4,856 research outputs found
Novel Dark Matter Models and Detection Strategies
We consider the impact of relaxing some typical assumptions about dark matter
interactions, including isospin-invariance, elastic scattering and contact
interactions. We show that detection strategies with neutrino detectors,
gamma-ray searches, new direct detection experiments and collider searches can
all provide complementary information. We argue that data from many such
strategies may be necessary to gain a more complete understanding of dark
matter interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of CETUP* 201
Probing Isospin-Violating Dark Matter
We discuss experimental probes of isospin-violating dark matter (IVDM),
including direct and indirect detection strategies. We point out the important
role which IVDM plays in understanding recent data regarding low-mass dark
matter, and describe strategies for finding evidence of IVDM at current and
upcoming experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the Symposium on Cosmology and
Particle Astrophysics (CosPA2011
Asymmetric Dark Matter
We review the theoretical framework underlying models of asymmetric dark
matter, describe astrophysical constraints which arise from observations of
neutron stars, and discuss the prospects for detecting asymmetric dark matter.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. Submitted to the proceedings of PPC 2013.
v2 and v3: typos fixed and references correcte
A Toy Model for Gauge-Mediation in Intersecting Brane Models
We discuss the phenomenology of a toy intersecting brane model where
supersymmetry is dynamically broken in an open string hidden sector and
gauge-mediated to the visible sector. Scalar masses ~ TeV are easily
realizable, and R-symmetry is broken. These ideas are easily generalizable to
other intersecting brane models.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, references added, some discussion clarifie
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