109 research outputs found
Chiral symmetry breaking in strongly coupled QED?
The coupled system of renormalized Dyson-Schwinger equations for the electron
self-energy and the photon propagator are supplied with the tree level vertex
as Ansatz for the renormalized three point function. The system is investigated
numerically. In the case of a massive electron, the theory is ``weakly
renormalizable'', i.e.\ cutoff independent for values of the cutoff below an
upper limit. In this regime of cutoff independence, the quenched approximation
yields good results for the electron self-energy. In the chiral limit, a
logarithmic cutoff dependence of the electron self-energy is found. The
question, whether a regime of cutoff independence with a spontaneously broken
chiral symmetry exists in strongly coupled QED, remains open.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, complete uu-file avaiable on reques
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