1,815 research outputs found
Bound entanglement in the XY model
We study the multi-spin entanglement for the 1D anisotropic XY model
concentrating on the simplest case of three-spin entanglement. As compared to
the pairwise entanglement, three-party quantum correlations have a longer range
and they are more robust on increasing the temperature.
We find regions of the phase diagram of the system where bound entanglement
occurs, both at zero and finite temperature. Bound entanglement in the ground
state can be obtained by tuning the magnetic field. Thermal bound entanglement
emerges naturally due to the effect of temperature on the free ground state
entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; some typos corrected, references adde
Monitoring currents in cold-atom circuits
Complex circuits of cold atoms can be exploited to devise new protocols for
the diagnostics of cold-atoms systems. Specifically, we study the quench
dynamics of a condensate confined in a ring-shaped potential coupled with a
rectilinear guide of finite size. We find that the dynamics of the atoms inside
the guide is distinctive of the states with different winding numbers in the
ring condensate. We also observe that the depletion of the density, localized
around the tunneling region of the ring condensate, can decay in a pair of
excitations experiencing a Sagnac effect. In our approach, the current states
of the condensate in the ring can be read out by inspection of the rectilinear
guide only, leaving the ring condensate minimally affected by the measurement.
We believe that our results set the basis for definition of new quantum
rotation sensors. At the same time, our scheme can be employed to explore
fundamental questions involving dynamics of bosonic condensates.Comment: Figures are enlarged. Section IV is added. Journal reference adde
Topology induced anomalous defect production by crossing a quantum critical point
We study the influence of topology on the quench dynamics of a system driven
across a quantum critical point. We show how the appearance of certain edge
states, which fully characterise the topology of the system, dramatically
modifies the process of defect production during the crossing of the critical
point. Interestingly enough, the density of defects is no longer described by
the Kibble-Zurek scaling, but determined instead by the non-universal
topological features of the system. Edge states are shown to be robust against
defect production, which highlights their topological nature.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for a discrete-state BCS pairing model
We show in detail how Richardson's exact solution of a discrete-state BCS
(DBCS) model can be recovered as a special case of an algebraic Bethe Ansatz
solution of the inhomogeneous XXX vertex model with twisted boundary
conditions: by implementing the twist using Sklyanin's K-matrix construction
and taking the quasiclassical limit, one obtains a complete set of conserved
quantities, H_i, from which the DBCS Hamiltonian can be constructed as a second
order polynomial. The eigenvalues and eigenstates of the H_i (which reduce to
the Gaudin Hamiltonians in the limit of infinitely strong coupling) are exactly
known in terms of a set of parameters determined by a set of on-shell Bethe
Ansatz equations, which reproduce Richardson's equations for these parameters.
We thus clarify that the integrability of the DBCS model is a special case of
the integrability of the twisted inhomogeneous XXX vertex model. Furthermore,
by considering the twisted inhomogeneous XXZ model and/or choosing a generic
polynomial of the H_i as Hamiltonian, more general exactly solvable models can
be constructed. -- To make the paper accessible to readers that are not Bethe
Ansatz experts, the introductory sections include a self-contained review of
those of its feature which are needed here.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Electrostatic analogy for integrable pairing force Hamiltonians
For the exactly solved reduced BCS model an electrostatic analogy exists; in
particular it served to obtain the exact thermodynamic limit of the model from
the Richardson Bethe ansatz equations. We present an electrostatic analogy for
a wider class of integrable Hamiltonians with pairing force interactions. We
apply it to obtain the exact thermodynamic limit of this class of models. To
verify the analytical results, we compare them with numerical solutions of the
Bethe ansatz equations for finite systems at half-filling for the ground state.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, revtex4. Minor change
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