1,346 research outputs found
Measuring the absolute photo detection efficiency using photon number correlations
We present two methods for determining the absolute detection efficiency of
photon-counting detectors directly from their singles rates under illumination
from a nonclassical light source. One method is based on a continuous variable
analogue to coincidence counting in discrete photon experiments, but does not
actually rely on high detector time resolutions. The second method is based on
difference detection which is a typical detection scheme in continuous variable
quantum optics experiments. Since no coincidence detection is required with
either method, they are useful for detection efficiency measurements of photo
detectors with detector time resolutions far too low to resolve coincidence
events.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, journal reference adde
Experiment on Interaction-Free Measurement in Neutron Interferometry
A neutron interferometric test of interaction-free detection of the presence
of an absorbing object in one arm of a neutron interferometer has been
performed. Despite deviations from the ideal performance characteristics of a
Mach-Zehnder interferometer it could be shown that information is obtained
without interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 postscript figures; submitted to Phys.Lett.A; Figures
contained only in replaced versio
Quantum Distillation Of Position Entanglement With The Polarization Degrees Of Freedom
Sources of entangled photon pairs using two parametric down-converters are
capable of generating interchangeable entanglement in two different degrees of
freedom. The connection between these two degrees of freedom allows the control
of the entanglement properties of one, by acting on the other degree of
freedom. We demonstrate experimentally, the quantum distillation of the
position entanglement using polarization analyzers.Comment: Submitted for publication in Optics Communication
Nonclassical interaction-free detection of objects in a monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator
We show that with an efficiency exceeding 99% one can use a monolithic
total-internal-reflection resonator in order to ascertain the presence of an
object without transferring a quantum of energy to it. We also propose an
experiment on the probabilistic meaning of the electric field that contains
only a very few photons.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 4 ps figures, author's www:
Hyperentangled Bell-state analysis
It is known that it is impossible to unambiguously distinguish the four Bell
states encoded in pairs of photon polarizations using only linear optics.
However, hyperentanglement, the simultaneous entanglement in more than one
degree of freedom, has been shown to assist the complete Bell analysis of the
four Bell states (given a fixed state of the other degrees of freedom). Yet
introducing other degrees of freedom also enlarges the total number of
Bell-like states. We investigate the limits for unambiguously distinguishing
these Bell-like states. In particular, when the additional degree of freedom is
qubit-like, we find that the optimal one-shot discrimination schemes are to
group the 16 states into 7 distinguishable classes, and that an unambiguous
discrimination is possible with two identical copies.Comment: typos corrected, to appear in PRA, 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 table
A novel active quenching circuit for single photon detection with Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes
In this paper we present a novel construction of an active quenching circuit
intended for single photon detection. For purpose of evaluation, we have
combined this circuit with a standard avalanche photodiode C30902S to form a
single photon detector. A series of measurements, presented here, show that
this single photon detector has a dead time of less than 40ns, maximum random
counting frequency of over 14MHz, low after pulsing, detection efficiency of
over 20% and a good noise performance. This simple and robust active quenching
circuit can be built from of-the-shelf electronic components and needs no
complicated adjustments.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, 15 reference
Atomic vapor-based high efficiency optical detectors with photon number resolution
We propose a novel approach to the important fundamental problem of detecting
weak optical fields at the few photon level. The ability to detect with high
efficiency (>99%), and to distinguish the number of photons in a given time
interval is a very challenging technical problem with enormous potential
pay-offs in quantum communications and information processing. Our proposal
diverges from standard solid-state photo-detector technology by employing an
atomic vapor as the active medium, prepared in a specific quantum state using
laser radiation. The absorption of a photon will be aided by a dressing laser,
and the presence or absence of an excited atom will be detected using the
``cycling transition'' approach perfected for ion traps. By first incorporating
an appropriate upconversion scheme, our method can be applied to a wide variety
of optical wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Experimental verification of energy correlations in entangled photon pairs
Properties of entangled photon pairs generated in spontaneous parametric
down-conversion are investigated in interference experiments. Strong energy
correlations are demonstrated in a direct way. If a signal photon is detected
behind a narrow spectral filter, then interference appears in the Mach-Zehnder
interferometer placed in the route of the idler photon, even if the path
difference in the interferometer exceeds the coherence length of the light.
Narrow time correlations of the detection instants are demonstrated for the
same photon-pair source using the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer. Both these two
effects may be exhibited only by an entangled state.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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