111 research outputs found

    Approaches Used in Organic and Low Input Food Processing – Impact on Food Quality and Safety. Results of a delphi survey from an expert consultation in 13 European Countries.

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    The overall objective of the subproject on processing, where the Delphi expert survey was an important task, is “to develop of a framework for the design of “minimum” and “low input” processing strategies, which guarantee food quality and safety.” It should support the overall aim of the integrated QLIF Project (Quality of Low-Input Food) in improving quality, ensuring safety and reducing costs along the European organic and “low input” food supply chains through research, dissemination and training activities. The method chosen was the Delphi method. The work was carried out in the form of a two step Delphi survey. In the first round 250 experts in 13 countries in Europe were involved, and were asked to respond to a standardised questionnaire in October and November 2004 and the second round from March to May 2005. The Delphi expert survey was designed in such a way that the most important and currently discussed aspects regarding organic food processing have been taken up. 120 experts from 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland) answered the first round and 83 experts from 13 countries answered the second round. Based on the experiences from other EU projects (Hamm et al. 2002), a classification was made with regard to the development stage of the country in the organic market development

    Concept papers outlining parameters for further development of Organic Food Processing - Crucial topics for the revision of the EU regulation 2092/91

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    Four concept papers outline parameters for the further development of organic food processing. They are based on other work already executed in the subproject 5 Processing in the QLIF-project, in particular the literature survey on “Underlying Principles in Organic and "Low-Input Food“ Processing – Literature Survey” published in 2004 by Schmid, Beck and Kretzschmar, as well as the “Approaches used in Organic/Low Input Food Processing - impact on food quality and safety” results of a Delphi survey from an expert consultation in 13 European countries.“ (Kretzschmar, Schmid, 2006). The four crucial topics highlighted in concept papers that have been chosen are summarised below: - 1rd Concept paper on the chances for a concept of “quality of origin” and on criteria and procedures for the evaluation of additives for organic food processing -2nd concept paper on environmental orientation of organic foods producing processing companies -3rd concept paper on processing methods and their labelling -4th concept paper on the improvement of separation practice by parallel processing of conventional and organic product

    Quality aspects of processed organic baby food - Results of a case study from an expert consultation in the baby food industry in 10 European countries.

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    The processor survey shows the general principles and understanding of quality for the processing of organic food from the processors’ point of view. In addition, possible problem areas regarding the question of product quality such as raw material, processing techniques, storage etc. are worked out. The results of the survey support the identification and definition of critical and essential control points as well as product quality parameters. This survey can therefore conclude three points of actions to improve the process quality. - Handling of raw material: transportation, storage, pre-processing - Nutritional, safety and sensory QCCP - Cooking: time and temperature - Nutritional and sensory QCCP - Preserving/ sterilizations - Nutritional and safety QCCP Besides these QCCPs, organic baby food should break away from the baby food market and constitute a nutritional rich, environmentally friendly and safe product of high quality

    Quality and safety aspects of organic and low-input food processing: Results of a Delphi survey from an expert consultation in 13 European countries

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    Organic food-processing standards generally prohibit the use of synthetic chemicals, many preservatives and other food additives that are widely used in the processing of conventional foods. However, there are frequent discussions about the underlying rationales, principles and criteria used to allow some processing methods and additives but other ones not. Consumers of low-input and organic food have specific expectations regarding quality characteristics of processed food. Organic processed products should therefore be sustainable and fulfil consumers’ expectations as much as possible. Our study reviewed current approaches and concepts in organic food processing, based on the results of a literature survey and a two-step Delphi expert survey focusing on the most important and currently discussed aspects regarding organic food processing. In the first round, 250 experts in 13 European countries were involved who were asked to respond to a standardized questionnaire. Hundred and twenty experts answered in the first round and they were approached in the second round. Of these, 83 experts answered in the second round. The results show that there is an important need for clear principles and related criteria for the evaluation of additives and processing methods. In the minds of consumers, additional principles are present when compared with the present rules. The gap between consumer expectations and the rules at the time of the survey (Regulation EEC 2092/91, IFOAM Basic Standards, Codex Alimentarius Guidelines) can cause problems. So it is important to build a solid link between regulations and consumer perceptions. The principle of carefulness/careful processing might be helpful for the communication between manufactures/retailers and consumers. Generally, other means instead of new governmental rules are recommended (e.g., a code of practice)

    Auftrieb für die Hofverarbeitung auf Biobetrieben

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    Die Pandemie macht Menschen auf neue Weise interessiert daran, woher ihre Lebensmittel kommen. So steigen seit Monaten auch in den Hofläden die Frequenzen. Deren Kundschaft stellt dann manchmal verwundert fest, wie sich das Sortiment verändert hat

    Öko-Verarbeitung: Traditionell? Schonend? Umweltgerecht?

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    Über die Grundprinzipien der ökologischen Landwirtschaft findet ein breiter Diskurs in der Gesellschaft statt. Bei der Öko-Verarbeitung ist jedoch noch unklar, welche Prinzipien ihr zugrunde liegen. Ein EU-Projekt soll Leitlinien für Verarbeiter formulieren

    Organic food processing, actual principles, new challenges and possible ways to go

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    Content - Initial position - Basics organic processing in the regulation - New challenges: Outlook EU regulation - New challenges: What is driving force for development - Food trends: are they in contrast to the organic principles? - Requirements with regard to the technology (1/2) - Requirements with regard to the technology (2/2) - How to fullfill the technological approaches for organic? - Overview assessment (example apple juice) - Assessement framework: practical experience - Assessement framework: next steps - Assessment frame work a possible way for the evaluation of technologies - Process of evaluation of processing technologies - To summarize (1/2) - To summarize (2/2

    Qualität von verarbeiteter biologischer Babynahrung aus Konsumenten- und Herstellersicht

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    A consumer as well as a processor survey has been carried out in order to identify awareness, expectations and demands on the quality of organic processed vegetable baby food. In this paper we present the preliminary results for German and Italian consumers when purchasing vegetable baby purees. In contrast to vegetable baby puree in general, organic vegetable baby puree is considered additionally under aspects of its processing, safety, health benefits and sustainability. Ideas about the processing of baby purees turn out to be rather fuzzy. The processor survey showed no differences between organic and conventional processing. Nevertheless there are possibilities to optimise the process quality and differentiate the organic processing from ordinary methods

    Zusatzstoff-Dossiers. Alternativen zum Einsatz von Zusatzstoffen in der Verarbeitung von biologischen Lebensmitteln sowie Vermeidung bzw. Verringerung des Einsatzes von Zusatzstoffen zur Sicherung und Verbesserung der Qualität ökologischer Lebensmittel

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    Alle für die Verarbeitung ökologischer Erzeugnisse bereits zugelassenen Zusatzstoffe wurden anhand der Kriterien der EU für die Zulassung von neuen Zusatzstoffen sowie der Erfahrungen der Verbände und Industrie geprüft und beurteilt. Als Ergebnis wurde eine Dossiersammlung erarbeitet. Jeder für die ökologische Verarbeitung zugelassene Zusatzstoff wird in einem eigenen Kapitel („Dossier“) vorgestellt

    Quality analysis of critical control points within the whole food chain and their impact on food quality, safety and health (QACCP)

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    The overall objective of the project was to optimise organic production and processing in order to improve food quality and increase health promoting aspects in consumer products. The approach was a chain analysis approach which addressed the link between farm and fork and backwards from fork to farm. The objectives were to test food authenticity on farm level and food quality and health in processing. The carrot was chosen as the model vegetable since it is common for the involved partners from industry and is processed for baby food; hence the results are relevant for other vegetables and organic food in general as well. - Identify and define critical and essential product quality parameters useful to optimise organic food quality - Compare products from different farming practices (conventional and within organic) - Performance of QACCP (Quality Analysis Critical Control Point, similar to HACCP methodology) - Test the impact of the food chain (focusing on processing techniques) on the product quality and safety - Test the impact of organic food on healt