11 research outputs found
Media Audio Visual Sebagai Sarana Pengenalan Ekspresi Emosi
Media can be exploited for various purposes, and each media has its specificcharacteristics for specific purposes. The messages of emotional expression throughaudiovisual media can be one means to recognize the competencies of individuals inidentifying the emotional expression. The emotional expression is defined as a patternformed in the facial expression in relation to the types of emotion perceived. There are fourtypes of emotional expressions including feelings of anger, sadness, happiness, and scare.This research was aimed at developing instruments to recognize the emotional expressionsby using audio visual media.Subjects involved 32 graduate program students of Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah MadaUniversity, Yogyakarta. Data were collected by using rating scale to recognize the emotionalexpression(feelings of angry, sad, happy, and scary). Quantitative analysis were used in thisresearch with the result of assessment on raters' responses as additional data. The results ofraters' average assessment showed that the scenes 1 and 13 indicated the highest score forthe expression of angry feeling, the scenes 10 and 14 indicated the highest score for theexpression of sadness, scenes 11 and 15 the highest score for the expression of happiness,and scenes 8 and 12 the highest score for the expression of scare. The fragments of thescenes were able to be exploited as instruments successfully passed the selection to recognizethe emotional expression
Abstrak: Sexual abuse melibatkan faktor resiko dan proteksi pada anak. Kajian klinis dengan dasar teroritis, didukung oleh kalangan praktisi yang menangani kasus sexual abuse perlu menyajikan berbagai informasi yang mudah diakses tentang intervensi untuk menangani kasus-kasus tersebut. Dampak kekerasan amat berpengaruh terhadap harga diri anak, termanifestasikan dalam sikap dan perilaku mereka di masyarakat. Inovasi klinis yang tepat, terukur dan hati-hati diperlukan dalam kasus tertentu, termasuk sexual abuse. Dibutuhkan penanganan serius dan segera dengan Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), yakni salah satu intervensi atau pendekatan khas dengan melakukan pembinaaan, memberikan keterampilan efektif antara orang tua dan anak secara bersama-sama. Intervensi Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) membantu orang tua melakukan interaksi dengan teknik pengasuhan maupun pendampingan pada anak-anak, di antaranya mengatasi kasus sexual abuse, mengurangi dampaknya secara fisik maupun psikologis. Tantangannya adalah dukungan empiris ketersediaan tenaga sarana dalam menerapkan intervensi PCIT masih terbatas pada biaya, konsistensi dan keadaan resistensi. Diharapkan orang tua, guru dan masyarakat dapat bekerjasama secara sinergis untuk memproteksi anak dari sexual abuse.
Abstract: Sexual abuse involves risk and protective factors in children. Clinical studies with theoretical basis, supported by practitioners who deal with cases of sexual abuse need to present awide range of easily accessible information about the intervention to deal with such cases. The impact of violence is very influential on children's dignity, manifested in their attitudes and behavior in society. Appropriate clinical innovation, scalable, and caution is required in certain cases, including sexual abuse. It takes serious and immediate treatment with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), which is one of the typical approach to intervention or guidance, providing effectives kills between parents and children together. Intervention of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) help parents interact with parenting and mentoring techniques to children, including addressing cases of sexual abuse, reducing the physical and psychological impact. The challenge is the availability of means of empirical support in implementing PCIT intervention is limited to the cost, consistency and resistancestate. Expected of parents, teachers and the community can work synergistically to protect children froms exual abuse.
Kata Kunci: Kekerasan Seksual, PCIT, dan Pendampinga
Covid-19 had a global impact on almost all aspects of life, including mental health. The application of social distancing and quarantine methods as an effort to control the spread of Covid-19 has changed the way we socialize, even disrupting mental health. With this change, mental health services are also affected where the service mechanism that was previously carried out face-to-face has changed to online services. Tele PFA is a relevant alternative as a mental health service solution during a pandemic. At the Psychology and Career Development Service Center (P4K) of UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri (UIN SAIZU) Purwokerto, PC is at the forefront of PFA services for students and public. PCare the senior students of Counseling Department at Dakwah Faculty that join P4K through selection and PFA training. Tele PFA was chosen because it can be done by anyone who is trained and has knowledge of how to do PFA through various online methods. The purpose of this study was to obtain a descriptive idea of Tele PFA services dynamics. This study focuses on Tele PFA services carried out by PCs who are members of the P4K UIN SAIZU. Research data collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) that was conducted online with 17 PC respondents. FGD results showed that the complaints submitted by clients are generally related to education, family and love matters. The result concluded that the most requested method for Tele PFA were made through chat, followed by services via voice calls, voice notes and video calls. Challenges experienced by PCs when performing network-related services, unfavorable environmental conditions during service and countertransference. The PFA tele service is very helpful in alleviating client problems and also increasing PC self-development, especially related to counseling skills
Secara umum anggaran yang disusun dan digunakan oleh sebagian responden, telah menggunakan master budget.. Sebagian besar responden menyusun anggaran operasional untuk semua departemenlbagian.
Alasan responden untuk menyusun anggaran tersebut sebagian besar karena untuk penilaian prestasi kerja. Sebagian besar anggaran disusun untuk menentukan tujuan dan sasaran perusahaan, untuk a1at pengendalian biaya dan operasional.
Semua responden selalu menetapkan tujuan dan sasaran secara jelas dalam penyusunan anggarannya, sedangkan untuk penyusunan anggaran dari titi
Pengaruh lagu Bahasa Jawa Terhadap Sopan Santun Berbicara Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun
This research aims to determine the influence of Javanese songs on speaking politeness in children aged 5 to 6 years at Kindergarten Pertiwi 2 Dukuhwaluh. The research method used is a quantitative field study using a pre-experimental design. The data collection methods used by researchers are observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Survey instruments or questionnaires are validated by expert assessors. Data analysis carried out was normality testing and hypothesis testing using IBM SPSS Statistics. The following results were obtained: The average score before and after the application of Javanese Songs increased from 23 to 31.11, namely with a percentage increase of 35%; The significance value between the pretest results and the posttest results is 0.001, which means there is a very strong relationship, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a difference in scores before and after the implementation of the Javanese song; The correlation value between the pretest results and the posttest results is 0.782, which is high, namely close to 1. This means that Javanese songs influence speaking manners in early childhood class B at Kindergarten Pertiwi 2 Dukuhwaluh.Keywords - early childhood, Javanese songs, speaking manner
Media can be exploited for various purposes, and each media has its specific
characteristics for specific purposes. The messages of emotional expression through
audiovisual media can be one means to recognize the competencies of individuals in
identifying the emotional expression. The emotional expression is defined as a pattern
formed in the facial expression in relation to the types of emotion perceived. There are four
types of emotional expressions including feelings of anger, sadness, happiness, and scare.
This research was aimed at developing instruments to recognize the emotional expressions
by using audio visual media.
Subjects involved 32 graduate program students of Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta. Data were collected by using rating scale to recognize the emotional
expression(feelings of angry, sad, happy, and scary). Quantitative analysis were used in this
research with the result of assessment on raters’ responses as additional data. The results of
raters’ average assessment showed that the scenes 1 and 13 indicated the highest score for
the expression of angry feeling, the scenes 10 and 14 indicated the highest score for the
expression of sadness, scenes 11 and 15 the highest score for the expression of happiness,
and scenes 8 and 12 the highest score for the expression of scare. The fragments of the
scenes were able to be exploited as instruments successfully passed the selection to recognize
the emotional expression
The effect of future time perspective, emotional intelligence and peer support on career maturity in students
Career maturity is very important for students because it becomes foundation for students after finishing their study. Student career maturity can be influenced by several factors, including future time perspective, emotional intelligence, and peer support. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the future time perspective, emotional intelligence, and peer support either partially or simultaneously on career maturity. The type of this research was quantitative research. The type of quantitative research used in this research is causal comparative research. The sample of this research were 110 students of Professor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri State Islamic University Purwokerto taken using convenience sampling technique. The instruments used in this research are Carstensen and Lang Future Time Perspective scale (CL-FTP), Emotional Intelligence Scale referring to the aspects proposed by Salovey, social support scale proposed by Sarafino, and career maturity scale using career maturity dimension from Rehfuss & Sickinger. The data analysis used multiple linear regression testThe result of this research concludes that the future time perspective and emotional intelligence partially affect career maturity. Peer support partially has no effect on career maturity. Career maturity is a continuous process influenced by several variables and students need careful preparation and career planningOn the other hand, the combination of future time perspective, emotional intelligence, and peer supporteffect career maturity
This research aims to identify somatization viewed from spiritual well
being and emotion regulation among patients in hospital.
Subjects involved 58 patients, diagnosed as having somatization by
physicians and psychologists. They presented physical complaint
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Suksesi Program Full Day School Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Azhary Ajibarang Banyumas
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Azhary adalah sekolah yang mampu menerapkan program full day school dengan baik sehingga mengantarkan ia menjadi sebuah lembaga favorit di Kab. Banyumas. Akan tetapi dibalik keunggulan-Nya MI ini memiliki sisi kekurangan di bidang SDM. Adapun kegiatan Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan secara teoritis dan mengembangkan mutu sumber daya manusia. Program ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk workshop melalui pendekatan andragogik. Adapun hasil yang dicapai dari pengabdian ini. Pertama, peserta workshop memiliki pengetahuan tentang posisi sebagai pendidik berdasarkan karakteristik anak sehingga muncul hubungan positif antara guru dan anak. Kedua, guru mendapatkan pengalaman dan wawasan tentang strategi pembelajaran aktif lagi menyenangkan sehingga terjadi proses belajar mengajar yang aktif dan menyenangkan diantara siswa dan guru. Ketiga, melalui program full day school dengan proses pembelajaran aktif dapat membentuk karakter siswa. Keempat, peserta menyadari bahwa program kegiatan pengabdian dalam bentuk workshop merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan secara kontinyu demi tercapainya sumber daya manusia yang baik
Literature Review of Spiritual Care in Islamic Cultural Perspective
This article aims to literature review regarding spiritual care in Islamic culture perspective. Systematic review is done to support knowledge regarding spiritual care. Literature studies from 2007 to 2017 are identified narratively and reviewed critically in Islamic cultural perspectives. The method for literature analysis is using eight steps from Walker and Avant. The findings of this review stated that spiritual care is a dynamic activity to integrate physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. Spiritual care takes the form of spiritual service that is done dynamically and integratively based on divine and human values especially Islamic cultural values. The main services include caring for the sick, identifying spiritual needs, and increasing spiritual well-being. The implications of the findings are to help building policies in nursing and to help nurses in developing positive attitude in applying spiritual care. The conclusion of this literature review produces a comprehensive definition regarding spiritual care and supports spiritual care competency in health in Islamic cultural perspective