21 research outputs found
Potentials and prospects of sport tourism in Malaysia: a theoretical perspective
Sport tourism has become a popular sub-sector in the tourism industry today. The success in organizing the World Conference on Sport Tourism in Barcelona, Spain 2001 was the beginning of more serious attention being paid to this sector and more widespread coverage in the years ahead. Until the early 1990s, tourism and sports existed as two distinct areas of activities. Until then, many scholars, decision-makers and governments involved in the field of tourism and sports perceived the profits for both sectors independently from one another, whereas the benefits generated by the synergy of both is far greater. In Malaysia, the success in organizing the race Le Tour de Langkawi in 1996 was a turning point in the government's focus on the development of the sport tourism sector. Currently, Malaysia is known for organizing several world-class sport events, among them the Royal Langkawi International Regatta (January), Ironman Triathlon (February), Formula 1 Grand Prix Malaysia (March), FEI Showjumping World Cup (May), PetronasPrimax 3 MerdekaMillineum Endurance Race (July), Super GT (August), Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix (September), A1GP Malaysia
(November) and Monsoon Cup (December). All these world-class sporting events bring substantial returns to the society and the nation. The advantages of sports asa tourism attraction include the length of time in which the events take place, extensive publicity coverage through the print and electronic media, sponsorship from various domestic and multinational companies and business opportunities provided to local residents during the event
Kearifan tempatan dan potensinya sebagai tarikan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti: Kajian kes komuniti Bajau Ubian di Pulau Mantanani, Sabah (Local knowledge and its potential as a community-based tourism attraction: The case of the Bajau Ubian Community in Mantanani Island, Sabah)
Pelancongan berasaskan komuniti adalah pelancongan yang bertujuan mencapai pembangunan lestari agar komuniti luar bandar dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka tanpa merosakkan alam sekitar. Sabah merupakan salah sebuah negeri yang terkenal dengan tarikan pelancongan berasaskan budaya dan alam sekitar di Malaysia. Negeri ini mempunyai lebih daripada tiga puluh etnik suku kaum yang kaya dengan seni dan kebudayaan masing-masing, antaranya ialah suku kaum Bajau Ubian. Kawasan kajian ini dijalankan di Pulau Mantanani kerana keunikan komunitinya yang hampir seratus peratus adalah daripada suku kaum Bajau Ubian. Pulau Mantanani adalah sebuah pulau yang kaya dengan keindahan alam semula jadi manakala komuniti Bajau Ubian pula kaya dengan kearifan tempatan tersendiri. Terdapat enam klasifikasi kearifan tempatan yang boleh dijadikan sebagai tarikan pelancongan iaitu masakan, kraftangan dan pertukangan, permainan tradisi, kemahiran hidup, seni tarian dan muzik, majlis keraian dan perayaan. Setiap kearifan tempatan ini mempunyai potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai tarikan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan meneliti potensi kearifan tempatan komuniti Bajau Ubian sebagai tarikan pelancongan di Pulau Mantanani
Flood hazard analysis in floodplain of Beaufort, Sabah, Malaysia
The level of comfort of a home or residential area is important to everyone. The intended connotations of comfort include being safe and free from natural hazards such as floods, landslides and earthquakes. However, there is not one area on this earth that is completely free of natural hazards. Highland areas, for example, are more likely to experience landslides while lowlands are more likely to experience floods. Beaufort District flood plain is one of the most frequently flooded lowlands, especially in Bekalau, Bingkul, Mempagar and Malalugus. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the flood risk level in all four villages. Hydrological data integrated with field measurement data in the field is used to determine flood hazard levels. The duration of the hydrological data is 10 years from 2009 to 2018. Total sample size (to measure strandline) was 241 households. The data were then analyzed using Anaconda Python version 3.7 software through the Pandas application. The findings show that the level of exposure to flood hazards at the study site varied. Nearly 90 per cent of the total sample (residential) is exposed to high flood risk (Area B and Area C). These include the frequency, duration and depth of the flood
Kearifan tempatan dan potensinya sebagai tarikan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti: Kajian kes komuniti Bajau Ubian di Pulau Mantanani, Sabah (Local knowledge and its potential as a community-based tourism attraction: The case of the Bajau Ubian Community in Mantanani Island, Sabah)
Community-based tourism is a type of tourism which seeks to achieve sustainable development of rural communities whereby their standard of living can be improved without jeopardising environmental integrity. Sabah is one of the states in Malaysia that is well-endowed with tourism attractions based on culture and environment. This state has more than thirty ethnic tribes that are rich in native art and distinctive local knowledge and culture among which is the Bajau Ubian tribe of the scenic Mantanani Island. This study found six classifications of local knowledge that could be turned into tourist attractions, namely, cuisine, handicrafts and carpentry, traditional games, life skills, several arts of dance and music, and festival celebrations. Each of these local knowledge had the potential to become a community-based tourist attraction for the Mantanani Island
Profiles, Psychology and Satisfaction of Anglers on Fishing Facilities of Saltwater Pond
Purpose: This research looked at visitor characteristics as well as angler satisfaction with recreational fishing facilities and services at the Ko-Nelayan Laya-Laya Marine Fishing Pond (KPIMKL) in Tuaran, Sabah. Theoretical Framework: Recreational fishing has a lot of potential in Sabah since there are so many natural areas to fish in, such the sea, rivers, and ponds. Although there have been researches on recreational fishing in ponds, particularly artificial and freshwater ponds, no studies on saltwater ponds have been done. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study design is exploratory and descriptive, using a quantitative approach. Qualitative approaches through in-depth interviews with KPIMKL entrepreneurs and indirect interviews with chosen respondents, are also used in this study. The survey included 105 people who were chosen at random. Findings: The finding showed that the visitor profiles of the respondents include repeat visitation and group visitation, fishing duration of 5 - 6 hours, utilising private automobile, major source of information is social media, and the attraction elements are the diversity of fishing ponds and sizes of fish. Furthermore, the majority of respondents have participated in KPIMKL-organised contests, particularly in the Big Game category. Visitors were generally satisfied, as 10 of the 17 attributes for facilities and services provided at KPIMKL received a “very high” mean score (including surau facilities, rest huts, and food stalls), 6 received a “high” mean score (including toilets, complaints and information spaces, as well as fishing fees), and only one received a “moderate” mean score (the rubbish bins facility). Research Practical and Social Implication: In summary, the recreational fishing study at this saltwater fishing pond will help stakeholders, particularly fisheries department and fishing pond operators to be more dedicated and proactive in ensuring the quality of fishing services and facilities is always at its best
Flood Risk Management: An Integrated Approach in Sustaining Human And Environmental Surrounding
Human environmental interaction exists in almost every part of the world. This illustrate that humans need the environment to survive and to carry out activities. This need can also be expressed through the exploitation process of a single area in the environment. The exploitation process performed by humans can either occur sustainably or unsustainably. Therefore, this paper aims to explore how the "flood risk management approach" helps to preserve the social surrounding and the environment, specifically in the context of the natural flood plains exploitation. To achieve the objectives of this study, the analysis includes a review of the characteristics and causes of floods in urban areas and flood plains, the types of flood management approaches implemented in Malaysia and how the "flood risk management approach" is considered an integrated and sustainable approach to be used in flood plains. In Malaysia, the "flood protection approach" is used as a medium to manage floods in urban areas that developed due to urban imperviousness. Unfortunately, this approach is unsuitable to be applied in all types of area, especially in natural flood plains. This is because, besides being unsustainable, this approach also typically fails to prevent flooding occurrence in flood plains. The characteristics and causes of floods in flood plains differ from urban areas. Therefore, the "flood risk management approach" which combines the paradigm of "keeping the water away from people" and "water-based lifestyle" is found to be more integrated and sustainable to be applied in all areas including natural flood plains
Impact of the Tourism Sector on the Socio-Economy of Indigenous People on The Islands Around Semporna
The natural beauty of the islands is the main attraction of the tourism sector in Semporna, Sabah. The development of this tourism industry is seen to have a positive impact on the overall development in the Semporna District. However, whether this tourism development has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous people in the surrounding islands of Semporna is the primary focus of this pilot study. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands of Semporna. The study adopts a quantitative approach involving 60 respondents, with 20 respondents in each study location. The study locations include three islands around Semporna: Larapan Island, Omadal Island, and Mabul Island. The results of the study found that the respondents strongly agreed that the arrival of tourists in Semporna increased the income of the island's residents and provided job opportunities for the local population, with a minimum mean value of 4.6 for both aspects. In the social aspect, the majority of community members were highly responsive and believed that tourism empowered women's involvement (mean=4.4) and strengthened cooperation among community members (mean=4.6). In conclusion, the development of tourism in Semporna has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands. However, various initiatives need to be strengthened to ensure that this positive impact benefits a larger number of indigenous people and helps alleviate poverty issues among the indigenous communities, particularly on the islands
Pemerkasaan kearifan tempatan komuniti Bajau Ubian sebagai tarikan pelancongan di Pulau Mantanani, Kota Belud
Kajian ini adalah tentang pemerkasaan kearifan tempatan komuniti Bajau Ubian sebagai produk pelancongan berasaskan komuniti di Pulau Mantanani. Isu kearifan tempatan banyak dikaji dalam pelbagai disiplin ilmu seperti kaji iklim, pendidikan dan pemuliharaan biodiversiti. Namun, perkaitan kearifan tempatan dan sektor pelancongan masih kurang dikaji. Terdapat empat objektif dalam kajian ini, iaitu (i) mengenal pasti kategori, jenis dan ciri-ciri kearifan tempatan komuniti Bajau Ubian; (ii) meninjau tahap ketersediaan komuniti terhadap rancangan pelaksanaan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti; (iii) meneliti peranan institusi sokongan dalam membantu komuniti Bajau Ubian untuk membangunkan kearifan tempatan mereka sebagai suatu tarikan pelancongan dan (iv) mencadangkan strategi dan langkah pemerkasaan yang boleh dilaksanakan agar kearifan tempatan komuniti di pulau ini dapat dijadikan sebagai tarikan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan ialah pendekatan penerokaan dengan mengaplikasikan kaedah kualitatif dan disokong oleh kaedah kuantitatif. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 8 orang mahir dalam kearifan tempatan terpilih, 205 orang responden dalam kalangan penduduk setempat dan 9 orang responden dari institusi sokongan atau pihak pemegang taruh. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah temu bual mendalam, senarai semak, borang soal selidik, temu bual tidak langsung dan pemerhatian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan setiap kearifan tempatan adalah berpotensi dijadikan sebagai produk pelancongan mengikut kelestarian kemahiran tersebut iaitu (i) mengikut musim seperti makanan tradisional, majlis keraian dan perayaan; (ii) kemahiran yang masih diamalkan seperti kategori permainan tradisi, kemahiran hidup, kemahiran kraftangan dan pertukangan serta (iii) kategori seni tarian dan muzik pula mengalami kepupusan kecuali tarian Igal-Iga/ sahaja yang masih diamalkan. Seterusnya, tahap ketersediaan responden terhadap rancangan pelaksanaan PBK adalah responsif dengan 80 peratus yang bersedia melaksanakannya. Seterusnya, majoriti responden memilih tiga jenis kearifan tempatan yang berpotensi untuk dipromosikan sebagai produk pelancongan iaitu perusahaan produk berasaskan laut, produk berasaskan pulau dan perusahaan kuih-muih. Selain itu, institusi sokongan atau pihak pemegang taruh didapati komited dan menyokong rancangan pelaksanaan PBK di Pulau Mantanani dan sedia membantu penduduk tempatan dari pelbagai cara seperti menganjurkan kursus keusahawanan dalam pelancongan, kempen menjaga alam sekitar dan pemuliharaan budaya warisan. Seterusnya, isu semasa di pulau seperti kebersihan, bekalan elektrik dan perpaduan serta langkah yang telah dilaksanakan sebelum ini seperti penubuhan homestay dan kempen kesedaran pantai di Pulau Mantanani turut diambil kira sebagai cadangan strategi dan langkah dalam memperkasakan kearifan tempatan sebagai tarikan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti yang berdaya saing. Oleh itu, dapatan kajian menunjukkan kearifan tempatan mempunyai potensi dijadikan sebagai tarikan pelancongan. Untuk itu, tahap penerimaan komuniti yang responsif dan komitmen instiusi sokongan yang digerakkan oleh pihak pemegang taruh adalah nadi utama dalam menjayakan rancangan pelaksanaan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti di Pulau Mantanani
Kelestarian pelancongan dan hubungannya dengan kesepaduan sosial: Kajian kes komuniti tempatan Bongawan
Kelestarian pelancongan merupakan isu penting dalam era globalisasi kini kerana faedah eknomi dan sosial komuniti tempatan wujud daripada pertumbuhan industri pelancongan yang pesat. Walau bagaimanapun, tanpa kesepaduan sosial yang kukuh maka kelestarian pelancongan mungkin sukar dicapai terutamanya dalam kalangan komuniti luar bandar. Kesepaduan sosial melibatkan hubungan harmoni yang wujud daripada persefahaman dan saling hormat - menghormati dalam kalangan pemain industri pelancongan. Justeru, artikel ini membincangkan indikator kesepaduan sosial komuniti yang menjadikan pembangunan pelancongan di Kampung Seri Serbang, Bongawan lebih lestari. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui pemerhatian dan temubual mendalam bersama informan terpilih di Kampung Seri Serbang. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan, wujud eleman dan indikator kesepaduan sosial yang terbina melalui penglibatan aktif aktiviti pelancongan seperti river cruise, persembahan tarian dan pakaian tradisional etnik iaitu sebagai usaha pembangunan homestay mampan di Kampung Seri Serbang. Oleh itu, melalui usaha meningkatkan kesepaduan sosial, ia diharap dapat mewujudkan persekitaran yang kondusif dan kelestarian pelancongan di Kampung Seri Serbang dicapai. Sekaligus, dapat memberikan faedah jangka panjang kepada komuniti tempatan, pelancong dan alam sekitar secara maksimum