13 research outputs found
Semiquantitative theory for high-field low-temperature properties of a distorted diamond spin chain
We consider the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a distorted diamond
chain and use the localized-magnon picture adapted to a distorted geometry to
discuss some of its high-field low-temperature properties. More specifically,
in our study we assume that the partition function for a slightly distorted
geometry has the same form as for ideal geometry, though with slightly
dispersive one-magnon energies. We also discuss the relevance of such a
description to azurite.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Presented at the 4-th Conference on Statistical
Physics: Modern Trends and Applications (July 3-6, 2012 Lviv, Ukraine
Finite temperature second harmonic generation in Kitaev magnets
We study electric field induced second harmonic generation (2HG) in the
Kitaev model. This frustrated magnet hosts a quantum spin-liquid, featuring
fractionalization in terms of mobile Majorana fermion and static
flux-vison elementary excitations. We show that finite
temperature 2HG allows to probe characteristic features of both fractional
quasiparticle types. In the homogeneous flux state at low-temperatures, the 2HG
susceptibility displays an oscillatory spectrum, which is set by only the
fermionic excitations and is subject to temperature induced Fermi-blocking,
generic to all higher harmonic generation (HHG). In the intermediate to high
temperature range, intrinsic randomness, which emerges from thermally excited
visons leads to drastic changes of the 2HG susceptibility, resulting from
resonance decoupling over a wide range of energies. At the flux proliferation
crossover, we suggest an interpolation between these two temperature regimes.
Our results satisfy previously established symmetries for electric field
induced 2HG in Kitaev magnets.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
Effective low-energy description of almost Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain
We consider a geometrically frustrated spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond
chain, which is an exactly solvable model when assuming part of the exchange
interactions as Heisenberg ones and another part as Ising ones. A small
part is afterwards perturbatively added to the Ising couplings, which enabled
us to derive an effective Hamiltonian describing the low-energy behavior of the
modified but full quantum version of the initial model. The effective model is
much simpler and free of frustration. It is shown that the part added to
the originally Ising interaction gives rise to the spin-liquid phase with
continuously varying magnetization, which emerges in between the magnetization
plateaus and is totally absent in the initial hybrid diamond-chain model. The
elaborated approach can also be applied to other hybrid Ising-Heisenberg spin
systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Investigation of entanglement measures across the magnetization process of a highly frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg octahedral chain as a new paradigm of the localized-magnon approach
The bipartite entanglement across the magnetization process of a highly
frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg octahedral chain is examined within the concept
of localized magnons, which enables a simple calculation of the concurrence
measuring a strength of the pairwise entanglement between nearest-neighbor and
next-nearest-neighbor spins from square plaquettes. A full exact
diagonalization of the finite-size Heisenberg octahedral chain with up to 4
unit cells (20 spins) evidences an extraordinary high precision of the
localized-magnon theory in predicting measures of the bipartite entanglement at
sufficiently low temperatures. While the monomer-tetramer phase emergent at low
enough magnetic fields exhibits presence (absence) of the bipartite
entanglement between the nearest-neighbor (next-nearest-neighbor) spins, the
magnon-crystal phase emergent below the saturation field contrarily displays
identical bipartite entanglement between the nearest-neighbor and
next-nearest-neighbor spins. The presented results verify a new paradigm of the
localized-magnon approach concerned with a simple calculation of entanglement
measures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
The square-kagome quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at high magnetic fields: The localized-magnon paradigm and beyond
We consider the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the
two-dimensional square-kagome lattice with almost dispersionless lowest magnon
band. For a general exchange coupling geometry we elaborate low-energy
effective Hamiltonians which emerge at high magnetic fields. The effective
model to describe the low-energy degrees of freedom of the initial frustrated
quantum spin model is the (unfrustrated) square-lattice spin-1/2 model in
a -aligned magnetic field. For the effective model we perform quantum Monte
Carlo simulations to discuss the low-temperature properties of the
square-kagome quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at high magnetic fields. We
pay special attention to a magnetic-field driven
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition which occurs at low
temperatures.Comment: 6 figure