20 research outputs found

    Overweight in Swedish show dogs : prevalence and association with dog show results

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    Övervikt Ă€r idag ett vanligt problem hos hundar. I en studie frĂ„n 2018 bedömdes 30 % av Sveriges hundar vara överviktiga. Övervikt Ă€r kopplat till mĂ„nga hĂ€lsoproblem som negativt pĂ„verkar bĂ„de livslĂ€ngd och livskvalitĂ©. Studier har tidigare visat att Ă€gare ofta underskattar hullet pĂ„ sina hundar. HuvudmĂ„let med den hĂ€r studien var att undersöka prevalens av övervikt hos nĂ„gra av de populĂ€raste hundraserna pĂ„ en svensk hundutstĂ€llning. Ytterligare ett mĂ„l var att undersöka om hullet hade en association med hundarnas resultat i utstĂ€llningen. I Sverige har inga liknande studier utförts tidigare. I den hĂ€r studien hullbedömdes 124 hundar frĂ„n Ă„tta olika raser med hjĂ€lp av en niogradig body condition score skala (BCS) dĂ€r de hundar med BCS≄6 rĂ€knades som överviktiga. Av de hundar som hullbedömdes hade 34 % ett BCS pĂ„ ≄6. Labrador retriever, Golden retriever och Fransk bulldogg/Mops var de raser med högst prevalens av övervikt och var ocksĂ„ de raser med högst BCS (medelvĂ€rde 5,6-5,7) jĂ€mfört med andra bedömda raser. Whippets hade lĂ€gst BCS (medelvĂ€rde 4,8). Studien kunde inte hitta nĂ„gon association mellan hull och utstĂ€llningsresultat. Enligt den hĂ€r studien var prevalensen av övervikt bland utstĂ€llningshundar vĂ€l överensstĂ€mmande med den uppskattade andelen överviktiga hundar i Sverige. En betydande proportion av utstĂ€llningshundarna var överviktiga och det fanns tydliga skillnader i prevalens av övervikt mellan olika raser, dĂ€r retrievers och brakycefala raser var de raser med högst prevalens av övervikt. HundĂ€gare, uppfödare och domare av dessa raser bör göras extra medvetna om överviktsproblematiken för att kunna verka preventivt och undvika övervikt och dess kopplade hĂ€lsorisker. Inga indikationer pĂ„ premiering av överviktiga individer sĂ„gs i denna studie, men eftersom studien endast innefattar ett litet urval av Sveriges utstĂ€llningshundar kan resultaten inte rakt av extrapoleras till Sveriges utstĂ€llningshundar. Fler och mer omfattande studier krĂ€vs för att kunna dra mer generella slutsatser om utstĂ€llningshundars hull, förekomst av premiering av överviktiga individer inom andra raser Ă€n de som studerats i den aktuella studien. Detta för att fĂ„ en bĂ€ttre helhetsbild av överviktsituationen för utstĂ€llningshundar i Sverige.Overweight is a common problem among dogs nowadays. A study published in 2018 estimated that 30 % of Swedish dogs were overweight. Overweight in dogs is related to a multitude of health problems that negatively affect both lifespan and quality of life. Studies have shown that owners tend to underestimate the body condition of their dogs. The main objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of overweight among some of the most popular dog breeds competing in a Swedish dog show. A secondary objective was to evaluate if body condition and the results in the dog show were associated. This is the first study of this kind to be conducted in Sweden. In this study, 124 dogs of eight different breeds were investigated with regards to body condition score (BCS) on a scale of 1-9 where a BCS ≄6 was considered overweight. Of the dogs that participated in the study 34 % had a BCS of ≄6. Labrador retriever, Golden retriever and French bulldog/Pug were the breeds with the highest prevalence of overweight and were also the breeds with the highest BCS (mean BCS 5,6-5,7) in comparison with the other breeds that participated in this study. Whippets was the breed with the lowest BCS (mean BCS 4,8). This study could not identify an association between BCS and dog-show results. According to this study, the prevalence of overweight among show dogs was consistent with the estimated prevalence of overweight in the Swedish dog population. A large portion of the investigated dogs were considered to be overweight. There was a clear breed difference where retrievers and brachycephalic breeds showed the highest prevalence of overweight. Dog owners, breeders and judges of those breeds should be made aware of the overweight problem to be able to prevent and avoid overweight and its associated health problems. No indication of favouring overweight individuals in the dog-show competition could be identified in this study. However, the study comprises only a small selection of Swedish show dogs and the results cannot be extrapolated to Swedish show dogs. In order to draw more definitive conclusions regarding body condition of Swedish show dogs and its association with dog-show results further studies are required

    Clastic patterned ground in Lomonosov crater, Mars: examining fracture controlled formation mechanisms

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    The area surrounding Lomonosov crater on Mars has a high density of seemingly organised boulder patterns. These form seemingly sorted polygons and stripes within kilometre scale blockfields, patches of boulder strewn ground which are common across the Martian high latitudes. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain the formation of clastic patterned ground on Mars. It has been proposed that these structures could have formed through freeze-thaw sorting, or conversely by the interaction of boulders with underlying fracture polygons. In this investigation a series of sites were examined to evaluate whether boulder patterns appear to be controlled by the distribution of underlying fractures and test the fracture control hypotheses for their formation. It was decided to focus on this suite of mechanisms as they are characterised by a clear morphological relationship, namely the presence of an underlying fracture network which can easily be evaluated over a large area. It was found that in the majority of examples at these sites did not exhibit fracture control. Although fractures were present at many sites there were very few sites where the fracture network appeared to be controlling the boulder distribution. In general these were not the sites with the best examples of organization, suggesting that the fracture control mechanisms are not the dominant geomorphic process organising the boulders in this area

    Arbetets betydelse för varslade individer : Utanförskap,Gemenskap och vägen tillbaka till arbetsmarknaden

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    Tidigare forskning visar på arbetets betydelse för människan och att arbetslöshet riskerar att bidra till utanförskap, hälsoförändringar etc. Syftet med denna uppsats är att se på varslades personers tillvaro. Hur förändras den sociala gemenskapen och skapas det otrygghet vid varsel? Hur präglas informanternas framtidssyn av varslen? Vårt teoretiska ramverk som används i denna uppsats är stigma/normer, gemainschaft/gesellschaft, deprivationsteori samt identitetsskapandet. Genom sex semistrukturerade djupintervjuer har undersökningen genererat teman som utanförskap, arbetets betydelse samt vägen tillbaka och framtiden. Resultatet som visade sig var att arbetet har stor betydelse för informanterna. I den nya tillvaron efter varslen spelade den sociala gemenskapen stor roll för att finna ett “vi” i “vi och dom” tänkandet för att undvika utanförskap. Men även för att komma ut i arbetsmarknaden igen, det visade sig att det krävs ett starkt engagemang från individerna då hjälpen utifrån inte var att räkna med. Vidare menade informanterna att deras framtid ser relativt ljus ut trots tillfälliga anställningar som de i dagsläget har. Informanterna uttryckte även sin oro för brukssamhället där de inte trodde att det skulle bestå om det stora företaget som de varslat från, kommer tvingas till konkurs.

    Förskolebarns uttryck för matematik i leken : Handling, ord, symboler och bilder

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att undersöka vilken matematik förskolebarn uttrycker i leken samt vilket material som anvÀnds nÀr matematik uttrycks.          FrÄgestÀllningarna Àr vilken matematik förskolebarn uttrycker i den fria leken inomhus och vilket material förskolebarn anvÀnder nÀr de uttrycker matematik. Arbetet Àr en kvalitativ studie och metoden som anvÀnts Àr observationer av barns lek inomhus pÄ förskolan. Resultatet utgÄr frÄn fem av Alan Bishops sex matematiska aktiviteter; rÀkna, lokalisera, mÀta, konstruera och leka. Dessa fem aktiviteter Àr kopplade till förskolans lÀroplan. Studien har visat att barn uttrycker matematik i sin lek. Den matematik som framtrÀdde mest var lokalisera och de vanligaste uttryckssÀtten barn anvÀnde var genom handling och ord

    Overweight in Swedish show dogs-prevalence and association with performance in competition

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    Background The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing in companion dogs, but little is known of these conditions in show dogs. This study assessed body condition score (BCS) of show dogs of six selected popular breeds at a major Swedish dog show event and examined the association between BCS and performance in competition. Results At one of Sweden's largest dog shows, BCS of 120 dogs of six different breeds was assessed by trained animal healthcare personnel, using a 9-point BCS scale with conditional cut-off for overweight set to BCS >= 6. Prevalence of overweight in the cohort was 32% but all overweight dogs except one displayed only slight overweight (BCS 6) and no dog was assessed as obese (BCS 8-9). Prevalence of overweight differed significantly between breeds (P < 0.0001) with Labrador retrievers, Golden retrievers and French bulldogs showing the highest mean BCS (5.6-5.7) and highest prevalence of overweight (50-67%). Lean and overweight dogs received awards and higher show awards (certificates) to the same extent, and no significant association between slight overweight and performance in competition was found. Conclusions Prevalence of overweight in Swedish show dogs was relatively high and in the same range as in the Swedish dog population as a whole. Dog owners, breeders and judges should be made aware of canine obesity problems and trained in BCS assessment, to better prevent canine overweight and associated health risks. This is particularly important for retriever and brachycephalic breeds, which showed high prevalence of slight overweight and have breed-specific health problems exacerbated by overweight. Owners and breeders of traditionally sturdy dog breeds should be informed that overweight dogs do not outperform lean dogs in competition

    How is the challenge of good financial management accounted for in the municipalities annual report?

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    Bakgrund: Enligt Kommunallagen (SFS 2017:725) ska kommunernas verksamhet bedrivas med god ekonomisk hushĂ„llning. MĂ„let med kommunernas verksamhet Ă€r inte att uppnĂ„ finansiella resultat utan att genomföra de uppgifter kommunen mĂ„ste enligt lagar och egna policyer med en ansvarsfull ekonomihantering (Prop. 1990/91:117). Kommunernas goda ekonomiska hushĂ„llning stĂ„r inför utmaningar bland annat i form av en Ă„ldrande befolkning dĂ€r skatteintĂ€kterna kommer minska i förhĂ„llande till ökade kostnader för flera av kommunernas verksamheter. Den komplexa situationen kommunerna stĂ„r inför gör det intressant att undersöka hur kommunerna redovisar den goda ekonomiska hushĂ„llningen idag.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka kommunernas redovisning av god ekonomisk hushĂ„llning och utmaningen med att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla den nĂ€r ekonomi och verksamhet sĂ€tts pĂ„ prov. Kommunerna har formellt ansvar för den goda ekonomiska hushĂ„llningen men fokus för studien Ă€r hur de redovisar det.Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats för att kunna ge detaljerade beskrivningar av hur kommunerna redovisar. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har tolkningar av Ă„rsredovisningar frĂ„n fem kommuner gjorts. Studien framför ett resonemang kring hur kommunerna redovisar och tar sitt ansvar för den goda ekonomiska hushĂ„llningen genom att undersöka och tolka kommunernas vilja att förklara och redogöra för vad som gjorts.Slutsats: De slutsatser studien kan dra Ă€r att det finns kvalitativa skillnader i hur kommunerna redovisar. De redovisar kring kommande utmaningar men genomgĂ„ende brister de i utvĂ€rdering och analys vilket Ă€ven resulterar i en brist pĂ„ redovisning av hur de ska klara av att möta utmaningarna. Kommunerna visar dock ett lĂ„ngsiktigt helhetstĂ€nk genom sitt arbete med mĂ„lstyrning via visioner vilket ger en bra grund för en god strategi för kommunal hushĂ„llning. Det som upplevs saknas i Ă„rsredovisningarna kan eventuell finnas i andra dokument men för att öka tillgĂ€ngligheten till information för invĂ„narna bör dessa inkluderas i utvĂ€rderingen.Background: According to Kommunallagen (SFS 2017:725) municipal activities must be conducted with good financial management. The goal of municipal activity is not to reach financial results but to implement the tasks the municipalities are obliged to according to law and own policies with a responsible financial management (Prop. 1990/91:117). The municipal good financial management stand before challenges, for example the effect of an ageing population with lower tax revenue relatively to the increase of costs. The complex situation the municipalities stand before making it interesting to examine how the municipality account for the good financial management today.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the municipalities accounting of good financial management and the challenge of maintaining it when the economy and activity is put to test. Municipalities have the formal responsibility for good financial management, but the focus of this study is how they account for it.Methods: This study used a qualitive approach to enable the possibility to give detailed descriptions of how the municipalities account. To fulfill the purpose of this study interpretations of five municipalities’ annual reports have been completed. This study forwards a reasoning about how the municipals account for and display accountability for their good financial management through examining and interpreting the municipalities will to explain and describe what has been done.Conclusion: The conclusions of this study are that there are qualitative differences in how the municipalities account. They account for future challenges but throughout lack in evaluation and analysis which also result in lack of accounting of future plans of how they intend to deal with the challenges. The municipalities does however show a long-term holistic view through their work with goals according to visions which provide a foundation for a good approach to municipal management. What lacks from the annual reports might be found in other documents but for higher accessibility to information for the citizens this should be included in the evaluation

    Persistent Aspergillus fumigatus infection in cystic fibrosis : impact on lung function and role of treatment of asymptomatic colonization-a registry-based case-control study

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    Background Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common filamentous fungus isolated from the airways of people with cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of this study was to investigate how chronic A. fumigatus colonization affects lung function in people with CF, to identify risk factors for colonization, and to evaluate antifungal treatment of asymptomatic Aspergillus colonization. Methods Data from 2014-2018 was collected from the Swedish CF registry and medical records. Baseline data before the start of A. fumigatus colonization was compared with the two succeeding years to evaluate how colonization and treatment affected lung function and other clinical aspects. Results A total of 437 patients were included, of which 64 (14.6%) became colonized with A. fumigatus during the study period. Inhaled antibiotics was associated with A. fumigatus colonization (adjusted OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.6-5.9, p &lt; 0.05). Fungal colonization was not associated with a more rapid lung function decline or increased use of IV-antibiotics compared to the non-colonized group, but patients with A. fumigatus had more hospital days, a higher increase of total IgE, and higher eosinophil counts. In the Aspergillus group, 42 patients were considered to be asymptomatic. Of these, 19 patients received antifungal treatment. Over the follow up period, the treated group had a more pronounced decrease in percent predicted Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (ppFEV1) compared to untreated patients (- 8.7 vs - 1.4 percentage points, p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion Inhaled antibiotics was associated with A. fumigatus colonization, but no association was found between persistent A. fumigatus and subsequent lung function decline. No obvious benefits of treating asymptomatic A. fumigatus colonization were demonstrated