11 research outputs found
Parents and Students' Response to Distance Learning (Google Classroom)
This study aims to determine the response of parents and primary students to distance learning based on google classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection in the form of interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that both students and their parents objected to using google classroom as a learning media for distance learning activities. According to their explanation, the use of Google Classroom requires strong network access to open or send assignments, besides that data packets also run out quickly due to the use of this distance learning application. For students and parents who have difficulty, an alternative to overcome this is to send assignments via WhatsApp to the teacher concerned
Optically Switched Frequency for Reconfigurable Dipole Antenna Using Photodiode Switches
The design, fabrication, and measurement of reconfigurable antenna using photodiode switches has been investigated. The antenna had dimension 104 mm x 41 mm x 1.6 mm and FR4 substrate with relative permittivity4.8. It structure was Coplanar Stripline (CPS) dipole. Two photodiodeshad assembled on gap in both dipole arms, which was activated by 600 nm red laser. The unilluminated state, antennahad resonant frequency 800 MHz with RL -32 dB, 2225 MHz with RL -12.5 dB, 3320 with RL -14.1 dB. Meanwhile for the illuminated state, antennahad resonant frequency and return loss shifting to 800 MHz with RL -32 dB, 2225 MHz with RL -12.5 dB, 3320 MHz with RL -14.1 dB.This condition caused low impedance and longer dipole arm. If dimension size increases, resonant frequency will decrease. So, there was shifting frequency and return loss at under illuminated by laser
The character of caring for the environment needs to be instilled in students from an early age to increase their awareness. This caring is an attitude and action that tries to prevent damage to the surroundings. Therefore, this study aims to describe the formation of caring and environmentally cultured characters in students through the Adiwiyata program at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia. The descriptive qualitative approach was used and the informants were the principal, teachers, and students. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by reduction, presentation, and verification using source and technique triangulation. The results showed the Adiwiyata program at MIN 1 Kendal generated some character building for students and madrasah residents, such as discipline, cooperation and responsibility, as well as sincerity in charity. The formation of a caring and environmentally cultured character in students through the program is implemented with four essential elements, namely Adiwiyata Madrasah Policies, Curriculum, Participatory-Based Activities, and Support Facilities
Purpose of the study: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the leading food consumed by Indonesian people even in Asia. The various innovations in rice cultivation still being developed to increase the yield both in quantity and quality. In general, rice cultivation is planted in the lowland. This research aims to compare the productivity of rice cultivation in a polybag to rice cultivation in the lowland.
Methodology: The size of the polybag that used in the experiment is 40x40 cm with space 50 cm of each other. The experiment was conducted in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia. The variables studied are rice yield and rice varieties. The varieties used are Ciherang and Sertani 12.
Main Findings: The result showed that rice production yield includes the number of filled grains, total grain, and panicle number in polybag more than in lowland. Rice cultivation produces 2 kg/m2 in a polybag and 1 kg/m2 in the lowland. The panicle number of rice in polybag is more than in lowland, i.e., 12 in a polybag and 6 in the lowland. For the rice variety, Ciherang and Sertani 12 have the same yield in a polybag. It is 2 kg/m2.
Applications of this study: The rice cultivation in polybags has an easy cultivation system and suitable for urban areas where agricultural land is limited. Besides, it can be the solution for decreasing agricultural land from time to time.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this research is the use of polybags as the media of rice cultivation, which is not commonly done in farming
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru terhadap kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan budaya madrasah pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah kecamatan Wonosegoro. Penelitian survey digunakan untuk mengungkap persepsi guru terhadap kepemimpinan kepala madrash dan budaya madrasah. Metode sampel yang akan digunakan adalah stratified random sampling. Variasi data penelitian pada variabel persepsi guru terhadap kepemimpinan kepala sekolah (X1) terletak pada interval 53-64 dalam kategori sangat baik. Diperoleh mean sebesar 53.0732 dengan kriteria sangat baik 68 %, baik 32 %, dan kriteria cukup 0 %. Persepsi tentang budaya Madrasah di kecamatan Wonosegoro diketahui kriteria sangat baik 54 %, baik 46 %, dan kriteria cukup 0 %. Diperoleh mean sebesar 44.1463 yang terletak pada interval 43-52 dalam kategori sangat baik. Kinerja guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di kecamatan Wonosegoro diketahui dalam kriteria sangat baik 68 %, baik 32 %, dan kriteria cukup 0 %. Diperoleh mean sebesar 47.7805 yang terletak pada interval 46-56 dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil yang didapat dari persamaan regresinya adalah Y = 54,240 + 0,272 X1 + 0,102 X2. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan harga koefisien determinasi (r2) sebesar 0,043. Nilai tersebut berarti bahwa 4,3 % perubahan pada variabel kinerja guru (Y) dapat ditentukan oleh persepsi guru tentang kepemimpinan kepala madrasah (X1) dan Budaya Madrasah (X2), sedangkan 95,7% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Uji signifikansi hipotesis ketiga menunjukkan nilai Fhitung sebesar 0,853. Nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari nilai Ftabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% sebesar 2,340. Hal ini berarti terdapat tidak terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara persepsi guru tentang kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan Budaya Madrasah terhadap kinerja guru
Analisis Antena Mikrostrip V-shaped CPS dipole sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan Antena Reconfigurable V-shaped CPS dipole
Desain, fabrikasi, karakterisasi, dan analisis antena mikrostrip V-shaped CPS dipole telah dilakukan, dengan variasi sudut sebagai dasar pengembangan antena reconfigurable. FR4 single side dengan permitivitas 4,3 digunakan sebagai substrat. Antena V-shaped dengan sudut 900 memiliki karakteristik yang terbaik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan parameter, yaitu nilai return loss semakin berkurang, VSWR mendekati angka 1, bandwidth semakin lebar, HPBW semakin kecil, dan directivity antena semakin besar. Parameter-parameter tersebut menjadi dasar untuk pengembangan antena reconfigurable dengan saklar optik, yaitu solar cell dengan nilai perbandingan photocurrent terhadap dark current (Îș) = 1,0009, fotodioda dengan Îș=1,005 dan Îș=3,5. Saklar optik berfungsi untuk mengkonfigurasi ulang karakteristik antena, khususnya pergeseran frekuensi tanpa mengubah bentuk dan ukuran dimensi antena secara permanen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antena reconfigurable yang menggunakan saklar optik solar cell memiliki nilai pergeseran frekuensi sebesar 2 MHz, fotodioda dengan nilai Îș=1,005 sebesar 7 MHz, sedangkan fotodioda dengan nilai Îș=3,5 sebesar 1920 MHz. Antena dengan saklar optik fotodioda dengan nilai Îș=3,5 dapat diaplikasikan sebagai antena Wifi dan CDMA.
Design, fabrication, characterization, and analysis of V-shaped CPS dipole microstrip antenna with variation angles as basic of reconfigurable antenna have been developed. A single side of FR4 with relative permittivity 4.3 was used as the substrate of antenna. V-shaped antenna with angle 90 degree is developed as reconfigurable antenna with optical switching because of its excellent characteristics. The function of optical switching was shifted the frequency of antenna without changing of antenna dimension. The frequency shifting of reconfigurable antenna by using optical switching are 2 MHz (solar cell), 7 MHz (photodiode with Îș = 1.005), and 1920 MHz (photodiode with Îș = 3.5). Antenna with optical switching photodiode Îș = 3.5 can be applied on Wifi and CDMA antenna
Efektivitas E-Learning Berbasis Platform Edmodo Pada Pembelajaran Mekanika
This paper explains the differences in learning outcomes using e-learning using conventional methods and also to investigate the effectiveness level of e-learning as science learning media. The class using Edmodo platform based e-learning and the other class using conventional methods. The research conducted in Mechanics lecture at IAIN Salatiga on Newtonâs Laws of motion. The pretest-posttest design is used in data collecting. Data processing and analyzing were done by SPSS 22.0. The data analysis technique used was the t-test to know differences in learning outcomes and the N-gain test to investigate the learning effectiveness. The analyses represent that there are differences in learning outcomes between the e-learning class and the conventional class that can be known from the results of the t-test, which produce significance value 0,000. This value is less than 0.05. The N-gain test results in an average N-gain value of 72.8% for e-learning class and 49.8% for the conventional class. It means that e-learning based on the edmodo platform is quite effective in use compared to conventional learning.
Abstrak: Paper ini membandingkan dan memaparkan antara hasil belajar menggunakan e-learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional (ceramah) dan juga menyelidiki tingkat keefektifan e-learning pada pembelajaran IPA. Dua kelas digunakan pada penelitian, satu kelas menggunakan pembelajaran e-learning berbasis platform edmodo dan kelas lainnya menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di IAIN Salatiga pada perkuliahan Mekanika pada materi Hukum Newton tentang gerak. Penelitian menggunakan pretest-posttest design. Data yang diperoleh pada penelitian dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 22.0 dengan uji-t dan uji N-gain. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar antara pembelajaran e-learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional memiliki perbedaan, yang dapat dilihat dari uji-t dengan nilai kebenaran 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05. Sedangkan uji N-gain menunjukkan rata-rata nilai N-gain sebesar 72,8% untuk pembelajaran e-learning berbasis platform edmodo, 49,8% untuk pembelajaran konvensional, artinya pembelajaran dengan edmodo cukup efektif digunakan dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional
ISSN 2541-2922 (Online)ISSN 2527-8436 (Print)Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan Pusat Penelitian LPPM UM METRO Vol. 8. No. 1, Juni 2023 49IMPLEMENTASI DAN TANTANGAN PEMBELAJARANTEMATIK TERINTEGRASI STEAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY,ENGINEERING, ARTS, MATHEMATICS)Anisah Fifi Nurfajariyah1, Erna Riafaula Kusumawati2*1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Pascasarjana, UIN Salatiga2Program Studi Tadris IPA, FTIK, UIN SalatigaEmail : [email protected] ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan dan tantangan dalampembelajaran tematik terintegrasi STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,Mathematics) di kelas IB MI Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang.STEAM merupakan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan seni.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan melakukanobservasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa kelas IB MI AlBidayah Candi yang mana sudah menerapkan pembelajaran dengan STEAM. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran tematik terintegrasi STEAMsudah berhasil. Siswa terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, esksperimen, dankolaboratif. Tantangan yang dihadapi diantaranya sumber daya kurang, kurangnyapelatihan STEAM yang diintegrasikan dengan kurikulum, kurangnya waktu dalammengelola penilaian. Peneliti merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan pembelajarantematik terintegrasi STEAM. Rekomendasi tersebut berupa peningkatan pelatihan gurudalam menggunakan STEAM, pengembangan sumberdaya dan sarana yang memadai,dan pengembangan strategi untuk mengevalusi sesuai dengan pendekatan temati
Pengaruh Game Online terhadap Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Sekolah Dasar
The development of information technology is very fast, many benefits are obtained from the development of this technology. One of the benefits of technological developments is the existence of online Game entertainment facilities. This online Game can have an impact on the language acquisition of elementary school children. This study aims to describe the acquisition of language in grade 4 elementary school children aged 9-11 through semantic studies, namely the study of the meaning of a verb, adjective, or noun. The data source comes from the subject to be studied. This research method uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out using five methods, namely observation, observation, notes, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this study are that online Games can affect the language acquisition of children aged 9-11 years at SDIT Ibnu Mas'ud, Ambarawa District, marked by an increasingly widespread acquisition of words that are absorbed through online Games, such as verbs (victory, booyah, defeat, login, kill, mabar, drift, survival, by one, ngemoti, push), adjectives (perfect, hockey, noob, idiot, bot, asu, op, good at) and nouns (skin, turret, inventory, tournament) which they apply in everyday languag