3,899 research outputs found
pairs from a nuclear transition signaling an elusive light neutral boson
Electron-positron pairs have been observed in the 10.95-MeV decay
in O. The branching ratio of the ee pairs compared to the
3.84-MeV decay of the level is deduced to be
. This magnetic monopole (M0) transition cannot proceed by
-ray decay and is, to first order, forbidden for internal pair
creation. However, the transition may also proceed by the emission of a light
neutral or boson. Indeed, we do observe a sharp peak in the
angular correlation with all the characteristics belonging to the
intermediate emission of such a boson with an invariant mass of 8.5(5)
MeV/c. It may play a role in the current quest for light dark matter in the
universe.Comment: 6 page
Investigation of Pygmy Dipole Resonances in the Tin Region
The evolution of the low-energy electromagnetic dipole response with the
neutron excess is investigated along the Sn isotopic chain within an approach
incorporating Hartree-Fock-Bogoljubov (HFB) and multi-phonon
Quasiparticle-Phonon-Model (QPM) theory. General aspects of the relationship of
nuclear skins and dipole sum rules are discussed. Neutron and proton transition
densities serve to identify the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) as a generic mode
of excitation. The PDR is distinct from the GDR by its own characteristic
pattern given by a mixture of isoscalar and isovector components. Results for
the Sn-Sn isotopes and the several N=82 isotones are presented.
In the heavy Sn-isotopes the PDR excitations are closely related to the
thickness of the neutron skin. Approaching Sn a gradual change from a
neutron to a proton skin is found and the character of the PDR is changed
correspondingly. A delicate balance between Coulomb and strong interaction
effects is found. The fragmentation of the PDR strength in Sn is
investigated by multi-phonon calculations. Recent measurements of the dipole
response in Sn are well reproduced.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, PR
A Re-evaluation of Evidence for Light Neutral Bosons in Nuclear Emulsions
Electron-positron pair-production data obtained by bombardment of emulsion
detectors with either cosmic rays or projectiles with mass between one and 207
and kinetic energies between 18 GeV and 32 TeV have been re-analysed using a
consistent and conservative model of the background from electromagnetic pair
conversion. The combined data yield a spectrum of putative neutral bosons
decaying to e+e- pairs, with masses between 3 and 20 MeV/c^2 and femtosecond
lifetimes. The statistical significance against background for these "X-bosons"
varies between 2 and 8 sigma. The cross-section for direct production of
X-bosons increases slowly with projectile energy, remaining over 1,000 times
smaller the the pion production cross-section.Comment: major revision with improved figures; accepted by Int J Mod Phys
Transmission resonance spectroscopy in the third minimum of 232Pa
The fission probability of 232Pa was measured as a function of the excitation
energy in order to search for hyperdeformed (HD) transmission resonances using
the (d,pf) transfer reaction on a radioactive 231Pa target. The experiment was
performed at the Tandem accelerator of the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory (MLL) at
Garching using the 231Pa(d,pf) reaction at a bombarding energy of E=12 MeV and
with an energy resolution of dE=5.5 keV. Two groups of transmission resonances
have been observed at excitation energies of E=5.7 and 5.9 MeV. The fine
structure of the resonance group at E=5.7 MeV could be interpreted as
overlapping rotational bands with a rotational parameter characteristic to a HD
nuclear shape. The fission barrier parameters of 232Pa have been determined by
fitting TALYS 1.2 nuclear reaction code calculations to the overall structure
of the fission probability. From the average level spacing of the J=4 states,
the excitation energy of the ground state of the 3rd minimum has been deduced
to be E(III)=5.05 MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure
Observation of Anomalous Internal Pair Creation in Be: A Possible Signature of a Light, Neutral Boson
Electron-positron angular correlations were measured for the isovector
magnetic dipole 17.6 MeV state (, ) ground state
(, ) and the isoscalar magnetic dipole 18.15 MeV (,
) state ground state transitions in Be. Significant
deviation from the internal pair creation was observed at large angles in the
angular correlation for the isoscalar transition with a confidence level of . This observation might indicate that, in an intermediate step, a
neutral isoscalar particle with a mass of 16.70 (stat)
(sys) MeV and was created.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Managing heterogeneous device memory using C++17 memory resources
Programmers using the C++ programming language are increasingly taught to manage memory implicitly through containers provided by the C++ standard library. However, heterogeneous programming platforms often require explicit allocation and deallocation of memory. This discrepancy in memory management strategies can be daunting and problematic for C++ developers who are not already familiar with heterogeneous programming. The C++17 standard introduces the concept of memory resources, which allow the user to control how standard library containers allocate memory; we believe that this addition to the C++17 standard is a powerful tool towards the unification of memory management for heterogeneous systems with best-practice C++ development. In this paper, we present vecmem, a library of memory resources which allows efficient and user-friendly allocation of memory on CUDA, HIP, and SYCL devices through standard C++ containers. We investigate the design and use cases of such a library, the potential performance gains over naive memory allocation, and the limitations of this memory allocation model
Observation of the X17 anomaly in the decay of the Giant Dipole Resonance of Be
Angular correlation spectra of pairs produced in the
Li(,)Be nuclear reaction were studied at a proton beam
energy of ~=~4.0~MeV, which corresponds to the excitation energy of the
Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) in Be. The spectra measured show a peak like
anomaly at 120 and a broader anomaly also above 140. Both
anomalies could consistently be described by assuming that the same
hypothetical X17 particle was created both in the ground-state transition and
in the transition going to the broad (=1.5~MeV), first excited state in
Be. The invariant mass of the particle, which was derived to be (stat.)~MeV, agrees well with our previously published values.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
Signature of Shallow Potentials in Deep Sub-barrier Fusion Reactions
We extend a recent study that explained the steep falloff in the fusion cross
section at energies far below the Coulomb barrier for the symmetric dinuclear
system 64Ni+64Ni to another symmetric system, 58Ni+58Ni, and the asymmetric
system 64Ni+100Mo. In this scheme the very sensitive dependence of the internal
part of the nuclear potential on the nuclear equation of state determines a
reduction of the classically allowed region for overlapping configurations and
consequently a decrease in the fusion cross sections at bombarding energies far
below the barrier. Within the coupled-channels method, including couplings to
the low-lying 2+ and 3- states in both target and projectile as well as mutual
and two-phonon excitations of these states, we calculate and compare with the
experimental fusion cross sections, S-factors, and logarithmic derivatives for
the above mentioned systems and find good agreement with the data even at the
lowest energies. We predict, in particular, a distinct double peaking in the
S-factor for the far subbarrier fusion of 58Ni+58Ni which should be tested
experimentally.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Systematically Exploring High-Performance Representations of Vector Fields Through Compile-Time Composition
We present a novel benchmark suite for implementations of vector fields in high-performance computing environments to aid developers in quantifying and ranking their performance. We decompose the design space of such benchmarks into access patterns and storage backends, the latter of which can be further decomposed into components with different functional and non-functional properties. Through compile-time meta-programming, we generate a large number of benchmarks with minimal effort and ensure the extensibility of our suite. Our empirical analysis, based on real-world applications in high-energy physics, demonstrates the feasibility of our approach on CPU and GPU platforms, and highlights that our suite is able to evaluate performance-critical design choices. Finally, we propose that our work towards composing vector fields from elementary components is not only useful for the purposes of benchmarking, but that it naturally gives rise to a novel library for implementing such fields in domain applications
Outlook for b and c physics at the LHC in ATLAS and CMS
An overview is presented for the planned B-physics programme of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. The physics programmes of both experiments have been prepared for the different running conditions of the accelerator. Analyses and their expected sensitivities are presented, which are planned for different luminosity configurations of the LHC
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