25 research outputs found
Ukuran Organ Sistem Reproduksi Itik Jantan Yang Disuplementasi Probiotik Mep+ Berbagai Dosis Selama 30 Hari
Probiotics MEP+ can increase fowl weight and weft efficiency, therefore it is important to know probiotics MEP+ effect at different dosage toward reproduction aspect. This research aimed to examine duck reproduction organ size suplemented with probiotics MEP+ with different dosage within 30 days. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments with different dosages within 30 days which was without probiotic\u27s application or control (K), 0,75 ml/kg wefts (P1) dose, 1,5 ml/kg wefts (P2) dose, a n d 3 ml/kg wefts (P3) dose. Each treatment repeated 8 times. Total 40 ducks raised in floor dry cage system. At 31st day of treatment duck reproduction system organ was measured. Whole results show increase average data (±SD) for weight of both right and left testis, and liver weight with highly probiotics dosage it, however the analysis result statistic not significant (P>0,05) except weight of right left testis with duck weight or gonadosomatic indeks (GSI) were very significant (P<0,01) among all treatment at different dosages was compared control. The results is confirmed that probiotic\u27s MEP+ treatment with different dosages within 30 days gave no effect towards duck reproduction system organ size except to gonadosomatic indeks (GSI) male duck
Profil dan Learning Outcomes Lulusan Pendidikan Akuntansi sebagai Referensi Lptk dalam Menyiapkan Guru Akuntansi Bermutu
The objective of this research is to stipulate the profile and learning outcome of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. It is intended to help the Indonesian government to prepare the qualified teacher of Accounting subject matter according to the perceptions of alumni, lecturers, stakeholders, profession associations, and decision makers.The data sources of research were 96 students, 248 alumni, 15 lecturers, 15 stakeholders, Association of Accounting Educator Profession of Indonesia, and Chief of the Study Program of Accounting Education, Sebelas Maret University. The data of research were collected through observation, documentation, and FGD. They were analyzed by using the qualitative approach.The results of research show that (1) the profile of the graduates of the Study Program of Accounting Education includes the prospective teachers of Accounting subject matter for Vocational High Schools and Senior Secondary Schools who major in Introduction to Accounting and Finance, Number Processing/Spreadsheet, Banking, Accounting of Service and Trading Company, Financial Accounting, Accounting Computer, Accounting of Manufacturing Company, and Tax Administration; prospective Accounting instructors at non-formal education programs;; edupreneurs in the field of accounting and finance; junior researchers in the field of accounting and finance; and assistant accountants, and (2) the learning outcome expected includes attitude, knowledge, general and special skills, characters, and transferable soft skills which are relevant with the demands of the general public
Stochastic Calculations with Applications to Finance
This thesis presents a variety of probabilistic and stochastic calculations related to theOrnstein-Uhlenbeck process, the weighted self-normalized sum of exchangeable variables,various operators defined on the Wiener space and Greeks in mathematical finance.First, we discuss some properties of the weighted self-normalized sum of exchangeablevariables. Then we show two methods to compute the different order moments of theBrownian motion via the definition of expactation and the so-called Malliavin calculus,repectively. We also show how to compute the different order moments of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process by using Itô calculus and generlize it to the Itô processes of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type.Finally we show how to apply the Malliavin calculus to compute different operatorsdefined on the Wiener space such as the derivative opertor, the divergence opertor, the infinitesimalgenerator of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup and the associated characteristics.We also apply Malliavin calculus to compute Greeks for European options as well as exoticoptions, where the integration by parts formula provides a powerful tool. In addition,we demonstrate the computation of Greeks for the models where we treat share price Itômartingale models such as Wt and Wt2−t.</div
Selective Crystallization of Racemic Polymorph <i>via</i> Native Enantiomer Inhibition: dl-Methionine
of chiral compounds is dictated by chiral recognition
and molecular self-assembly in solution. However, their interplay
remains elusive. The reason for the considerably reduced polymorphism
in chiral molecules than that of nonchiral molecules remains unclear.
Herein, we use a combination of experimental and computational techniques
to show that excessive enantiomer functioning, as a native crystallization
inhibitor, selectively suppresses the crystallization of racemic polymorphs,
affording preferential crystallization of the metastable α polymorph
of dl-methionine. Bulk crystallization assays show concomitant
crystallization of the α and β polymorphs of racemic dl-methionine in the solution with no enantiomeric excess. However,
when the solution contains excessive d-/l-methionine
enantiomer, only the metastable α form can be crystallized.
Crystal growth experiments, fluoresce confocal microscopy, and atomic
force microscope surface topology measurements reveal the growth inhibition
of both polymorphs with preferential suppression of the β form
by excess native enantiomer. Binding energy calculations and molecular
dynamic simulations further demonstrate the preferential adsorption
of excessive enantiomers on the (0 0 2) facet of the β form
over the α form. Overall, our results uncover a unique chiral
self-positioning mechanism where the excess enantiomer solutes serve
as a native growth inhibitor to disrupt the kinetics of racemic polymorphic
crystallization, affording selective crystallization of only one polymorph
of dl-methionine. Our results highlight the important effect
of excess enantiomer in a solution on the polymorph occurrence of
chiral molecules
Enhancing Two-Electron Reaction Contribution in MnO<sub>2</sub> Cathode Material by Structural Engineering for Stable Cycling in Aqueous Zn Batteries
MnO2 is a promising cathode for aqueous Zn
However, the cycling stability is seriously hindered by active material
dissolution, and the pre-addition of Mn2+ salts in electrolytes
is widely required. Herein, we propose a structural engineering strategy
for MnO2 to enhance the capacity contribution from the
reversible two-electron transfer reaction of MnO2/Mn2+ and realize stable cycling in Mn2+-free electrolytes.
By compositing with MoO3, MnO2 exhibits weakened
Mn–O bonds, more oxygen vacancies, spontaneous generation of
structural water, and thus a lowered energy barrier for Mn release
during discharge. Meanwhile, the composite material presents stronger
electrostatic attractions for dissolved Mn2+, which ensures
highly reversible re-deposition during charge. As a result, the mass
ratios between materials undergoing reversible two-electron and one-electron
transfer reactions increase from 0.85 in MnO2 to 1.68 in
the MnO2/MoO3 composite material. In the ZnSO4 electrolyte, the MnO2/MoO3 cathode
achieves 92.6% capacity retention after 300 cycles at 0.1 A g–1 (>1900 h), superior to 62.7% for MnO2.
MnO2/MoO3 also retains 80.1% capacity after
16 000 cycles at 1 A g–1 (>3200 h). This
work presents an effective path to realize stable cycling of MnO2 in Zn batteries
table_8_Transcriptome Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid From Children With Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia Reveals Natural Killer and T Cell-Proliferation Responses.doc
Background<p>Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is one of the most common community-acquired pneumonia; this study is to explore the immune-pathogenesis of children MPP.</p>Methods<p>Next-generation transcriptome sequencing was performed on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from six children with MPP and three children with foreign body aspiration as control. Some of the results had been validated by quantitative real-time PCR in an expanded group of children.</p>Results<p>Results revealed 810 differentially expressed genes in MPP group comparing to control group, of which 412 genes including RLTPR, CARD11 and RASAL3 were upregulated. These upregulated genes were mainly enriched in mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling biological processes. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway analysis revealed that hematopoietic cell linage pathway, natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity pathway, and T cell receptor signaling pathway were significantly upregulated in MPP children. In addition, significant alternative splicing events were found in GNLY and SLC11A1 genes, which may cause the differential expressions of these genes.</p>Conclusion<p>Our results suggest that NK and CD8+ T cells are over activated and proliferated in MPP children; the upregulated IFNγ, PRF1, GZMB, FASL, and GNLY may play important roles in the pathogenesis of children MPP.</p
table_3_Transcriptome Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid From Children With Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia Reveals Natural Killer and T Cell-Proliferation Responses.doc
Background<p>Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is one of the most common community-acquired pneumonia; this study is to explore the immune-pathogenesis of children MPP.</p>Methods<p>Next-generation transcriptome sequencing was performed on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from six children with MPP and three children with foreign body aspiration as control. Some of the results had been validated by quantitative real-time PCR in an expanded group of children.</p>Results<p>Results revealed 810 differentially expressed genes in MPP group comparing to control group, of which 412 genes including RLTPR, CARD11 and RASAL3 were upregulated. These upregulated genes were mainly enriched in mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling biological processes. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway analysis revealed that hematopoietic cell linage pathway, natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity pathway, and T cell receptor signaling pathway were significantly upregulated in MPP children. In addition, significant alternative splicing events were found in GNLY and SLC11A1 genes, which may cause the differential expressions of these genes.</p>Conclusion<p>Our results suggest that NK and CD8+ T cells are over activated and proliferated in MPP children; the upregulated IFNγ, PRF1, GZMB, FASL, and GNLY may play important roles in the pathogenesis of children MPP.</p
table_7_Transcriptome Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid From Children With Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia Reveals Natural Killer and T Cell-Proliferation Responses.doc
Background<p>Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is one of the most common community-acquired pneumonia; this study is to explore the immune-pathogenesis of children MPP.</p>Methods<p>Next-generation transcriptome sequencing was performed on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from six children with MPP and three children with foreign body aspiration as control. Some of the results had been validated by quantitative real-time PCR in an expanded group of children.</p>Results<p>Results revealed 810 differentially expressed genes in MPP group comparing to control group, of which 412 genes including RLTPR, CARD11 and RASAL3 were upregulated. These upregulated genes were mainly enriched in mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling biological processes. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway analysis revealed that hematopoietic cell linage pathway, natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity pathway, and T cell receptor signaling pathway were significantly upregulated in MPP children. In addition, significant alternative splicing events were found in GNLY and SLC11A1 genes, which may cause the differential expressions of these genes.</p>Conclusion<p>Our results suggest that NK and CD8+ T cells are over activated and proliferated in MPP children; the upregulated IFNγ, PRF1, GZMB, FASL, and GNLY may play important roles in the pathogenesis of children MPP.</p
table_9_Transcriptome Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid From Children With Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia Reveals Natural Killer and T Cell-Proliferation Responses.doc
Background<p>Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is one of the most common community-acquired pneumonia; this study is to explore the immune-pathogenesis of children MPP.</p>Methods<p>Next-generation transcriptome sequencing was performed on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from six children with MPP and three children with foreign body aspiration as control. Some of the results had been validated by quantitative real-time PCR in an expanded group of children.</p>Results<p>Results revealed 810 differentially expressed genes in MPP group comparing to control group, of which 412 genes including RLTPR, CARD11 and RASAL3 were upregulated. These upregulated genes were mainly enriched in mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling biological processes. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway analysis revealed that hematopoietic cell linage pathway, natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity pathway, and T cell receptor signaling pathway were significantly upregulated in MPP children. In addition, significant alternative splicing events were found in GNLY and SLC11A1 genes, which may cause the differential expressions of these genes.</p>Conclusion<p>Our results suggest that NK and CD8+ T cells are over activated and proliferated in MPP children; the upregulated IFNγ, PRF1, GZMB, FASL, and GNLY may play important roles in the pathogenesis of children MPP.</p
image_2_Transcriptome Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid From Children With Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia Reveals Natural Killer and T Cell-Proliferation Responses.tif
Background<p>Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is one of the most common community-acquired pneumonia; this study is to explore the immune-pathogenesis of children MPP.</p>Methods<p>Next-generation transcriptome sequencing was performed on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from six children with MPP and three children with foreign body aspiration as control. Some of the results had been validated by quantitative real-time PCR in an expanded group of children.</p>Results<p>Results revealed 810 differentially expressed genes in MPP group comparing to control group, of which 412 genes including RLTPR, CARD11 and RASAL3 were upregulated. These upregulated genes were mainly enriched in mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling biological processes. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway analysis revealed that hematopoietic cell linage pathway, natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity pathway, and T cell receptor signaling pathway were significantly upregulated in MPP children. In addition, significant alternative splicing events were found in GNLY and SLC11A1 genes, which may cause the differential expressions of these genes.</p>Conclusion<p>Our results suggest that NK and CD8+ T cells are over activated and proliferated in MPP children; the upregulated IFNγ, PRF1, GZMB, FASL, and GNLY may play important roles in the pathogenesis of children MPP.</p