307 research outputs found
PERSEPSI REMAJA SURABAYA TENTANG PEMBERITAAN GENG MOTOR DI MEDIA MASSA ONLINE (Studi Deskriptif Persepsi Remaja Surabaya Tentang Pemberitaan Geng Motor Di Media Massa Online)
The purpose of this research which is to determine how the perception of
adolescents about motorcycle gangs news in online media. Wide range of juvenile
delinquency emerged lately as a fight as individuals or groups, and other criminal
acts. Currently several print media often preach about violence committed by the
youth especially, better known to the public as a motorcycle gang.
This research method is descriptive qualitative primary data collection
through interviews in depth interviews and observations of informants related.
Based on the results of this study that the sources of news in terms of
information obtained by the informant whose initials MR, DN and JN stated that
they aren’t motivated and there is no on the news. Unlike the case presented by
informants who name DN, this informant said that it was not just looking for
information in the mass media, but it would be nice if we learn from the things
around us, for better disclosure reality which is in effect on a particular
motorcycle gang in.
Keywords: Motorcycle Gang, Online Media New
Abstrak- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Personality Congruence, Perceived Quality, Brand Prestige dan Brand Attitude terhadap Brand Loyalty pada produk fashion merek ZARA bagi kalangan Generasi Y di Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah basic research. Karakteristik responden adalah konsumen dari kalangan Generasi Y yang berusia 17-37 tahun pernah melakukan pembelian produk fashion ZARA dalam waktu satu tahun terakhir yang berdomisili di Surabaya. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 250 orang. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan menggunakan software AMOS versi 18 untuk pengujian Measurement Model dan Structural Model. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa brand attitude memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Personality congruence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality. Personality congruence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand prestige. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand attitude. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality. Perceived quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Perceived quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand attitude. Selain itu, personality congruence tidak berpengaruh terhadap brand loyalty. Personality congruence tidak berpengaruh terhadap brand attitude.
Kata Kunci: brand loyalty, brand attitude, brand prestige, perceived quality, personality congruence.
Abstract- This study aimed to examine the effect of Personality Congruence, Perceived Quality, Brand Prestige and Brand Attitude on Brand Loyalty in fashion brand products from ZARA for generations Y in Surabaya. The type of research is basic research. Characteristic respondent is generations Y between ages 17-37 years old, who is ever purchase this products in the past year and lived in Surabaya. Respondents in this study amounted to 250 people. The analysis in this study used to a model of SEM (Structural Equation Model) and processed using software AMOS 18 for testing Measurement Model and Structural Model. These results indicate that brand attitude has positive effect on brand loyalty. Personality Congruence has positive effect on perceived quality. Personality congruence has positive effect on brand prestige. Brand prestige has positive effect on brand loyalty. Brand prestige has positive effect on brand attitude. Brand prestige has positive effect on perceived quality. Perceived quality has positive effect on brand loyalty. Perceived quality has positive effect on brand attitude. Moreover, personality congruence have no effect on brand loyalty. Personality Congruence have no effect on brand attitude.
Keywords: Brand Loyalty, Brand Attitude, Brand Prestige, Perceived Quality, Personality Congruenc
Abstrak- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Personality Congruence, Perceived Quality, Brand Prestige dan Brand Attitude terhadap Brand Loyalty pada produk fashion merek ZARA bagi kalangan Generasi Y di Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah basic research. Karakteristik responden adalah konsumen dari kalangan Generasi Y yang berusia 17-37 tahun pernah melakukan pembelian produk fashion ZARA dalam waktu satu tahun terakhir yang berdomisili di Surabaya. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 250 orang. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan menggunakan software AMOS versi 18 untuk pengujian Measurement Model dan Structural Model. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa brand attitude memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Personality congruence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality. Personality congruence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand prestige. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand attitude. Brand prestige memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality. Perceived quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Perceived quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand attitude. Selain itu, personality congruence tidak berpengaruh terhadap brand loyalty. Personality congruence tidak berpengaruh terhadap brand attitude.
Kata Kunci: brand loyalty, brand attitude, brand prestige, perceived quality, personality congruence.
Abstract- This study aimed to examine the effect of Personality Congruence, Perceived Quality, Brand Prestige and Brand Attitude on Brand Loyalty in fashion brand products from ZARA for generations Y in Surabaya. The type of research is basic research. Characteristic respondent is generations Y between ages 17-37 years old, who is ever purchase this products in the past year and lived in Surabaya. Respondents in this study amounted to 250 people. The analysis in this study used to a model of SEM (Structural Equation Model) and processed using software AMOS 18 for testing Measurement Model and Structural Model. These results indicate that brand attitude has positive effect on brand loyalty. Personality Congruence has positive effect on perceived quality. Personality congruence has positive effect on brand prestige. Brand prestige has positive effect on brand loyalty. Brand prestige has positive effect on brand attitude. Brand prestige has positive effect on perceived quality. Perceived quality has positive effect on brand loyalty. Perceived quality has positive effect on brand attitude. Moreover, personality congruence have no effect on brand loyalty. Personality Congruence have no effect on brand attitude.
Keywords: Brand Loyalty, Brand Attitude, Brand Prestige, Perceived Quality, Personality Congruenc
In the early days of independence, most cities in Indonesia still did not fully experience independence due to the colonialist's desire to regain control of their power in Indonesia. After the proclamation of independence was read out, the colonialists still wanted to control the remaining territories of their colonies. In various confIicts, one of them is in the city of Bandung, nameIy Bandung Iautan Api. This was initiated when the allied troops arrived in the city of Bandung to form a defense base in the city of Bandung. In this study, the figure to be discussed is Mohammad Toha, he joined the BBRI (Barisan Banteng RepubIik Indonesia) in 1945 by following several battle missions in the city of Bandung from 1945 to 1946. In his resistance, Toha succeeded in completing his mission of detonating a Dutch gunpowder warehouse. in DayeuhkoIot in 1946 which led to the end of the Bandung Lautan Api incident.Pada masa awaI kemerdekaan, sebagian besar kota-kota di Indonesia masih beIum sepenuhnya merasakan kemerdekaan dikarenakan keinginan penjajah untuk kembaIi merebut kekuasaannya di Indonesia. SeteIah dibacakannya prokIamasi kemerdekaan justru membuat para penjajah tetap menginginkan menguasai wiIayah sisa jajahannya. Diberbagai konfIik yang terjadi saIah satunya di kota Bandung yaitu Bandung Iautan Api. HaI ini diawaIi ketika kedatangan tentara sekutu ke kota Bandung untuk membentuk basis pertahanan di kota Bandung. DaIam peneIitian ini tokoh yang akan dibahas yaitu Mohammad Toha, dia bergabung dengan BBRI (Barisan Banteng RepubIik Indonesia) tahun 1945 dengan mengikuti sejumIah misi pertempurannya di kota Bandung dengan kurun waktu 1945 hingga 1946. DaIam perIawanannya Toha berhasiI menyeIesaikan misinya daIam peIedakan gudang mesiu miIik BeIanda di DayeuhkoIot tahun 1946 yang menyebabkan berakhirnya peristiwa Bandung Lautan Api
The major objective of this study was to investigate the use of Google forms in giving listening comprehension test and to know the students’ responses toward online test by using Google forms. From this study, it is also hoped that it can provide information to English teachers or lecturers who teach listening subject about how to use Google form and how to upload an audio and video in this online platform. The methodological approach taken in this study was a descriptive qualitative method. Data for this study were collected using observation, students’ listening comprehension tests, and open-ended questionnaires. The participants of this study were 62 students in one English education program of one university in Bandar Lampung. In summary, the results in this study indicate that the students have positive responses toward the use of Google form in the listening comprehension test. It can be seen from their response and their answers to the questionnaire given, the result of observation of using Google forms, and the result of their listening comprehension test, the majority of the students got good scores. The average score of the test was 77,74. The median of the score was 80.   Key words: Google forms, assessment, Listening Comprehension, students’ response
Pengaruh Intensitas Research & Development dan Ownership Retention Terhadap Intellectual Capital Disclosure Pada Perusahaan Yang Melakukan IPO Di BEI
Intellectual capital disclosure is referred to as a effort made to communicate financial reports by presenting various business activities that are reliable, integrated, correct and fair. This study intends to ascertain the impact of research & development intensity, and ownership retention on intellectual capital disclosure that conducts initial public offering of companies. Quantitative information was based on secondary data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Data analysis techniques using SPSS. This study shows that the research & development intensity variable has no effect on intellectual capital disclosure. While disclosure of intellectual capital is significantly influenced by ownership retention variables. This is because investors tend to be attracted to companies that disclose their intellectual capital in full. The purpose of disclosing intellectual capital can only be achieved through the principle of transparent information (good corporate governance) so that investors have confidence in stakeholders
Perubahan Struktur Ekonomi Kabupaten Sanggau Provinsi Kalimantan Barat (Analisis Dampak Pandemi Covid-19)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan dan pergeseran struktur ekonomi sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19. Analisis diawali dengan menentukan dan menganalisis sektor-sektor unggulan, dilanjutkan dengan pemetaan sektor guna menganalisis sektor yang berpotensi unggul sehingga mampu mendorong pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto di Kabupaten Sanggau. Analisis Tipologi Klassen menemukan bahwa pada masa pandemi Covid-19, sektor pertambangan merupakan sektor yang maju namun tertekan, sedangkan sektor informasi dan komunikasi merupakan sektor yang relatif tertinggal. Padahal sebelum pandemi Covid-19, keduanya merupakan sektor yang maju dan berkembang pesat. Analisis Location Quotient menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19 di mana sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan; sektor pertambangan dan penggalian; serta sektor manufaktur masih menjadi sektor dasar. Hasil analisis Shift Share yang positif baik secara sektoral maupun secara total menunjukkan meski di masa pandemi Covid-19, perekonomian Kabupaten Sanggau tetap mengalami peningkatan kinerja perekonomian daerah sebesar Rp. 41.502.751, atau mengalami peningkatan nilai sebesar 2,13% jika dibandingkan dengan hasil perhitungan sebelum adanya pandemi Covid-19
The Concept of Maintaining Personal Reputation in Educational Institutions
A reputable institution needs individuals who are able to maintain their personal reputation. This applies to all lecturers, education staff, and students. By maintaining a good personal reputation, the institution’s reputation will also be safeguarded. The objective of the study is to explore the concept of maintaining a good personalreputation from the perspective lecturers, education staff, and students of the Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Sources of data in this study came from lecturers and education staff in the faculty. The data was collected using a questionnaire which was then analyzed using a qualitative approach of Miles, Huberman, and Sadana. The results show that more than 89% of respondents at the Faculty of Languages and Arts agree and strongly agree to maintain their personal reputation. Most of them use WhatsApp that is equipped with group and status features that give everyone the opportunity to share what they feel and build their reputation. The use of language is also very important in efforts to maintain a personal reputation. Personal reputation is not something suddenly. This reputation is built through time. The statements of the respondent can be categorized via 6 elements consisting of (1) human capital, (2) time, (3) social control, (4) career success, (5) power, and (6) autonomy.
Keywords: personal reputation, maintaining, lecturers, educatio
Kenaikan Berat Badan Bayi Usia 6 Bulan berdasarkan Pemberian Asi Esklusif dengan Pemberian Susu Formula
Bayi yang mendapat ASI umumnya tumbuh dengan cepat pada 2-3 bulan pertama kehidupannya, tetapi lebih lambat dibanding bayi yang tidak mendapat ASI eksklusif. Dalam minggu pertama kehidupan sering ditemukan penurunan berat badan sebesar 5% pada bayi yang mendapat Susu Formula dan 7% pada bayi yang mendapat ASI. Apabila terjadi masalah dalam pemberian ASI, penurunan berat badan sebesar 7% dapat terjadi pada 72 jam pertama kehidupan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik melalui perbandingan dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan berat badan bayi yang mendapatkan ASI dengan yang mendapatkan susu formula pada bayi usia 6 bulan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 112 bayi, besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 53 bayi dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa berat badan bayi yang mendapatkan ASI tertinggi 7800 gram dan terendah 6700 gram, sementara berat badan bayi yang mendapatkan Susu Formula tertinggi 9300 gram dan terendah 7000 gram. Berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, hasil uji ini ini didapatkan bahwa nilai p = 0.000 < a = 0.05, maka ada perbedaan pertumbuhan berat badan bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan susu formula. Pada penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan kenaikan berat badan bayi usia 6 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan susu formula. ASI lebih baik bagi kesehatan bayi karena tidak menyebabkan obesitas, walaupun berat badan bayi yang mendapatkan ASI lebih rendah dibandingkan yang mendapatkan susu formula.
Kata kunci: Berat Badan, ASI Eksklusif, Susu Formul
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