27 research outputs found
The Power of Sex Localization Closure in Dolly Surabaya
- Dolly is part of the Surabaya city which is located in Putat Jaya District. The money flows in Dolly for a night reached 1 billion rupiah. This fact forced people from some groups to take benefits in Dolly's economy activities. In other hand, social groups were still strongly maintain the moral aspects from Dolly closure, escpecially for children rights protection. Children about 14 to 16 years old often became the actors from human trafficking that offered their own friends. Beside that, children at lower ages acted as sex addict from sex media. These findings informed us the Dolly closure were not easy. As Risma, the Surabaya Mayor, Dolly closure was a must that would need a strong effort to manage and control its impacts. The Dolly closing which conducted on 18 June 2014 had economic, social, and politic impacts. The closing program need to be discuss by all aspects in Surabaya. It should be emphasize people from Dolly to have enough skill for their family income.Keywords – Commercial Sex Worker, Dolly, Power interpla
Pengaruh Tekanan Eksternal, Komitmen Manajemen, Ketidakpastian Lingkungan, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Dan Aksesibilitas Laporan Keuangan Terhadap Penerapan Transparansi Pelaporan Keuangan (Survei Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Pelalawan)
This research aims to test the influence of external pressures, environmental uncertainty, management commitment, leadership style, and accessibility of the financial statements for the application of the transparency of financial reporting. The location of this research is a unit of Work of regional Government of Pelalawan Device. The technique of collecting samples in this research is done by using a purposive sampling method with the total sample as much as 64 respondents. Types and sources of data are the primary and secondary data. Methods of data analysis done with test of normality, validity, reliability, multikolinieritas, heteroscedastisity, autocorrelation. This research hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis. Test tools top of hypothesis test is a test t, F and the coefficients of determination (R2). The tools used were SPSS statistics version 20.00. The results showed that variable of external pressure (1,7%), management commitment (2,5%), environmental uncertainly (20,2%), leadership style (1%), accessibility the financial statements (9%)
Kualitas internal telur itik ratu yang dipelihara secara intensif dan semi intensif
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas internal telur itik Ratu dengan sistem pemeliharaan semi intensif dan intensif terhadap warna kuning telur, berat kuning telur, indeks kuning telur dan indeks putih telur itik ratu yang di laksanakan di Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Ternak (THT) Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Sam Ratulangi pada tanggal 27 sampai tanngal 29 maret 2023. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji perbandingan rata-rata, menggunakan Uji t Tidak Berpasangan. Rata-rata warna kuning telur dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : 11,956±0,208 pada pemeliharaan intensif dan 15,000±0,000 pada pemeliharaan semi intensif. Hasil Uji t Tidak Berpasangan menunjukan berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01), untuk rata-rata berat kuning telur itik ratu yang dipelihara secara intensif 29,866±2,089 dan semi intensif 27,990±2,764. Berat kuning telur hasil uji t tidak berpasangan menunjukan berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01). Rata-rata indeks kuning telur itik pada pemeliharaan intensif 0,505±0,004 dan pemeliharaan semi intensif 0,464±0,046, indeks kuning telur pada pemeliharaan intensif dan semi intensif hasil uji t tidak berpasangan menunjukkan berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01), dan pada indeks putih telur menunjukan bahwa rata-rata pada pemeliharaan intensif 0,299±0,084 dan pemeliharaan semi intensif 0,277±0,078. Hasil uji t tidak berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) pada indeks putih telur telur itik ratu yang dipelihara menggunakan sistem pemeliharaan intensif dan semi intensif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa itik yang dipelihara menggunakan sistem pemeliharaan Intensif lebih baik dalam hal berat kuning telur, dan indeks kuning telur. Untuk warna kuning telur menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan dengan sistim semi intensif memberikan warna kuning telur itik lebih cerah (lebih orange). Sedangkan dalam hal Indeks putih telur untuk pemeliharaan semi intensif dan Intensif memberikan hasil yang sama baik.
Kata kunci : Telur itik ratu, intensif, semi intensi
Kajian Pengembangan Kawasan Kali Besar, Kotatua Sebagai Ruang Publik
Ruang publik perkotaan merupakan bagian penting dalam kota sebagai tempat bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Pendekatan placemaking merupakan salah satu konsep penguatan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan ruang publik dengan mengedepankan karakter, budaya, fungsi, dan keterlibatan berbagai pihak. Studi ini memakai pendekatan placemaking untuk melihat hasil revitalisasi Kawasan Kali Besar sebagai salah satu bentuk penyediaan ruang pulik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan, analisis dokumen, dan wawancara dengan masyarakat pengguna Kawasan Kali Besar. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa revitalisasi Kawasan Kali Besar dapat memenuhi beberapa faktor dari proses placemaking. Kawas`an Kali Besar sebagai ruang publik telah dilengkapi dengan aksesibilitas yang baik dan lingkungan yang nyaman, namun kawasan ini masih perlu didorong dengan berbagai aktivitas publik yang dapat diinisiasi oleh masyarakat dan komunitas sehingga bersifat lebih inklusif dan dapat menarik berbagai lapisan masyarakat.Kata kunci: revitalisasi kawasan; ruang publik; placemakin
Kajian Pengembangan Kawasan Kali Besar, Kotatua Sebagai Ruang Publik
Ruang publik perkotaan merupakan bagian penting dalam kota sebagai tempat bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Pendekatan placemaking merupakan salah satu konsep penguatan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan ruang publik dengan mengedepankan karakter, budaya, fungsi, dan keterlibatan berbagai pihak. Studi ini memakai pendekatan placemaking untuk melihat hasil revitalisasi Kawasan Kali Besar sebagai salah satu bentuk penyediaan ruang pulik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan, analisis dokumen, dan wawancara dengan masyarakat pengguna Kawasan Kali Besar. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa revitalisasi Kawasan Kali Besar dapat memenuhi beberapa faktor dari proses placemaking. Kawas`an Kali Besar sebagai ruang publik telah dilengkapi dengan aksesibilitas yang baik dan lingkungan yang nyaman, namun kawasan ini masih perlu didorong dengan berbagai aktivitas publik yang dapat diinisiasi oleh masyarakat dan komunitas sehingga bersifat lebih inklusif dan dapat menarik berbagai lapisan masyarakat.Kata kunci: revitalisasi kawasan; ruang publik; placemakin
Smallholder perceptions of land restoration activities: rewetting tropical peatland oil palm areas in Sumatra, Indonesia
The Indonesian government committed to restoring over 2 million ha of degraded peatland by the end of 2020, mainly to reduce peat fires and greenhouse gas emissions. Although it is unlikely the government will meet this target, restoration projects are still underway. One restoration strategy involves blocking peatland drainage canals, but the consequences of this for smallholder farmers whose livelihoods are dependent on agriculture are unclear. This paper investigates perceived impacts of canal blocks on smallholder farmers and identifies factors that affect their willingness to accept canal blocks on their land. We use data from 181 household questionnaires collected in 2018 across three villages in Jambi province, Sumatra. We found that the majority of respondents would accept canal blocks on their farms, perceiving that the blocks would have no impact on yields or farm access, and would decrease fire risk. Respondents who would not accept blocks on their farms were more likely to use canals to access their farms and perceive that canal blocks would decrease yields. The majority of farmers unwilling to accept canal blocks did not change their mind when provided with an option of a block that would allow boat travel. Our results improve understanding of why some smallholders may be unwilling to engage with peatland restoration. Further research is needed to understand the impact of canal blocks on smallholders’ yields. Engaging with stakeholders from the outset to understand farmers’ concerns, and perceptions is key if the government is to succeed in meeting its peatland restoration target and to ensure that the costs and benefits of restoration are evenly shared between local stakeholders and other actors
In situ synthesis process of nanographene and its characteristic
The results of the study of synthesis nano graphene from pyrolysis of tartaric acid compound obtained 29.8% yield. Crystallinity of nano graphene was analyzed by X-ray diffractometer and showed peak 2θ at 23.15° from the diffractogram. Nano graphene from tartaric acid has a particle size of 1 nm by the result of atomic force microscopy analysis. The photoluminescent properties were measured using spectrofluorometer with a 405 nm Diode Laser producing a peak at wavelength of 403.1 nm (blue region). Nano graphene maintain its stability in the pH range of 3-12 as well as on the addition of salt with concentration of 0.15 M; 0.30 M; and 0.50 M for 24 hours
A study of the Scrum Master’s role
Scrum is an increasingly common approach to software development adopted by organizations around the world. However, as organizations transition from traditional plan-driven development to agile development with Scrum, the question arises as to which Scrum role (Product Owner, Scrum Master, or Scrum Team Member) corresponds to a Project Manager, or conversely which Scrum role should the Project Managers adopt?
In an attempt to answer this question, we adopted a mixed-method research approach comprising a systematic literature review and embedded case study of a commercial software development team. Our research has identified activities that comprise the Scrum Master role, and which additional roles are actually performed by Scrum Masters in practice.
We found nine activities that are performed by Scrum Masters. In addition, we found that Scrum Masters also perform other roles, most importantly as Project Managers. This latter situation results in tension and conflict of interest that could have a negative impact on the performance of the team as a whole.
These results point to the need to re-assess the role of Project Managers in organizations that adopt Scrum as a development approach. We hypothesize that it might be better for Project Managers to become Product Owners, as aspects of this latter role are more consistent with the traditional responsibilities of a Project Manager
Pendididikan Emansipatoris dan Masyarakat Madani
The civil society is basically a society which is dialogueorientedand emancipato~ya s well as independent in natuse.It is an arena where various social movements express themselvesin groups to proceed with their interests.'Fo come to such a society there needs to be a socialtransformation which involves, among others, education.All this time the educational realities in Indonesia have notheen adequate fol the formation of the cibil society. 1 herefore,there needs to be a refosniation of the educational pal adigmso that education which is emancipato~? iu nature isachieved. Habermas' theory of co~ununicationc an be onealternative means in the course of reforming the educationalparadigm in Indonesia.The imple~nentationo ft laber~nas't heory of communicationin education can be made in the teaching-learningprocess. This process demands the fulfillment of the claimsof communication concerning tr~1t1-r1i.g htness. sincerity, andcomprehensibility. In the teaching-learning process whichfdfils the claims of comnlunication will appear the dimensionsof interest, discourse. consensus, and emancipationwhich bring the teacher and students together to a self-I eflection