281 research outputs found
In the fast changing liberalized global environment where growth and productivity have emerged as the important agents of growth and development present study is an effort to investigate growth pattern and productivity trends of small scale wood and wooden products industry in Punjab The growth of industry has been measured in terms of four variables namely number of units fixed investment direct employment and production Yearly growth rates have been computed to mirror year to-year fluctuations in growth and compound annual growth rates CAGRs have been worked out to find the impact of the policies of liberalized regime on growth of this industry Productivity trends have been sketched in terms of capital intensity capital output ratio and partial factor productivities The study observed that the liberalization has encouraged mechanization and technological up gradation in the wood and wooden products industry in Punjab The policies of liberalized regime have resulted in lower COR and enhancement of factor productivities but at the expense of employment generatio
An Approach to Provide Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Counter Mode of Encryption on Mac Layer
Security in any of the networks became an important issue in this paper we
have implemented a security mechanism on Medium Access Control layer by Assured
Neighbor based Security Protocol to provide authentication and confidentiality
of packets along with High speed transmission for Ad hoc networks. Here we have
divided the protocol into two different parts. The first part deals with
Routing layer information; in this part we have tried to implement a possible
strategy for detecting and isolating the malicious nodes. A trust counter for
each node is determined which can be actively increased and decreased depending
upon the trust value for the purpose of forwarding the packets from source node
to destination node with the help of intermediate nodes. A threshold level is
also predetermined to detect the malicious nodes. If the value of the node in
trust counter is less than the threshold value then the node is denoted
'malicious'. The second part of our protocol deals with the security in the
link layer. For this security reason we have used CTR (Counter) approach for
authentication and encryption. We have simulated all our strategies and schemes
in NS-2, the result of which gives a conclusion that our proposed protocol i.e.
Assured Neighbor based Security Protocol can perform high packet delivery
against various intruders and also packet delivery ratio against mobility with
low delays and low overheads.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted and cited in "First International
Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA-2011)
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to develop a Facebook applications de-velopment guide using PHP. The main aim of this thesis was to learn different platforms, SDK and how Facebook API work. This quick guide is completed for Oulu University of Applied Sciences under supervision of Mr. Teppo Räisänen and will be used as teaching material because Facebook application develop-ment course was already introduced in Oulu University of Applied Sciences.
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the theory on Fa-cebook, how it works and what can be done with Facebook using either API or SDK. The second part contains a pictorial guide of Facebook applications de-velopment process using current available technique and SDK’s version. This quick guide for Facebook applications development is suitable for beginners who want to develop the Facebook applications. This quick guide shows, how to add a new application, its platform, current requirement for SDK and down-loadable source of different SDK.
Small Facebook application developed using PHP which help reader to under-stand the procedure of Facebook applications development using current PHP SDK. In this application PHP SDK version 5.0 and default graph v2.4 has been used to complete Facebook application.
Facebook changes its policy from time to time, updates SDK and deprecates some features from Facebook. It is a developer who needs to follow the Face-book upgrade or migration policy so that application work according to current system requirement. Application developed for this thesis follows the rules and policies available from January 2015 to December 2015. It may change in fu-ture. To find the current policies, it is suggested to follow the Facebook docu-mentation for more information.Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää Facebook-sovellusten kehitys-opas käyttäen PHP:tä. Päätarkoituksena oli oppia erilaisia alustoja, SDK:ta ja kuinka Facebook ohjelmistorajapinta (API) toimii. Tämä pikaopas on tehty Ou-lun Ammattikorkeakoululle Teppo Räisänen valvonnassa ja sitä käytetään ope-tusmateriaalina koska Facebook-sovelluskehityskurssilla Oulun Ammattikorkea-koulussa.
Tämä opinnäytetyö jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy teori-aan Facebookista, kuinka se toimii ja mitä Facebookilla voi tehdä käyttäen API:a tai SDK:ta. Toinen osa sisältää kuvallisen oppaan Facebook-sovelluskehityksestä käyttäen saatavilla olevia tekniikoita ja SDK-versiota. Tä-mä pikaopas Facebook-sovelluskehitykseen soveltuu aloittelijalle, joka haluaa kehittää Facebook-sovelluksen. Tämä pikaopas näyttää kuinka lisätään uusi sovellus, sen alusta, nykyiset SDK:n vaatimukset ja ladattavat lähteet eri SDK:lle.
Osana opinnäytetyötä kehitettiin yksinkertainen Facebook-sovellus käyttäen PHP:tä. Sovellus auttaa lukijaa ymmärtämään Facebook-sovelluskehityksen menettelytapoja käyttäen nykyistä PHP SDK:ta. Tässä sovelluksessa käytettiin PHP SDK versiota 5.0.0 ja default graph v2.4:ää.
Facebook muuttaa käytäntöjään ajoittain, päivittää SDK:ta ja poistaa joitain ominaisuuksia käytöstä. Sovelluskehittäjän tulee seurata Facebookin päivitys- tai muunnoskäytäntöjä niin, että sovellus toimii uusimpien vaatimusten mukai-sesti. Tässä opinnäytetyössä kehitetty sovellus noudattaa sääntöjä ja käytäntö-jä tammikuulta 2015 joulukuulle 2015. Nämä voivat muuttua tulevaisuudessa. Uusimmat käytännöt löytyvät noudattamalla Facebookin ohjeistusta
Design of an evolutionary approach for intrusion detection,”
A novel evolutionary approach is proposed for effective intrusion detection based on benchmark datasets. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof. The generated ensembles can be used to detect the intrusions accurately. For intrusion detection problem, the proposed approach could consider conflicting objectives simultaneously like detection rate of each attack class, error rate, accuracy, diversity, and so forth. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior solutions and ensembles thereof having optimized trade-offs values of multiple conflicting objectives. In this paper, a three-phase, approach is proposed to generate solutions to a simple chromosome design in the first phase. In the first phase, a Pareto front of noninferior individual solutions is approximated. In the second phase of the proposed approach, the entire solution set is further refined to determine effective ensemble solutions considering solution interaction. In this phase, another improved Pareto front of ensemble solutions over that of individual solutions is approximated. The ensemble solutions in improved Pareto front reported improved detection results based on benchmark datasets for intrusion detection. In the third phase, a combination method like majority voting method is used to fuse the predictions of individual solutions for determining prediction of ensemble solution. Benchmark datasets, namely, KDD cup 1999 and ISCX 2012 dataset, are used to demonstrate and validate the performance of the proposed approach for intrusion detection. The proposed approach can discover individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof with a good support and a detection rate from benchmark datasets (in comparison with well-known ensemble methods like bagging and boosting). In addition, the proposed approach is a generalized classification approach that is applicable to the problem of any field having multiple conflicting objectives, and a dataset can be represented in the form of labelled instances in terms of its features
Design of an Evolutionary Approach for Intrusion Detection
A novel evolutionary approach is proposed for effective intrusion detection based on benchmark datasets. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof. The generated ensembles can be used to detect the intrusions accurately. For intrusion detection problem, the proposed approach could consider conflicting objectives
simultaneously like detection rate of each attack class, error rate, accuracy, diversity, and so forth. The proposed approach can generate
a pool of noninferior solutions and ensembles thereof having optimized trade-offs values of multiple conflicting objectives.
In this paper, a three-phase, approach is proposed to generate solutions to a simple chromosome design in the first phase. In the
first phase, a Pareto front of noninferior individual solutions is approximated. In the second phase of the proposed approach,
the entire solution set is further refined to determine effective ensemble solutions considering solution interaction. In this phase,
another improved Pareto front of ensemble solutions over that of individual solutions is approximated. The ensemble solutions in
improved Pareto front reported improved detection results based on benchmark datasets for intrusion detection. In the third phase,
a combination method like majority voting method is used to fuse the predictions of individual solutions for determining prediction
of ensemble solution. Benchmark datasets, namely, KDD cup 1999 and ISCX 2012 dataset, are used to demonstrate and validate
the performance of the proposed approach for intrusion detection. The proposed approach can discover individual solutions and
ensemble solutions thereof with a good support and a detection rate from benchmark datasets (in comparison with well-known
ensemble methods like bagging and boosting). In addition, the proposed approach is a generalized classification approach that is applicable to the problem of any field having multiple conflicting objectives, and a dataset can be represented in the form of labelled instances in terms of its features
Effect of Euphorbia Coagulum on Flexural Property of Polyester Banana Fiber Composite
Presently composites are being made using either both the binder and the reinforcing fibers are synthetic or either one of the material is natural or synthetic. In the present study coagulum (dried latex) of Euphorbia royleana has been used for replacing polyester resin as a natural binder in polyester banana fiber composite. The influence of addition of different weight fraction of the coagulum n flexural property in the composite is studied. It was observed that with the increase in the coagulum fraction in matrix, the flexural property of the polyester banana fiber composite increases. The flexural strength increased by 25% and flexural modulus by 15% at 40% of coagulum weight fraction. This study presents the possibility of preparation of composites using coagulum of Euphorbia latex. The developed composite may be used in partition walls, roof tiles, interior linings of automobiles, etc as wood substitute
Antibacterial activity of leaf extracts of some selected traditional medicinal plants of Uttarakhand, North East India
Screenings of methanolic leaf extracts of nine medicinal plants (Cotinus coggygria, Adhatoda vesica, Argemone mexicana, Zanthoxylum armatum, Berberis asiatica, Corissa opaca, Euphorbia hirta, Cassio fistula and Ricinus communis), belonging to selected areas of Uttarakhand, were tested against seven bacterial strains (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterobactor aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) by disc diffusion method. Leaf extracts of R. communis, B. asiatica and C. opaca showed high (13 – 23) effect on all the bacterial strains while E. hirta, Z. armatum and A. vesica exhibits minimum (6 – 15) effects. Remaining leaf extracts of plants were found moderately (10 - 19) effective
This study was organized to assess and have records about the information literacy and computer literacy skills among the students at the University of Jammu. To collect the data, a questionnaire was framed and distributed among 265 students studying at the University of Jammu. Out of 265 students, 243 questionnaires were received with responses being filed in them. Of the 243 students, there were 159 males and 84 females. The data revealed that the majority of the students 177 (72.84%) were familiar with the concept of computer and digital literacy and most of the students possess knowledge about the basic ICT skills such as Word Application software, Multimedia Applications, Spreadsheets Applications, and Communication Applications, etc. through which they can keep themselves abreast and updated with any sort of information required
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