7,220 research outputs found
OBJECTIVE: In the present study we investigate the head and Neck Malignancy cases presenting to the ENT department of our Hospital, and analyze the same to give inputs as to the incidence of head and neck malignancies, the symptoms and stage of presentation, lifestyle and habits as contributory risk factors, identify ENT primary in neck secondaries, histopathological types and selection of best treatment.METHODS: Prospective analysis of 150 patients with newly diagnosed malignancies of nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx and ear.RESULTS: Most malignancies are common in patients greater than 40 years of age. 88% of cancer occur in males. Oropharynx cancer is the most common cancer in our study, with the commonest subsite as base of tongue. Supraglottic and pyriform fossa tumours are the commonest tumour in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers  respectively. The most common presentation is dysphagia. Synergistic effect of smoking and alcohol is seen in 50% of patients. Most of the cases were seen in stage III and IV except glottis cancer which is predominantly seen in stage I, almost all cases were squamous cell carcinoma.CONCLUSION:The results of our study were in conformity with other similar studies. In larynx, Supraglottic was more common as opposed to glottis in certain western studies. Analysis of various factors helps in early diagnosis and management.KEYWORDS:Cancer, Head and Neck Malignancy, Larynx, pharynx, Nasopharynx, Neck secondaries.
A Bottom Up Procedure for Text Line Segmentation of Latin Script
In this paper we present a bottom up procedure for segmentation of text lines
written or printed in the Latin script. The proposed method uses a combination
of image morphology, feature extraction and Gaussian mixture model to perform
this task. The experimental results show the validity of the procedure.Comment: Accepted and presented at the IEEE conference "International
Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
Analysis and Exploring of different recent trends in processing of Big data
Big Data is a whole new concept in information technology driven computing world that manages large and complex datasets through certain data mining processing tools and functional models. Research suggests that tapping the potential of this data can benefit businesses, scientific disciplines and the public sector – contributing to their economic gains as well as development in every sphere. The need is to develop efficient systems that can exploit this potential to the maximum, keeping in mind the current challenges associated with its analysis, structure, scale, timeliness and privacy As we all know the process of data mining is knowledge driven discovery process through which we can extract relevant information about a particular matter of subject. Big size datasets have numerous velocity and volume so it demands research techniques to extract useful information. As the complexity of data increases, there is more challenging work for us to implement big data methodologies. Enterprises face the challenge of processingthese huge chunks of data, and have found that none of the existing centralized architectures can efficiently handle this huge volume of data. This research highlights the concept of Big Data used in datasets, its present scenario place in industry, hidden truths behind development of big data and what will be the future of big data in coming years
Risk in Output Growth of Oilseeds in the Rajasthan State: A Policy Perspective
Today, India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an important position in the agricultural economy. Rajasthan state occupies a prominent place in the oilseeds production of India. The important oilseed crops of the Rajasthan state are groundnut, soyabean, rapeseed & mustard, sesamum and taramira. The growth pattern of these crops in the state has been prone to risk over time and across the agro-climatic regions because of the rainfall behaviour, prolonged drought-periods, limited water-resources and facilities available in the state Under such a situation, growth performances of these crops are subjected to high degree of risks in the sector. Therefore, it is important to describe the growth pattern of area, production and productivity, factors affecting acreage allocation under crops and magnitude of instability as well as its sources in major oilseeds crops of Rajasthan state. The fluctuating yield has been seen for almost all the oilseeds crops. However, the area and yield instability of the mustard crop has been found declining overtime plausibly because of increase in irrigation facilities, location-specific technologies and better input management. However, this needs to be further strengthened for improvement in the overall agricultural scenario. The acreage of the crops has been found to be governed by both price and non-price factors. Hence, price incentive alone has not been found to be the sufficient in bringing the desirable change in the cropping pattern as well production of crops. Hence, a policy for better implementation of support price system, development of consistently performing varieties and further enhancement of irrigation facilities will go a long way to ensure stability in the Rajasthan agriculture. To compel the large yield variability, it is advisable to the farmers to avail benefits of crop insurance scheme.Agricultural and Food Policy,
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