76 research outputs found

    Analisis Diagnostik Kesulitan Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Model Linier

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    This study aims to describe students\u27 learning difficulties in terms of location, type and causes difficulty learning courses Linear Model. From the results of research conducted obtained: (1) the location of the learning difficulties of students in a course linear model , the indicators 2.3.1 to calculate the statistical test one way Multivariate Anova in solving problems has highest indicators of achievement that is 83,125 %, (2) The types of difficulty student learning in courses linear model, the most errors made by students in false beliefs. This suggests that students experiencing difficulty learning course materials Linear Models on the principle of ability to percentage (39.352 %). It is seen from the mistakes made by students in solving problems. Therefore it is vital that students know and master the concepts and procedures that are appropriate in solving a given problem. Key words : location , types and causes learning difficulties, diagnostic test

    Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove Melalui Pendekatan Mina Hutan (Silvofishery)

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    Indonesia contains about one-third of the world's total mangroves areas,but experts say more than half of the country's mangrove forest havebeen destroyed since the 1940s. The main sustainable alternatives tocoastal aquaculture pond development within or associated withmangrove are silvofisheries and mariculture. Silvofishery is a form ofintegrated mangrove tree culture with brackish water aquaculture. Thisintegrated approach to conservation and utilization of the mangroveresource allows for maintaining a relatively high level of integrity in themangrove area while capitalizing on the economic benefits of brackishwater aquaculture. Traditional models of silvofishery is the Empang Paritmodel, which is sometimes reffered to as Tambak Tumpangsari, wasdeveloped in Indonesia, tracing its roots back perhaps over a thousandyears. The modern version of Empang Parit is today being promoted bythe Indonesian Ministry of Foretry and the Directorate General ofFisheries. Silvofisheries have been successfully developed in Indonesiasuch as in Sinjai (Sulawesi), Cikeong (West Java), Pemalang (CentralJava), and Bali

    Model Pendidikan Karakter Religius Berbasis Pada Pengetahuan Matematika Sekolah

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    Moral crisis that hit the Indonesian nation in recent years, not only experienced by the non-educated, even now many intellectuals struck. One reason is the education process has not integrate the knowledge and values. So far, the role of knowledge including mathematics no more left brain only serve that only requires logical thinking skills that equip students only smart but do not equip students are smart. This is because mathematics is the cornerstone of scientific thinking which is separated from the value, but it affects the attitudes and behavior of people in decisions and actions. If early planting religiosity values elaborated with knowledge of Mathematics, it will give birth to light pious people who can bring change to glory. The purpose of this study was decrypt the prototype model of a religious character education based on knowledge of school mathematics. This study uses a model of the 4D development Thiagarajan consisting of Define, Design, Develop and Desseminate. The subject of the study was mathematics schools and Instructional Materials Development (PBA), which developed into a religious character-based educational materials school math knowledge. While the test subjects are mathematics education students who have taken the PBA in the year 2013/2014. Expected results of research are educational teaching materials produced prototypes built religious character of the school of mathematical knowledge. Keywords: moral crisis, secularism, Mathematics, Islamic, Muslim intellectual

    Uji Tanaman Talas (Colocasia Esculenta) Sebagai Agen Fitoremediasi Air Sungai Cikapundung

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    Pollution of rivers due to the accumulation of domestic and industrial wasteis aserious challenge to the survival ofaquatic biota. Domestic waste/ household is often thrown into the water can interfere waters ecosystems. So far, many efforts have been done such as installation integrated waste treatment, but these efforts are not yet fulfill the requirement due to low awareness and lack of oversight agencies. One of the efforts to reduce domestic wasteis by making use of plant biology irrigation with Colocasia esculenta. Study ofutilization of aquatic plants for domestic wastewater treatment systems biology irrigation was conducted to determine the efficiency of nutrient uptake by C.esculenta. The research method was applied by growing C.esculenta in an experimental container -carrying raceways domestic wastewater system with subsurface flow (SSF). The results showed that physical C.Esculenta may grow well on substrates containing water Cikapundung river compared to C.Esculentagrown ona substrateis added waterwells. This is shown by the differences in growth and weight of the plants. The results of the Laboratory analysis of organic carbon (C-organic), nitrogen (N-kejdahl) and phosphate (P) on the taro plant (the leaves and roots) showed an increase nutrient in plant tissues which is directly proportional to the growth of taro plants (taro plant height and weight), as shown by a concentration of 2000 mg C sequestration and N100 mg for 63 days

    Analisis Keunggulan Komparatif Beras Indonesia

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    Komoditas beras menjadi sumber pangan utama bagi 95 persen penduduk di Indonesia. Produksi padi tahun 2013 diperkirakan sebesar 70,87 juta ton gabah kering giling (GKG) setara dengan 42,52 juta ton beras atau naik 0,26 persen dibanding produksi padi 2012 yang tercatat 69,1 juta ton GKG. Di sisi lain, jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2014 mencapai 250 juta jiwa dengan pertumbuhan yang melaju dengan cepat yakni sebesar 1,27 persen per tahun pada periode tahun 2005-2010. Konsumsi beras per kapita penduduk Indonesia mempunyai kecenderungan mengalami penurunan yakni dari 139 kg/kapita/tahun pada tahun 1993 menjadi 113 kg/kapita/tahun pada tahun 2012. Total konsumsi beras nasional mencapai 34,75 juta ton. Dengan demikian, seharusnya Indonesia sudah swasembada beras. Di masa depan, kalkulasi Indonesia akan kekurangan beras jauh lebih realistis ketimbang surplus beras, oleh karena itu kebijakan peningkatan ekonomi dan daya saing beras perlu diarahkan ke dalam bentuk kebijakan operasional baik dari sisi produksi maupun permintaan dalam upaya mencapai target swasembada beras berkelanjutan dan surplus beras nasional sebesar 10 juta ton pada tahun 2014. Dari hasil analisis keunggulan komparatif ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai Indeks Spesialisasi Pemasaran (ISP) beras baik segar maupun olahan mempunyai nilai negatif pada kisaran antara -1,0 hingga -0,71 yang berarti bahwa beras Indonesia mempunyai daya saing yang sangat rendah dan terus mengalami penurunan daya saing dari tahun ke tahun. Berdasarkan nilai Import Depedency Ratio (IDR) beras mempunyai nilai 0,80 - 1,02 persen, ini berarti supply beras Indonesia masih tergantung pada beras impor walaupun dalam kuantitas yang kecil, terutama pada jenis beras segar. Nilai Self-Sufficiency Ratio (SSR) beras Indonesia dari tahun 2008 – 2012 lebih dari 90 persen, yang berarti bahwa hampir sebagian besar kebutuhan beras dalam negeri dapat dipenuhi oleh produksi domestik. Hasil perhitungan nilai Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) menunjukkan bahwa beras Indonesia tidak mempunyai daya saing di pasar dunia. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai RSCA yang negatif yaitu sekitar -0,96hingga -0,99 persen pada tahun 2008-2012

    Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Bos) di Sekolah Dasar Negeri

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    This research aim to described of management of Schools Aid Operational (BOS) in SD Negeri 01 Muara Pawan including of planning, execution, observation and evaluate, and also reporting of BOS. This Research use the approach qualitative by desain is case study. Research location in SD Negeri 01 Muara Pawan which is located in Ketapang-Sukadana street of Muara Pawan Subdistrict Ketapang Regency of West Borneo. Data Source in this research are headmaster, BOS bursar, school committee, and students parent. Data obtained by interview, observation of participle and documentation. Data was analyse through 3 activity path are reducing, data display, and verification.Result of data analysis obtained by node that management of Schools Aid Operational (BOS) in SD Negeri 01 Muara Pawan Kabupaten Ketapang as according to mechanism decanted in BOS guide-book covering planning element, execution, observation and evaluate, and also reporting of BOS fund
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