97 research outputs found
Student Teacher Engagement in Teacher Indirect-Focused Written Corrective Feedback (IFWCF) in a Tertiary EFL Writing Classroom
Teacher feedback becomes essential things for student-teachers. It assists them in evaluating learning progress. However, student-teachers’ engagement is under-explored. This present study is objective to showcase Indirect-focused written corrective feedback (IFWCF). This case study focused on investigating the combination of indirect-focused written corrective feedback (IFWCF) simultaneously to the higher education students in Indonesia who engaged affectively, behaviorally, and cognitively in narrative writing class. This study uses the narrative inquiry method. The data were collected from students’ reflective journals and their corrected worksheets as teacher’s feedback and interviews. The results indicate that effectively, students engage IFWCF positively although two participants by birth felt confused and frustrated. Cognitively, students think of making plans to follow up on IFWCF, and behaviorally, they materialize the plans to fix the corrected worksheets. In conclusion, the implementation of IFWCF in writing courses has pedagogical implications for EFL students
This study entitled "EFL Students’ responses towards the use of English Trend songs in listening lesson". This study aims to determine student responses in learning listening through songs. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of listening to trending English songs among teenagers which has a big impact on learning English, especially in listening lessons. This study was conducted to see if listening to English songs could help them in listening lessons. In this study, researchers used qualitative research to find data with a case study model. 16 participants of this research are in the same university with different majors. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The results show that the use of songs in the listening class gets a positive response. They felt it introduced a unique learning environment, one that was more relaxed and pleasurable. Students were additionally motivated by English songs during the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Case Study, EFL Student, English Trend Songs, Listening Classroo
In this era of the Covid-19 pandemic, online-based learning is the best solution for the learning process in education. This study aims to describe students' perceptions of online learning at the junior high school level. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The population in this study were 18 junior high school students and a sample of 12 students was obtained from students who filled out a questionnaire randomly. The 12 students consisted of 9 female students and 3 male students. The sample was given a perception questionnaire made on Google Form. Data were analyzed descriptively from questionnaires, distribution tables and presented data in the form of diagrams. The results showed that 81% of students were able to access online learning well, 84% of students were able to learn independently in online learning, 71% of students thought that online learning was effective, and 54% of students thought that communication between teachers and students went well in online learning. Students' perceptions of online-based learning in Junior High Schools get positive response results.Ă‚Â Keywords:Ă‚Â Student Perception, Online-Based Learning, Junior High Schoo
This study investigate the positive relationship between extramural digital activities and EFL students’ willingness to communicate. Extramural digital context is learning English outside the classroom without teachers’ involvement. It encourages EFL students to feel more comfortable in L2 willingness to communicate. Furthermore, this research investigated students’ experiences and factors that may influence EFL students’ willingness to communicate towards extramural digital context using qualitative research, specifically case study as the research design. The researcher collected the data from six EFL students from several universities in Indonesia with four female and two male using semi-structured interview and questionnaires. The interviews data were analyzed by using thematic analysis and using descriptive statistics analysis for the questionnaires. The findings showed that the convenience of extramural digital context and students’ self-confidence indicate as the factors that influence students’ willingness to communicate using English. Additionally, based on students’ experiences of using extramural digital context, listening to music is considered as the most frequently used by students. This research contribute to gain deep understanding about L2 willingness to communicate and extramural digital context. In pedagogical insight, this research help English teacher to facilitate EFL students in extramural digital context to increase students’ willingness to communicate
A teacher’s teaching style is the way he/she conducts class instruction an the classroom environment, every teacher has their own belief, ideology, and teaching style. In the end, teaching style may affect learning motivation of the students in the classroom. This study aimed to investigate how the students perceive their EFL teacher's teaching style and how the style affects students' motivation in English learning. The study was a qualitative study, the type of qualitative study used was a case study. The data collected from questionnaire that distributed to 13 students of an islamic senior high school, the interview data from 5 sudents used to verify the data. The results indicated that the students’ EFL teacher used facilitator style, and the students’ perceived that it was good. Most of the students said that the way their EFL teacher teaching affected their learning motivation. The researcher conclude that a teacher teaching style could motivate or demotivate students’ learning motivation. Through this study, the reseacher suggested to all EFL teachers in the future to pay more attention to their teaching styles, in order to boost their students motivation in learning and the learning objectives will be attained well. Keywords: Case Study, Learning Motivation, Students’ Perception, Teaching StyleÂ
Teacher’s Belief on Teaching Philosophy as Teachers Professionalism Platform
This study aims at presenting the teacher's belief on teaching philosophy as a teacher professionalism platform. It explores how the teacher perceives teaching philosophy as a teacher professionalism platform and in what ways teaching philosophy assists the teacher to refine his teaching. The research design of this study is basic interpretative study. It is used to identify the extent to which teaching philosophy is understood and practiced by teachers. There are general pattern findings of this study. The first finding is English teachers' perceived teaching philosophy builds reflective teachers. The second findings refers to reflected activity that copes with the teacher in refining suitable ways in facilitating students to learn. Teaching philosophy potentially assists teachers in teaching by providing various activities. Thus, it supports the teacher to be a professional English teacher
This study aims to see how the public understands and interprets the application of a body positivity carried out by Tara Basro on March 3, 2020 which is uploaded to her Instagram account. The reason researchers took this topic was because of the controversy that arose first, government agencies labeled it inappropriate. This study used a qualitative approach with Stuart Hall's reception analysis method and data analysis techniques in the form of in-depth interviews. The differences in the background of the informants' religious and cultural norms affect their acceptance. The results of this study, the informants interpreted body positivity of the body carried out by Tara Basro through her Instagram upload in the form of self-appreciation and giving her followers an understanding that everything that is owned by the body must be accepted as it is with gratitude.
Students’ Speaking Experience toward the Use of Role Play Technique in Online-Mediated Learning
The researcher aimed to find out students’ speaking experience toward role-play techniques in online learning. The researcher used a descriptive case study to describe and interpret students' attitudes toward speaking online learning. The data collections were interview through Whatsapp and questionnaires on Google form. The researcher observed 5 students for the Interview and 34 eleventh grade students for the Questionnaire. The results showed that the participant's experience toward the implementation of role-play technique in online speaking class was good and positive. The most of participants claimed that they had an interesting experience. However, this research still had several obstacles such as limited internet access, lack of participants' language skills, and limited feedback from the researcher
The Project-Based Learning Approach to Learning Correlational Research for EFL Pre-Service Teachers
Penelitian ini menggali perspektif mahasiswa perguruan tinggi Indonesia terhadap penelitian korelasi pembelajaran melalui pendekatan Project Based Learning (PBL). Melibatkan 30 mahasiswa semester lima Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang mengikuti mata kuliah penelitian korelasi selama satu semester, Hal ini dilaksanakan sebelum mahasiswa menulis proposal penelitian. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi kasus. Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan dari angket siswa setelah mereka terlibat dalam proyek selama menyelesaikan tugas penelitian korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PBL adalah pendekatan yang baik dan efektif untuk memberdayakan siswa menyelesaikan proyek untuk memberi energi kepada mereka, membangun kerja tim yang kohesif, menyusun prosedur kerja, berdiskusi dan bertukar pendapat, dan menyusun data yang dikumpulkan menjadi proyek yang siap pakai melaporkan penelitian korelasional untuk presentasi di depan audiens sesudahnya. Semoga hasil penelitian ini dapat menginspirasi guru untuk mengembangkan PBL sebagai pendekatan alternatif dalam pembelajaran dengan mata pelajaran yang berbeda untuk membawa siswanya menjadi pembelajar yang mandir
Dalam memilih sesuatu, konsumen kadang memiliki keragu-raguan dalam membeli, Sebagai salah satu strategi promosi di media sosial, testimonial oleh Celebrity endorser cukup sering digunakan dalam pemasaran, manusia biasanya cenderung meniru apa yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang lebih dari dirinya apalagi yang memiliki kredibilitas tinggi. Testimonial oleh Celebrity endorser ini digunakan untuk menarik konsumen agar membeli produk dan mengurangi keragu-raguan khalayak akan produk. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh testimonial celebrity endorser Tasya Farasya yang terdiri dari pengakuan, kredibilitas dan rekomendasi terhadap minat beli skincare Whitelab. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dimana populasi penelitian ini adalah Followers Instagram @Tasyafarasya dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner online. Hasil analisis regresi berganda dengan bantuan aplikasi program SPSS versi 26 for windows diperoleh persamaan Y= -0,140 +0,110 X1 +0,296 X2 +0,057 X3. Hasil uji Hipotesis yang dilakukan melalui uji F (simultan) diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 2,70 FTabel, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh variabel X Testimonial Review [(X1)Pengakuan, (X2)Kredibilitas, dan (X3)Rekomendasi] secara simultan terhadap variabel Y minat beli produk skincare Whitelab pada Followers akun Instagram @Tasyafarasya. Hasil dari koefisien determinasi sebesar 20,3%, membuktikan adanya pengaruh Testimonial Review sebesar 20,3%
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