2 research outputs found
Geomagnetic Measurement on Reference Point at the Airport Alexander the Great Skopje
For purposes of this Master thesis, measurements were made of total
magnetic field on the airport "Alexander the Great", specifically in and around
runway airport. Were selected 40 reference measurement
points, paying particular emphasis on the threshold of the runway (threshold 16 and
34) where the density of reference
points are greatest.
Measurements were carried out in
excellent weather, sunny day
temperature of 20 degrees
Celsius. During the measurements
were taken
all measures in terms of safety of
participants in accordance with
traffic of aircraft (on several
occasions we had to
retreat of the auxiliary roads while
the runway again be free)
and the measures for magnetic
influenza participants themselves.
Runway airport "Alexander the
Great" is a long 2045
meters and 42 meters
wide. Located at an altitude of
238.1 meter
Structure of the geomagnetic field in correlation with neotectonic regionalization of the Republic of Macedonia
The paper presents research of the structure of the geomagnetic field in correlation with
the neotectonic regionalization. The territory of the Republic of Macedonia, according
to the neotectonic processes, is divided in three zones: Western - Macedonian zone
which include Alpine orogeny and Pelagonian massif, Vardar zone and Eastern - Macedonian zone which is part of the old Paleozioc rock mass on the Balkan Peninsula.
Anomalous geomagnetic field on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia is presented with regional and local components. Selection of the repeat stations density
and the method for data processing is adapted to separate the regional from the local
component of the anomalous geomagnetic field.
The paper presents maps of the elements of the regional anomalous geomagnetic field
and the map of the Z - component for the local field