily be interpreted as an abnormal phenomenon, such as may be seen with arterial occlusive disease, vascular malformation, or a very vascular tumor. Au cours de l'angiographie cérébrale parcathétérismes sélectifs par voie fémorale, peuvent apparaître des anastomoses entre des branches carotidiennes externes et l'artère vertébrale, entre l'artère vertébrale et les artères cérébrales profondes ou ascendantes et entre l'artère méningée moyenne et l'artère ophtalmique. Occasionnellement, on peut mettre en évidence un remplissage bidirectionnel de ces anastomoses, en rapport avec le vaisseau injecté. La visualisation de ces anastomoses se produit de facon variable dépend parfois entièrement de la technique, reflétant une augmentation transitoire de la pression dans l'artère durant l'injection du produit de contraste. Par conséquent, l'observation d'une circulation artérielle collatérale extracrânienne pendant une angiographie cérébrale ne représente pas nécéssairement un phénomène anormal tel qu'on le rencontre dans les troubles artériels occlusifs, dans les malformations vasculaires et dans les tumeurs vascularisées. Während der selektiven transfemoralen Katheter-Angiographie können sich Anastomosen zwischen Externa-Gefäßen und der A. vertebralis, zwischen der A. vertebralis und tiefen oder aufsteigenden cervicalen Arterien und zwischen der A. meningica media und der A. ophthalmica darstellen. Diese Befunde finden sich auch bei Patienten, bei denen keine Gef:aßanomalien vorliegen. Gelegentlich wird ein bidirektionaler Kontrastmitteldurchfluß durch diese Anastomosen nachgewiesen, dabei ist die Kontrastmittelfüllung von der Lokalisation der Kontrastmittelinjektion abhängig. Es zeigt sich also, daß diese unterschiedlichen Durchströmungen technisch bedingt werden können und nicht immer als abnormales Phänomen gedeutet werden können.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46671/1/234_2004_Article_BF00341594.pd
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