1,188 research outputs found
Charmonium Spectroscopy (X,Y,Z) at the B Factories
Since 2003 several states in the charmonium mass region were discovered.
While in the conventional c c-bar spectrum some states are missing, the number
of states observed up to now is larger than empty spaces in the c c-bar
spectrum. This, together with other difficulties to explain observed states as
a c c-bar mesons triggered discussions on a possible exotic interpretations. In
this proceedings we present current experimental status from B-factories of the
so called X, Y and Z states.Comment: Prepared for Beauty 2009 conference, Heidelberg, German
Tevatron Experimental Issues at High Luminosities
In this paper we describe the detector components, triggers and analysis
techniques for flavor physics at the Tevatron experiments CDF and DO. As
Tevatron performs very well and runs at higher luminosities regularly we also
touch issues related to it and efforts to improve detectors and triggers for
such running.Comment: Prepared for Beauty 2009 conference, Heidelberg, German
B Physics (Experiment)
In past few years the flavor physics made important transition from the work
on confirmation the standard model of particle physics to the phase of search
for effects of a new physics beyond standard model. In this paper we review
current state of the physics of b-hadrons with emphasis on results with a
sensitivity to new physics.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the "Physics at the LHC 2010"
conference. Added few missing reference
Angular distribution of polarised baryons decaying to
Rare flavour-changing-neutral-current processes provide
important tests of the Standard Model of particle physics. Angular observables
in exclusive processes can be particularly powerful as
they allow hadronic uncertainties to be controlled. Amongst the exclusive
processes that have been studied by experiments, the decay is unique in that the baryon can be produced
polarised. In this paper, we derive an expression for the angular distribution
of the decay for the case where the
baryon is produced polarised. This extends the number of angular
observables in this decay from 10 to 34. Standard Model expectations for the
new observables are provided and the sensitivity of the observables is explored
under a variety of new physics models. At low-hadronic recoil, four of the new
observables have a new short distance dependence that is absent in the
unpolarised case. The remaining observables depend on the same short distance
contributions as the unpolarised observables, but with different dependence on
hadronic form-factors. These relations provide possibilities for novel tests of
the SM that could be carried out with the data that will become available at
the LHC or a future collider
Summary of WG4: 'Lifetime, Mixing and Weak Mixing Phase in Charm and Beauty, Including Direct Determination of V_tx
We present the summary of the Working Group on lifetimes, mixing and weak mixing phases in charm and beauty mesons at the CKM 2010 workshop. In the past year or so good progress was achieved on both experimental and theoretical sides. While this yields improvement in our understanding of neutral meson mixing, further work is necessary to achieve the highest possible precision in order to investigate current hints for deviations between experiment and standard model predictions. With the recent LHC startup we see bright prospects for the near term future for huge improvements
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D and B meson spectroscopy, new states, baryons at the Tevatron
We review recent results in heavy quark hadron spectroscopy at the Tevatron. With increasing data samples, the Tevatron experiments start to uncover information on the spectroscopy of b-hadrons. Most important are the first observations of the narrow B**{sub s}{sup 0} as well as {Sigma}{sub b}{sup {+-}}, {Sigma}*{sub b}{sup {+-}} and {Xi}{sub b}{sup -} baryons. In addition we present updated results on the narrow B**{sup 0} and B{sub c} mesons
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Charmonium Spectroscopy (X,Y,Z) at the B Factories
Since 2003 several states in the charmonium mass region were discovered. While in the conventional c{bar c} spectrum some states are missing, the number of states observed up to now is larger than empty spaces in the c{bar c} spectrum. This, together with other difficulties to explain observed states as a c{bar c} mesons triggered discussions on a possible exotic interpretations. In this proceedings we present current experimental status from B-factories of the so called X, Y and Z states
Angular distribution of Ξ b 0 β p K β β + β β decays comprising Ξ resonances with spin β€ 5 / 2
This paper describes the angular distribution of Ξb0βΞβpKββ+ββ decays. A full expression is given for the case of multiple interfering spin-states with spin β€52. This distribution is relevant for future measurements of Ξb0βpKββ+ββ decays, where different states cannot easily be separated based on their mass alone. New observables arise when considering spin-52 states as well as interference between states. An exploration of their behaviour for a variety of beyond the Standard Model scenarios shows that some of these observables exhibit interesting sensitivity to the Wilson coefficients involved in b β sβ+ββ transitions. Others are insensitive to the Wilson coefficients and can be used to verify the description of Ξb0βΞ form-factors. A basis of weighting functions that can be used to determine all of the angular observables described in this paper in a moment analysis of the experimental data is also provided
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