71 research outputs found

    Bakeable McLeod gauge

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    A low pressure gauge of the McLeod type demonstrating superior performance and measuring characteristics is described. A mercury reservoir which is kept in a vacuum at all times as well as bakeable glass components to reduce contamination are featured

    Baking enables McLeod gauge to measure in ultrahigh vacuum range

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    Accurate measurements in the ultrahigh vacuum range by a conventional McLeod gage requires degassing of the gage's glass walls. A closed system, in which mercury is forced into the gage by gravity alone, and in which the gage components are baked out for long periods, is used to achieve this degassing

    Cold cathode ionization gage has rigid metal housing

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    Cold cathode ionization gage in a stainless steel housing accurately measures high pressures. The penning effect is used with a high voltage discharge in the presence of a magnetic field for an ion current proportional to the gas pressure in the gage

    Lunar lander mass spectrometer, phase 2 Final report, Apr. 1967 - Dec. 1968

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    Design and performance of breadboard miniaturized mass spectrometer for lunar mass probin

    Yaw attitude sensor Final report, 23 Jun. 1965 - 15 Feb. 1968

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    Yaw attitude sensor design based on principle of angle of attack sensor

    Cold cathode gauge development Final report, 29 Apr. 1965 - 20 Dec. 1966

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    Characteristics of magnetron type cold cathode ionization gage

    Inflation system for balloon type satellites Patent

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    Inflation system for balloon type satellite

    Design, fabrication and evaluation of a prototype molecular beam gimballed detector, control circuits, and signal processing electronics

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    Design, development, and evaluation of gimballed system for aligning spacecraft mounted instruments with relative win

    Integral Glass Encapsulation for Solar Arrays

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    Work reported was performed during the period from August 1977 to December 1978. The program objective was to continue the development of electrostatic bonding (ESB) as an encapsulation technique for terrestrial cells. Economic analyses shows that this process can be a cost-effective method of producing reliable, long lifetime solar modules. When considered in sufficient volume, both material and equipment costs are competitive with conventional encapsulation systems. In addition, the possibility of integrating cell fabrication into the encapsulation process, as in the case of the preformed cell contacts discussed in this report, offers the potential of significant overall systems cost reduction

    Design, fabrication, assembly and delivery of a laboratory prototype of a residual gas analyzer

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    The design, development, and testing of a wide mass range residual gas analyzer which will be one component of an integrated real time contamination monitor system are described. The instrument has been developed and tested to the laboratory prototype phase, demonstrating the performance that can be expected from a flight instrument of similar design. The instrument's analyzer is of the quadrupole type and a cold cathode ion source is employed as the ionizer. The associated electronics supply all necessary operating and mass sweep voltages for the ionizer, analyzer and electron multiplier ion detector. The instrument features a very fast linear electrometer with automatic range changing. The full mass range of 2 to 300 amu is automatically and repetitively scanned every sixty seconds and suitable telemetry outputs are provided for intensity and mass identification as well as a digital identification of the electrometer range