8 research outputs found


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    Di Indonesia khususnya Karawang salah satu jenis usaha yang berkembang dalam masyarakat adalah pelaku usaha yang memiliki modal usaha kecil, dimana merupakan suatu kegiatan bisnis yang bergerak di berbagai bidang usaha tertentu. Pelaku usaha dengan modal usaha kecil dikenal sebagai usaha yang mampu mengatasi pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Menjadi pengusaha saat ini semakin mudah, begitu juga untuk mendapatkan modal usaha. Untuk mendapatkan modal usaha tidak jarang malah dapat mendadi sumber kehancuran usahanya, sebab tidak semua pinjaman untuk modal usaha memiliki dampak yang baik. Hal ini umumnya kerap dialami oleh kalangan pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah. Pelaku usaha terkadang memanfaatkan layanan peminjaman modal yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai pihak salah satuya rentenir. Rentenir umumnya memberi syarat yang mudah dipenuhi. Namun, hanya sedikit yang menyadari kalau pinjaman modal tersebut merupakan awal kemunculan dari bahaya riba. Tidak hanya menyangkut diri sendiri, tapi juga keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat. Diharapkan dengan adanya penyuluhan ini, pelaku usaha dapat menghindari riba yang nantinya akan berdampak bagi kehidupan


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    Pada era globalisasi sekarang ini, telekomunikasi memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan strategis dalam kehidupan manusia khususnya dalam bidang internet. Internet misalnya telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan utama bagi masyarakat modern saat ini. Berbelanja, mengirim surat, mendengarkan musik sampai mengiklankan suatu produk, semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan perantaraan internet. Untuk dapat melaksanakan penyelenggaraan telekomunikasi tersebut, diperlukan suatu badan pengelola yang menyediakan pelayanan jasa internet salah satunya yang dilakukan oleh PT. Plaza Telkom yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan jasa sambungan telekomunikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami Tanggungjawab PT. Plaza Telkom terhadap wanprestari dala penyediaan layanan jaringan internet kepada konsumen. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu dengan mengkaji permasalahan hukum melalui bahan pustaka yang mencakup peraturan perundang-undangan diantaranya Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun ,1999 Tentang Perlidnungan Konsumen, hasil penelitian ilmiah, buku, jurnal atau artikel yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini dan internet. Tanggung jawab PT. Plaza Telkom terhadap wanprestasi dalam penyediaan layanan jaringan internet kepada konsumen yaitu; pertanggungajwaban perdata dan pidana


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    Forum dispute resolution through arbitration that we know today is the National Arbitration and International Arbitration. What is meant by International Arbitration is a well known method used for resolving disputes between parties who are bound in an international business contracts. In line with arbitration in general, international arbitration is created from arbitration clause contained in a contract that has been agreed by the parties who are bound in it. International dispute resolution is based on broad international business contracts executed under some judicial institutions internationally renowned referees, one of which is the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC). Procedure regarding the implementation of the arbitral award in Indonesia distinguished by the type of decision, the arbitration award of national or international arbitration decision. What is meant by international arbitration decision is stipulated in Article 1 point (9) of Law Number 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Settlement. The background of this research is that businesses, both domestic and international, to resolve business disputes they prefer resolving disputes through arbitration institutions, in particular SIAC compared with BANI institutions. It is to be examined whether and how the process and procedures that exist in both institutions, as well as the comparative advantages and disadvantages. This study discusses the comparison process of dispute resolution through arbitration in BANI Institutions and SIAC, so we get the data of how the method of dispute resolution through arbitration has become the primary choice for businesses in the dispute. The research proves that the processes and procedures for dispute resolution in the SIAC institutions have differences with BANI institutions in the processes and procedures and the legal basis used in the settlement of business disputes between the parties

    Analisis Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Antara Pt Pertiwi Lestari Dengan Petani Di Teluk Jambe Di Kabupaten Karawang Berdasarkan Undang -Undang No 21 Tahun 1961 Tentang Pencabutan Hak Atas Tanah

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    <p><em><span>Land is utilized and used for the prosperity of society physically and<span> </span>spiritually, the condition is to maintain its sustainability. Based on Article<span> </span>4 paragraph (1) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian<span> </span><span>Regulations,</span><span> </span>it<span> </span>states<span> </span>that<span> </span>land<span> </span>in<span> </span>a<span> </span>juridical<span> </span>sense<span> </span>is<span> </span>the<span> </span>surface<span> </span>of<span> </span>the<span> </span>earth,<span> </span>which includes the surface of the earth that is on land and the surface of<span> </span>the earth that is under water, the sea. Article 4 of Law Number 5 of 1960<span> </span><span>basically</span><span> </span>regulates<span> </span>the<span> </span>meaning<span> </span>of<span> </span>rights<span> </span>to<span> </span>land,<span> </span>which<span> </span>includes<span> </span>the<span> </span>surface<span> </span>of the earth, which can be applied to the granting of rights underground<span> </span>and in the airspace. This empirical normative legal research method is<span> </span>basically<span> </span>a<span> </span>normative<span> </span>legal<span> </span>approach<span> </span>with<span> </span>the<span> </span>addition<span> </span>of<span> </span>various<span> </span>empirical<span> </span>elements. The land dispute between PT Pertiwi Lestari and residents and<span> </span>Perhutani<span> </span>originated<span> </span>from<span> </span>the<span> </span>developer<span> </span>company's<span> </span>claim<span> </span>over<span> </span>791<span> </span>hectares of land in the West Telukjambe area. The ownership claim was<span> </span>based on ownership of a Building Use Rights certificate issued by the<span> </span>Karawang Land Office in 1998. Namely HGB certificate No. 5 village<span> </span>Margamulya,<span> </span>HGB<span> </span>certificate<span> </span>No.<span> </span>11<span> </span>Wanajaya<span> </span>village<span> </span>and<span> </span>HGB<span> </span>certificate No. 30 Wanajaya village. According to article 18 of the Basic<span> </span>Agrarian Law, in the public interest, including the interests of the nation<span> </span>and<span> </span>the<span> </span>State<span> </span>as<span> </span>well<span> </span>as<span> </span>the<span> </span>common<span> </span>interests<span> </span>of<span> </span>the<span> </span>people,<span> </span>land<span> </span>rights<span> </span>can<span> </span>be<span> </span>revoked,<span> </span>by<span> </span>providing<span> </span>appropriate<span> </span>compensation<span> </span>and<span> </span>in<span> </span>a manner<span> </span>regulated<span> </span>by<span> </span>law.</span></em></p&gt

    Legal Liability By Organs of Social and Humanitarian Foundations Against Misuse of Foundation Funds

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    Foundation is a legal entity that is functionally a means to carry out social activities which was established with the intention of improving the welfare of others and not for commercial purposes or for profit. A foundation as a legal entity has its own assets that are separate from the assets of its management. The foundation's source of funds can come from donations or donations from third parties or from business activities carried out by the Foundation. Where the wealth is used to carry out its activities, besides that the foundation also requires funds to meet its operational needs for the sustainability of the foundation. However, recently there have been findings related to the organs of social and humanitarian foundations that deviate by misusing the assets of the foundation. This is a result of the lack of public supervision related to the foundation so that there is a deviation from the aims and objectives of the foundation. This study was conducted to find answers to the formulation of the problem regarding the role and authority of the foundation organs and how the legal accountability of the foundation organs for the misuse of foundation funds. The research method used in normative juridical research, the data used is secondary data in the form of primary legal material which comes from Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning the Jo Foundation. Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations. and secondary legal materials related to this research. The results of this study are to find out related to the duties, functions and authorities of foundation organs in accordance with the Foundation Law and also how the legal accountability of foundation organs for misuse of foundation funds

    Perlindungan Hukum Hak Cipta di Media Sosial: Studi Kasus Pinterest

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    Legal protection in this very modern era needs further attention, especially to technology that is always developing rapidly. The current era of social media is very diverse, one of which is the social media Pinterest, where social media facilitates various photos contained in it. The media in the form of images must be able to give legal protection to the creators of the works who have exclusive rights in the form of privileges so that they are not misused by others for their commercial interests. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal protection of Pinterest social media and as legal reading material for Pinterest social media users with normative juridical methods for the research method. The result of this study is that the image media contained in Pinterest is copyright protected under Article 40 Paragraph (l) letters f and k of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, where there are sanctions given to copyright violators, namely sanctions in the form of fines at most a lot of 4 billion rupiah

    Perlindungan Hukum Hak Cipta di Media Sosial: Studi Kasus Pinterest

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    Legal protection in this very modern era needs further attention, especially to technology that is always developing rapidly. The current era of social media is very diverse, one of which is the social media Pinterest, where social media facilitates various photos contained in it. The media in the form of images must be able to give legal protection to the creators of the works who have exclusive rights in the form of privileges so that they are not misused by others for their commercial interests. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal protection of Pinterest social media and as legal reading material for Pinterest social media users with normative juridical methods for the research method. The result of this study is that the image media contained in Pinterest is copyright protected under Article 40 Paragraph (l) letters f and k of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, where there are sanctions given to copyright violators, namely sanctions in the form of fines at most a lot of 4 billion rupiah