103 research outputs found
Generalized Lee-Wick Formulation from Higher Derivative Field Theories
We study a higher derivative (HD) field theory with an arbitrary order of
derivative for a real scalar field. The degree of freedom for the HD field can
be converted to multiple fields with canonical kinetic terms up to the overall
sign. The Lagrangian describing the dynamics of the multiple fields is known as
the Lee-Wick (LW) form. The first step to obtain the LW form for a given HD
Lagrangian is to find an auxiliary field (AF) Lagrangian which is equivalent to
the original HD Lagrangian up to the quantum level. Till now, the AF Lagrangian
has been studied only for N=2 and 3 cases, where is the number of poles of
the two-point function of the HD scalar field. We construct the AF Lagrangian
for arbitrary . By the linear combinations of AF fields, we also obtain the
corresponding LW form. We find the explicit mapping matrices among the HD
fields, the AF fields, and the LW fields. As an exercise of our construction,
we calculate the relations among parameters and mapping matrices for ,
and 4 cases.Comment: 23 pages, version to appear in PRD, we improved the transformation
from HD to LW in Subsection 3.1, added comments on gauge field related with
AF Lagrangians in Conclusion, and added reference
Late Time Behaviors of an Inhomogeneous Rolling Tachyon
We study an inhomogeneous decay of an unstable D-brane in the context of
Dirac-Born-Infeld~(DBI)-type effective action. We consider tachyon and
electromagnetic fields with dependence of time and one spatial coordinate, and
an exact solution is found under an exponentially decreasing tachyon potential,
, which is valid for the description of the late time
behavior of an unstable D-brane. Though the obtained solution contains both
time and spatial dependence, the corresponding momentum density vanishes over
the entire spacetime region. The solution is governed by two parameters. One
adjusts the distribution of energy density in the inhomogeneous direction, and
the other interpolates between the homogeneous rolling tachyon and static
configuration. As time evolves, the energy of the unstable D-brane is converted
into the electric flux and tachyon matter.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in PR
Janus ABJM Models with Mass Deformation
We construct a large class of Janus ABJM models with mass
deformation, where the mass depends on a spatial (or lightcone) coordinate. We
also show that the resulting Janus model can be identified with an effective
action of M2-branes in the presence of a background self-dual 4-form field
strength varying along one spatial (or lightcone) coordinate.Comment: 17 pages, references added, published versio
Massive field contributions to the QCD vacuum tunneling amplitude
For the one-loop contribution to the QCD vacuum tunneling amplitude by quarks
of generic mass value, we make use of a calculational scheme exploiting a large
mass expansion together with a small mass expansion. The large mass expansion
for the effective action is given by a series involving higher-order
Seeley-DeWitt coefficients, and we carry this expansion up to order
, where denotes mass of the quark and the instanton
size parameter. For the small mass expansion, we use the known exact expression
for the particle propagation functions in an instanton background and evaluate
explicitly the effective action to order . A smooth interpolation of
the results from both expansions suggests that the quark contribution to the
instanton tunneling amplitude have a relatively simple -dependent
behavior.Comment: revtex, 4figures, 33page
BPS D-branes from an Unstable D-brane in a Curved Background
We find exact tachyon kink solutions of DBI type effective action describing
an unstable D5-brane with worldvolume gauge field turned on in a curved
background. The background of interest is the ten-dimensional lift of the
Salam-Sezgin vacuum and, in the asymptotic limit, it approaches . The solutions are identified as
composites of lower-dimensional D-branes and fundamental strings, and, in the
BPS limit, they become a D4D2F1 composite wrapped on where is inside . In one class of solutions we
find an infinite degeneracy with respect to a constant magnetic field along the
direction of NS-NS field on .Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, a footnote added, typos corrected and a
reference adde
Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Anisotropic Minimal Surfaces in LLM Geometries
We calculate the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE) of the
orbifold of Lin-Lunin-Maldacena (LLM) geometries which are dual to the vacua of
the mass-deformed ABJM theory with Chern-Simons level . By solving the
partial differential equations analytically, we obtain the HEEs for all LLM
solutions with arbitrary M2 charge and up to -order where
is the mass parameter. The renormalized entanglement entropies are all
monotonically decreasing near the UV fixed point in accordance with the
-theorem. Except the multiplication factor and to all orders in ,
they are independent of the overall scaling of Young diagrams which
characterize LLM geometries. Therefore we can classify the HEEs of LLM
geometries with orbifold in terms of the shape of Young diagrams
modulo overall size. HEE of each family is a pure number independent of the 't
Hooft coupling constant except the overall multiplication factor. We extend our
analysis to obtain HEE analytically to -order for the symmetric
droplet case.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur
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