201 research outputs found
Deep Learning-Based Point Upsampling for Edge Enhancement of 3D-Scanned Data and Its Application to Transparent Visualization
Large-scale 3D-scanned point clouds enable the accurate and easy recording of complex 3D objects in the real world. The acquired point clouds often describe both the surficial and internal 3D structure of the scanned objects. The recently proposed edge-highlighted transparent visualization method is effective for recognizing the whole 3D structure of such point clouds. This visualization utilizes the degree of opacity for highlighting edges of the 3D-scanned objects, and it realizes clear transparent viewing of the entire 3D structures. However, for 3D-scanned point clouds, the quality of any edge-highlighting visualization depends on the distribution of the extracted edge points. Insufficient density, sparseness, or partial defects in the edge points can lead to unclear edge visualization. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a deep learning-based upsampling method focusing on the edge regions of 3D-scanned point clouds to generate more edge points during the 3D-edge upsampling task. The proposed upsampling network dramatically improves the point-distributional density, uniformity, and connectivity in the edge regions. The results on synthetic and scanned edge data show that our method can improve the percentage of edge points more than 15% compared to the existing point cloud upsampling network. Our upsampling network works well for both sharp and soft edges. A combined use with a noise-eliminating filter also works well. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our upsampling network by applying it to various real 3D-scanned point clouds. We also prove that the improved edge point distribution can improve the visibility of the edge-highlighted transparent visualization of complex 3D-scanned objects
This practical research study sought to clarify the treatment effect of, and means of a narrative approach toward, the depressed elderly that could by applied in nursing care with the hope of contributing to the development of a nursing-specific treatment approach that can help to alleviate depression among the elderly. Five hospitalized elderly patients with depression, aged 65 or older, participated in individual interviews based on a narrative approach that were conducted by the nurse researcher. Changes that occurred in the patients’ discourses and the researcher’s nursing practice over time were recorded and subjected to qualitative inductive analysis. In addition, the process of reciprocal interaction between the patients and researcher were examined with reference to Travelbee’s “human-to-human relationship model”. In the initial phase of the encounters between the patients and researcher, the patients’ discourses focused mainly on their physical suffering. The researcher attempted to build mutual trust by accompanying their mental and physical suffering, and through the mutual trust that developed the researcher prompted them to share their experiences without anxiety. Through this relationship, a coidentity emerged between the two parties. As the interviews progressed, the patients’ discourses changed to express their suffering in an intrapsychic world. A deepening of relationship and changes in it occurred between the patients and researcher, and the researcher had “opportunities to reach the heart of the depressed elderly through mutual identification” and listen to their psychological suffering. When their relationship progressed from identification to empathy, the patients told the researcher of their psychological suffering and life history : the discourses now contained previously untold stories, details of the times in which they lived, meaning in their life, and sociality. The discourses finally developed to express self-insights and hopes. This is when the patients and the researcher shared vividly that they now had a connection and rapport was established. The researcher supported the reestablishment of positives in the patients’ discourses by “wishing for their recovery and actualizing their hopes”, while also accepting their feelings of hopelessness that their depression would never be cured. The continuous narrative approach provided as part of nursing practice enabled the elderly patients who had been experiencing depressive feelings due to physical and intrapsychic suffering to alleviate their depression.本研究は、うつ病高齢者に対するナラティヴアプローチの治療的効果とその実践方法に ついて明らかにすることを目的とした実践研究である。 入院治療を受けているうつ病高齢者5名に対して、ナラティヴアプローチを行い、研究 参加者の語りの変化と研究者の看護実践をデータとして質的帰納的に分析を行った。また、 ナラティヴアプローチの実践によって、参加者と研究者の相互作用が進展していくプロセ スをTravelbee13) の理論に則って捉えた。 研究参加者の語りは、初期の出会いの位相では《身体の苦悩を基軸とした語り》が中心 であった。研究者は、『うつ病高齢者の心身のつらさに添いながら相互信頼を構築する』か かわりを基盤とし、参加者が研究者とともに安心して自己の体験を語ることができるよう に配慮していた。そのようなかかわりによって、両者の間に同一性が出現した。面接の経 過を経るに従い語りの内容は変化し、参加者は《精神内界の苦悩を表出》するようになっ た。研究者は、参加者との関係性の深まりや変化をみながら、状況に応じて『相互に一体 感をもちうつ病高齢者の琴線に触れる』かかわりを行い、精神的な苦悩を傾聴していた。 参加者と研究者の相互関係は同一化から共感の位相に進展したことによって、精神的な苦 悩や生活史が語られるようになり、そこには各参加者のいまだ語られていなかった物語や 生きられた時間、意味性、社会性が表現されていた。そして、同感の位相を経て、最終的 に参加者の語りは《自己洞察と希望の表出》という形に展開した。ここには、参加者と研 究者の間に、お互いが結ばれているという生き生きとした体験が基盤にあり、ラポールが 構築された。研究者は、参加者の抑うつ感情や「病気が治ることはない」という絶望感に 添い、受容しながらも、『回復や希望の実現を願う』ことで参加者の語りがポジティブに再 構築されるように支援していた。これまで、身体の苦悩や抱え込んでいた精神内界の苦悩 によって抑うつを体験していた参加者は、継続したナラティヴアプローチによって、抑う つを緩和することができていた
看護学生の実習前後におけるB型肝炎,水痘,風疹,麻疹抗体 価およびツベルクリン反応,MRSA鼻腔保菌の変化
Objectives: The first objective of this study was to examine the possible occupational risk of contracting hepatitis B virus (HBV), the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), rubella, measles, tuberculin skin test (TST) or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among nursing students during clinical practice for patient\u27s care. The second objective was to investigate whether testing for the diseases increased student awareness of infection control.Methods: Sera from 56 nursing students before their clinical practice and post clinical practice were tested for the presence of HBV surface antigen(HBs), VZV, rubella and measles antibodies. The TST and the testing for the nasal carriage of MRSA were examined in 22 and 48 nursing students respectively. We also examined the effect of participation in immune status testing on the perception of nursing students for occupational infection control through the use of questionnaires.Results: After clinical practice, one student had a significant rise in the antibody titer to HBsAg. Except for HB, no significant difference was detected in the antibody titer to VZV, measles, rubella between sera from before and after the nursing practice of the nursing students. However, a (4.5%) rise from weak positive to strong positive in the in TST status was observed in one student. One student, who administered direct care to a MRSA carrier patient, contracted temporary nasal carriage of MRSA (2.2%).As for the nursing students\u27 perception, thirty-nine of fifty six students, or 69.6%, gave this affirmative answer to participation in this immune status testing for occupational infection control.本研究は,1年半にわたる看護実習における院内感染のリスクを査定し,看護教育において抗体価測定等の実施が感染予防の視点から看護学生に及ぼす効果を検討することを目的に行った.富山医科薬科大学(現富山大学)において,倫理審査委員会の承認を得,学生への説明と同意の下,56名の看護学生において実習開始前と1年半後の実習終了時にB型肝炎ウイルス抗体価,小児ウイルス感染症(水痘,風疹,麻疹)抗体価,ツベルクリン反応,MRSAの鼻腔内保菌状態の変化,および意識調査を行った.その結果,実習前後で比較し,B型肝炎ウイルス抗体価において4倍以上の抗体価の上昇があった学生が1名(1.8%)みられた.ツベルクリン反応は実習前後での比較は22名に行い,実習前後で弱陽性から強陽性になった学生が1名(4.5%)いたが,発症はしていなかった.MRSAの鼻腔内保菌状態については,48名に行い,黄色ブドウ球菌の保菌率には差がなかったが,MRSAについては,実習後1名(2.1%)に一時的な保菌が認められた.意識調査においては,自由回答で56人中39人(69.6%)が「自分の抗体価を知ることができた」,「感染予防に対する意識が高まった」などの肯定的な回答を示した.以上から,実習中のB型肝炎ウイルス,結核菌,MRSAに関しての暴露が示唆され,抗体価等の検査は学生の感染予防への意識を高める効果があった.実習時の感染については,教育機関として健診活動を強化し,学生への感染予防教育を推進する必要がある
Aluminum porphyrins with quaternary ammonium halides as catalysts for copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide and CO2: metal–ligand cooperative catalysis
Bifunctional AlIII porphyrins with quaternary ammonium halides, 2-Cl and 2-Br, worked as excellent catalysts for the copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide (CHO) and CO2 at 120 °C. Turnover frequency (TOF) and turnover number (TON) reached 10 000 h−1 and 55 000, respectively, and poly(cyclohexene carbonate) (PCHC) with molecular weight of up to 281 000 was obtained with a catalyst loading of 0.001 mol%. In contrast, bifunctional MgII and ZnII counterparts, 3-Cl and 4-Cl, as well as a binary catalyst system, 1-Cl with bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride (PPNCl), showed poor catalytic performances. Kinetic studies revealed that the reaction rate was first-order in [CHO] and [2-Br] and zero-order in [CO2], and the activation parameters were determined: ΔH‡ = 12.4 kcal mol−1, ΔS‡ = −26.1 cal mol−1 K−1, and ΔG‡ = 21.6 kcal mol−1 at 80 °C. Comparative DFT calculations on two model catalysts, AlIII complex 2′ and MgII complex 3′, allowed us to extract key factors in the catalytic behavior of the bifunctional AlIII catalyst. The high polymerization activity and carbonate-linkage selectivity originate from the cooperative actions of the metal center and the quaternary ammonium cation, both of which facilitate the epoxide-ring opening by the carbonate anion to form the carbonate linkage in the key transition state such as TS3b (ΔH‡ = 13.3 kcal mol−1, ΔS‡ = −3.1 cal mol−1 K−1, and ΔG‡ = 14.4 kcal mol−1 at 80 °C)
Experiences of Negotiations for Improving Research Environment and Burnout among Young Physician Researchers in Japan
Physician scientists in Japan are often too busy to be sufficiently involved in research work. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate their experiences negotiating with their superiors to improve their research environment and determine its relationship with psychological burnout. Among 1790 physician awardees of Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists in 2014-2015, 490 responded (response rate 27.4%) and 408 were eligible for analysis. Outcome measures included two negotiation experiences: for reduction of clinical duty hours/promotion opportunities and for increased space or equipment/increased research budget. The main explanatory variables were personal, patient-related, and work-related burnout measured by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. The percentages of the above-mentioned two types of negotiations were 20-24% in women and 17-20% in men. Multivariable stepwise logistic regression analyses demonstrated that (1) the negotiation for reduction of clinical duty hours/promotion opportunities was significantly associated with physician scientists who had a short amount of weekly research time and high patient-related burnout score, and (2) the negotiation for increased space or equipment/increased research budget was significantly associated with older age, single status, and high personal and patient-related burnout scores. High burnout is related to negotiation experiences among physician researchers in Japan
<Abstract of published report>Dysfunction of Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Neuronal System in β-Amyloid Protein- Infused Rats.
Factors related to employment in childhood cancer survivors in Japan: A preliminary study
PurposePrevious research has revealed vocational and academic difficulties in childhood cancer survivors, and explored impact of survivors' medical history and physical function on vocational and academic status. However, we often encounter survivors with similar diagnoses and late effects but different academic or employment statuses. This raises the question of what affects academic attainment and employment other than treatment or late effects. This study aimed to explore factors associated with childhood cancer survivors' employment status and academic achievement.MethodsComprehensive health check-up and questionnaire survey were conducted for 69 survivors who were over the age of 18 and participated in St. Luke's Lifetime cohort study. We obtained survivors' biological function using comprehensive health check-up, neurocognitive states, quality of life, transition readiness, and family function. We conducted univariate analysis (Mann–Whitney U tests or chi-square tests) to compare the differences between the regular workers/students and non-regular workers/unemployed groups. The variables with p-values <0.1 were used as independent variables multivariate logistic regression to explore predictors of employment status and academic attainment.ResultsResult of the univariate analysis, intelligence quotient, SF-8 PCS, transition readiness, family function were used for multivariate logistic regression as independent variables. The stepwise likelihood method was conducted; intelligence quotient (odds ratio [OR] = 1.100; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.015–1.193; p = 0.021), transition readiness (OR = 0.612; 95% CI 0.396–0.974; p = 0.038), and family function (OR = 2.337; 95% CI 1.175–4.645; p = 0.015) were found to be associated with survivors' regular workers/students in the final regression model.ConclusionLong-term follow-up of pediatric cancer survivors requires the provision of total care, which supports physical, psychological, and social functions to improve health, readiness for transition to self-management, and family functioning
Childcare support through baby massage and children's song workshops Based on a survey of mothers' awareness
本研究は、母親と子どもを対象としたベビーマッサージおよびわらべうたのワークショップの実践を通して、子育て支援の実践の在り方について検討するものである。4 組の親子にベビーマッサージを実施する手順で進め、各部位のマッサージ法と近い遊び方のわらべうたを同時に教え、歌いながら進めていった。母親の意識の変化を知るためにベビーマッサージの前後にアンケートを実施した結果、親子のコミュニケーションや母親の癒しという観点が表れており、子育て中の母親にとって、これらの点に関する支援の需要が高いことが窺われた。参加した親子は今回が初対面であったのであるが、ベビーマッサージとわらべうたによって子どもと密に関わるだけでなく、同じ境遇の母親同士が同じ目的で時間を共有して交流ができたことも、楽しさに繋がったことが明らかとなった。このことから、子育て支援の場を提供する場合には、子どもとのコミュニケーション、他の親子との交流、母親自身の楽しみや癒しが必要であることが考えられる。This study examines how child-rearing support should be practiced through the practice of baby massage and children's song workshops for mothers and children. We proceeded with the procedure of giving baby massage to four groups of parents and children, teaching them how to massage each part of the body and a children's song similar to the play style, and singing along as we progressed. As a result of conducting a questionnaire before and after baby massage to find out changes in mothers' awareness, it was found that there was a strong need for support in these areas for mothers who are raising children. I could hear it. Although this was the first time for the participating parents and children to meet, it was fun not only to get to know their children closely through baby massage and children's songs, but also to be able to interact with other mothers who were in the same situation and share time with each other for the same purpose. It became clear that it was connected to. This suggests that when providing a place to support child rearing, it is necessary to communicate with the child, interact with other parents and children, and have fun and soothe the mother herself.研究ノートdepartmental bulletin pape
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