8 research outputs found

    Estetika dan Tipologi Gambar Anak-anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Esthetic and typology of elementary children's picture. The purpose of this research was to describe: (1) the diversity of theme, title, form/ object of children's picture, (2) Period of children's drawing, (3) Typology and impression of children' drawing space, (4) Visualization of children's picture components, (5) picture media and art technique in the children's picture. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative. The subjects were 2009-2011 children's pictures in East Java Province. Research result showed: (1) the diversity of themes and pictures' title was a representation form of creative thinking, uniqueness representation, effective, and variety impression among pictures. (2) Most of esthetic of typology, style and picture space impression can be typed visual and a few can be seen haptic. (3) A visual component of Line, color, form, field, and texture were more dominant, while space and light components were not always appear in every children's picture. (4) the diversity of the picture media were: pencil, color pencil, crayon, little marker, big marker, water verf, and ballpoint

    Kajian Tema dan Obyek Gambar Anak-anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Study of picture's theme and object in elementary schools' children. Purpose of the research was to describe a diversity of picture's theme and object in elementary schools' children. The research subjects were document of East Java elementary schools' children picture results. Analysis methods were content analysis approach qualitative descriptive and artship study analysis. Research results showed: (1) the diversity of picture's themes and picture's title were relevant to picturing imagination ideas/ thought into picture form consistent to creativitity of every child. Picture themes diversity were: My Self, Playing, Animal, Activities/Hobby, Scenary, Public places or objects, Art, Exhibition Art, Place or environmental Condition, Events, Religiousity, Sport, Imaginative, and Poster. (2) the objects that dominated children's picture were plantation, building, animal, human, vehicle, instruments, game, natural object, imaginative figure

    Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Tari Kreasi terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Siswa Tunagrahita di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa

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    This research were to describe: (1) the gross motor capability of the student with intellectual disability in SDLB Putra Jaya before intervention (A). (2) while intervention (B). (3) after intervention (A') (4) the differences of the gross motor capability of the student with intellectual disability in SDLB Putra Jaya between before and after intervention. The result of the research were (1) change level baseline condition (A) = +17,85%;(2) change level intervension condition (B) = +17,86%;(3) change level baseline condition baseline (A') = +3,58%; (4) change level intervension (B) condition toward baseline condition (A) = +3,57%; (5) change level baseline (A') condition toward intervension condition (B) = -17,86%. There weren't any overlapping data among them (0%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) kemampuan motorik kasar siswa tunagrahita di SDLB Putra Jaya sbelum intervensi (A). (2) selama intervensi (B). (3) setelah intervensi (A') (4) perbedaan kemampuan motorik kasar siswa tunagrahita di SDLB Putra Jaya antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) change levelkondisi baseline(A) = +17,85%;(2) change level kondisi (B) = +17,86%;(3) change levelkondisi (A') = +3,58%; (4) change levelkondisi (B) terhadap change levelkondisi (A) = +3,57%; (5) change levelkondisi (A') terhadap change levelkondisi (B) = -17,86%. Overlapping antar kondisi tidak ada di antara data tersebut (0%

    Pembelajaran Toilet Training Bagi Siswa Tunagrahita

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    Tunagrahita adalah seseorang yang memiliki daya pemikiran rendah. Toilet training adalahusaha melatih anak agar mampu mengontrol melakukan Buang Air Kecil (BAK) maupun Buang AirBesar (BAB). Pembelajaran toilet training pada tunagrahita perlu diberikan, mengingat rendahnyaintelektual yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar secara mandiri. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan media danbahan ajar juga perlu diadakan/dikembangkan. Dalam membelajarkan toilet training pada tunagrahitadiantaranya dapat menggunakan buku panduan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan bukupaduan pembelajaran toilet training yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa tunagrahita.Pengembangan buku panduan ini mengadaptasi langkah-langkah model pengembangan dari Borg andGall. Buku panduan ini layak dan efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini ditunjukan darihasil validasi dan uji coba produk. Hasil validasi dari ahli media 91,66%. ahli materi sebesar 75%, danahli pembelajaran ABK adalah 94,23%. Hasil rata-rata dari ketiga validasi adalah 86,96% dengan kriteriasangat valid dan layak untuk digunakan. Hasil uji coba individu adalah 76% dan hasil uji coba kelompok76,5% dengan kategori tinggi dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.Student with intellectual disabilities is someone who has low thinking capacity. Toilet trainingis an effort to train children to be able to control the disposal (BAK) and defecate (BAB). toilet traininglearning for students with intellectual disabilities needed, because the low intellectual ability possessedby students with intellectual disabilities, therefore the selection of media and teaching materials alsoneed to be held/developed. In teaching toilet training learning on student with intellectual disabilitiescan use the guidebook. The purpose of this research is to produce instructional guidebook for toilettraining that is suitable with the characteristics and needs of students with intellectual disabilities. Theresearch and development of this instructional guidebook use the steps of the development model ofBorg and Gall. The results of research and development showed that guidebook was feasible to use inthe learning proses. Validation results from media experts 91.66%. Material experts by 75%, and ABKlearning experts was 94.23%. The average result of all three validations was 86.96% with very validcriteria and was feasible to use

    Pembelajaran Membaca Huruf Hijaiyah Siswa Tunarungu dengan Bantuan Media Kubus Hihaiyah

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    Saat studi pendahuluan ditemukan belum tersedia media pembelajaran dalam membaca huruf hijaiyah. Sehingga peneliti mengembangkan KUBAH (Kubus Hijaiyah). Tujuan penelitian pengembangan yaitu menghasilkan media pembelajaran KUBAH yang valid dimanfaatkan bagi siswa tunarungu kelas VIII dalam pembelajaran membaca huruf hijaiyah. Penelitian ini, menggunakan model pengembangan Research and Development Borg dan Gall. Hasil dari ahli materi diperoleh skor 95 %, ahli media 100 %, ahli praktisi 93 %, dan untuk audien 81 %. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sangat valid dan secara kuantitatif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah KUBAH diharapkan lebih variatif dan subjek diharapkan lebih luas lagi.When preliminary study found is not yet available learning media in learning to read letters hijaiyah. So that researcher research will developing KUBAH (Kubus Hijaiyah). This research was aimed at developing the KUBAH media was valid, can be utilized for hearing impairment students of class VIII in learning to read the letters hijaiyah. The research result from material expert was obtained score 95 %, media expert 100 % , practitioner expert 93 % , and for user candidate 81 %. The conclusion of this research was theoretically very valid and can improve learning outcomes. Suggestions from this research are KUBAH expected to be varied and the subject expected more large

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Papan Flanel Qur'an terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Huruf Al-Qur'an Siswa Tunarungu

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    Minat membaca Al Qur'an pada anak tunarungu sangatlah kurang. Usaha meningkatkan minat membaca permulaan Al Qur'an pada anak tunarungu diperlukan media pembelajaran yang tepat. Dalam upaya untuk membantu meningkatkan penguasan huruf Alqur'an pada siswa tunarungu peneliti mencoba dengan suatu media, yaitu dengan media papan flannel Qur'an. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan membaca huruf Al-Qur'an siswa Tunarungu sebelum, sesudah dan apakah terdapat pengaruh dalam menggunakan media papan flannel Qur'an terhadap kemampuan membaca huruf Al-Qur'an. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian quasi-experimen dengan desain time series design, yang dilaksanakan pada satu kelompok tanpa menggunakan kelompok kontrol atau pembanding.Interest in reading the Qur'an at children with hearing impairment is less . An effort to increase interest in reading the beginning of the Qur'an on media hearing impairment learning the right required. In efforts to help improve the tenure review letters Quran hearing impairment Students researchers trying in with a media, Qur'an Board Flannel Media. The purpose is to review research know how the ability to read the letter al - Qur'an before hearing impairment students, then and does the effect of Qur'an Board Flannel Media towards Upgrading capability of Al-Quran Letter Reading for students with Hearing Impairment. This study used was a quasi-experimental research design with design time series. The experiment conducted on a group was without using a control or comparison group. The sample used in this study was not random

    Penggunaan Permainan Monopoli dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan

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    Siswa tunagrahita ringan kesulitan dalam mempelajari matematika penjumlahan mata uang sehingga membutuhkan permainan yang mendukung dalam pembelajaran yaitu dengan permainan monopoli. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan permainan monopoli dalam penjumlahan mata uang pada anak tunagrahita ringan. Kajian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Pre experimental design dengan bentuk One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Subjek kajian ini adalah 5 siswa tungrahita ringan kelas VI. Pengumpulan data dengan memberikan pretest, treatment dan post test. Analisis data menggunakan uji jenjang – bertanda Wilcoxon. Hasil uji hipotesis yaitu Thitung (15) > Ttabel (1), maka H1 diterima. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat pengaruh Penggunaan Permainan Monopoli Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Penjumlahan Mata Uang Pada Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan. Bagi guru dapat menerapkan pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan permainan monopoli.Student with intellectual disability difficulty in learning mathematics sum of currency and thus require games that support learning that is with the game of monopoly.The aim of this study was to the abilty of the effects of monopoly game usage toward mathematic learning outcome of courency summing for students with mild intellectual disabilities. This study was Pre experimental design form one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 5 students with mild intellectual disabilities in the Class VI. Collecting data was giving pretest, treatment and post test. Data analysis was wilcoxon's signed rank test. Hypothesis test results showed that the value of T count (15)> T table (1), then H1 be accepted. Conclusions in study indicate that there are the effects of monopoly game usage toward mathematic learning outcome of courency summing for students with mild intellectual disabilities. For the teacher can apply mathematical learning using Monopoly game