2,569 research outputs found

    Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma

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    Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a relatively uncommon gingival growth that is considered to be reactive in nature and postulated to appear secondary to irritation or trauma. They usually occur in young adults with a female predominance and are solitary in nature. We report a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a 55-year old femal

    Block Outlier Methods for Malicious User Detection in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing

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    Block outlier detection methods, based on Tietjen-Moore (TM) and Shapiro-Wilk (SW) tests, are proposed to detect and suppress spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attacks by malicious users in cooperative spectrum sensing. First, we consider basic and statistical SSDF attacks, where the malicious users attack independently. Then we propose a new SSDF attack, which involves cooperation among malicious users by masking. In practice, the number of malicious users is unknown. Thus, it is necessary to estimate the number of malicious users, which is found using clustering and largest gap method. However, we show using Monte Carlo simulations that, these methods fail to estimate the exact number of malicious users when they cooperate. To overcome this, we propose a modified largest gap method.Comment: Accepted in Proceedings of 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring (VTC-Spring), May 2014, Seoul, South Kore

    Novel Advent For Add-On Security By Magic Square Intrication

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    The efficiency of a cryptographic algorithm is based on its time taken for encryption / decryption and the way it produces diverse cipher text from a clear text. The RSA, the extensively used public key algorithm and other public key algorithms may not guarantee that the cipher text is copiously secured. As an alternative approach to handling ASCII characters in the cryptosystems, a magic square implementation is deliberated of in this work. It attempts to augment the efficiency by providing add-on security to the cryptosystem. This approach will boost the security due to its complexity in encryption because it deals with the magic square. Here, encryption / decryption is based on numerals generated by magic square rather than ASCII values. In this, we add the ASCII value and the numeral in the consequent magic square. Because to encrypt the plaintext characters, their ASCII values are taken and if a character occurs in numerous places in a plaintext there is a possibility of same cipher text is produced. To surmount the problem, this paper attempts to develop a technique in which a constant is added for the recurring character

    New Estimates of the Value of Federal Mineral Rights and Land

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    We calculate a time series of the value of federal mineral rights in oil and natural gas by using various estimates of proven and unproven reserves and time series on federal government royalties and bonus payments. We also present estimates of the components of the revaluation of this series through time.The results are striking. Federal mineral rights are the single largest item in a complete balance sheet of the federal government, dominating the total value of tangible capital or financial assets. In 1981, for example, we estimate that the value of federal oil and gas rights exceeded 800billion,whichwaslargerthantheprivatelyheldnationaldebt.Thepaperalsopresentsestimatesofvariousconfidenceboundsonthevalueofoilandnaturalgas.Themethodologycanbeextendedtootherminerals,althoughwehavenotdoneso;ourestimateisalowerboundonthetotalvalueofallmineralrights.Thepaperalsoexpandsandextendspreviousestimatesofthevalueoffederalland.Newdata,andattentiontothedetaileddecompositionoffederallandholdingsbytype,leadtosubstantiallylargerestimatesofthevalueoffederallandthanhavebeenpresentedinpreviousresearch.Ourestimateisthatby1981,thetotalvalueoffederallandwas800 billion, which was larger than the privately held national debt. The paper also presents estimates of various confidence bounds on the value of oil and natural gas. The methodology can be extended to other minerals, although we have not done so; our estimate is a lower bound on the total value of all mineral rights.The paper also expands and extends previous estimates of the value of federal land. New data, and attention to the detailed decomposition of federal land holdings by type, lead to substantially larger estimates of the value of federal land than have been presented in previous research. Our estimate is that by 1981, the total value of federal land was 175 billion.


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    Panchakarma is getting global attention nowadays and Virechana is one among its procedures which is actively used by the Ayurvedic fraternity. Four different types of Virechana namely Anulomana, Sramsana, Bhedana and Rechana are mentioned in our classics but they are not apprised properly for their clinical utility. The Brihattrayis give ample illustrations of their use without highlighting the underlying rationale. Sarangdhara Samhita defines each of this therapeutics without indicating the disease conditions. This paper tries to understand the specific clinical utility of the four types of Rechana by tracing back their indications in scriptures. Anulomana is a mild form of Virechana where the Paka of Malas occur. Sramsana is a mild form of Virechana which does not cause Paka of Malas. Bhedana does not cause Paka of Malas but it is a strong type of Virechana. Rechana also does not cause Paka of mala but the strength of the procedure can be modulated by the use of different types of drugs. The selection of the type of Rechana depends on the pharmaco-therapeutic action necessary to harmonise the Dosa, Dhatu and Mala without causing any further complication or Upadrava


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    Nowadays there are so many accidents happening in the industries (Mechanical, chemical) due to the workers who consume alcohol during their work period. In order to prevent and reduce the rate of accidents happening in the industry, there are few preventive measures which has been evolved. Now we use new methods and technology for detecting the alcohol consumption of the worker. For this we use alcohol sensor which is placed along with the biometric attendance system. The workers have to pass the alcohol detection test then only they can able to proceed for their biometric attendance. If the worker does not pass the alcohol detection test then that worker would not be able to register for the biometric attendance system. This alcohol detection system is kept in a room that capable of detecting only one person at a time
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