54 research outputs found

    Zootechnical and economic aspects of producing biogas out of pig manure

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    U istraživanju je koriÅ”tena gnojovka s dvije svinjogojske farme u okolici Osijeka. Na jednoj od istraživanih farmi sustav uzgoja je na reÅ”etkastom podu (reÅ”etka) pa je količina suhe tvari gnojovke vrlo niska zbog velike količine tehnoloÅ”ke vode koja se koristi za ispiranje kanala. Količina suhe tvari (ST) iznosila je 3,8% i kondicionirana je na 10% suhe tvari dodavanjem krute separirane komponente. Kod svinja držanih na dubokoj stelji (DST) s druge farme, gnoj ima znatno veći udio suhe tvari koji iznosi 19,56%. Dodavanjem vode koncentracija ST svedena je na 10%. Prosječna dinamika stvaranja bioplina iz supstrata DST iznosila je 232,75 ml/dan, a iz supstrata reÅ”etka 105,25 ml/dan. Evidentirana je najintenzivnija proizvodnja kod supstrata iz duboke stelje u vremenskom razdoblju od 5. do 35. dana anaerobne fermentacije s prosječnom dnevnom proizvodnjom bioplina preko 472,44 ml. Kod gnojovke (reÅ”etka) intenzitet proizvodnje bioplina je znatno slabiji, najintenzivnija proizvodnja ostvarena je u vremenskom razdoblju od 2. do 21. dana uz prosječnu dnevnu proizvodnju od 390,92 ml. Ukupno ostvarena proizvodnja bioplina iz 500 ml svinjske gnojovke s 10% ST tijekom anaerobne fermentacije u trajanju od 80 dana iznosila je 18.768 ml (DST), a ukupna ostvarena proizvodnja iz 500 ml svinjske gnojovke s 10% ST 8.415 ml (reÅ”etka). Testiranjem proizvodnje dnevne količine plina a time i ukupne količine plina utvrđena je statistički vrlo visoko značajna razlika (Mann-Whitney; P<0,001) iz čega se može zaključiti da je sastav gnojovke sa steljom pogodniji za proizvodnju bioplina. Istraživanja pokazuju da se iz 1 m3 bioplina može se proizvesti 6,1 kWh električne energije. Na svinjogojskim farmama troÅ”i se velika količina električne i toplinske energije. Na istraživanoj farmi s reÅ”etkastim podovima godiÅ”nje se utroÅ”i 984200 kW električne energije i 433512 m3 zemnog plina. Izgradnjom bioplinskih pogona moguće je stajnjak i gnoj pretvoriti u energiju i na taj način osigurati vlastitu energiju, te smanjiti troÅ”kove proizvodnje.Pig manure that was used in the research was obtained on two farms situated near Osijek. The first farm used grid floor system (grid floor), so the amount of manure dry matter was low due to high amount of technological waters used for rinsing the drainage canals.The amount of 3.8% dry matter (DM) was conditioned at 10% of dry matter by adding solid separated component. The second farm used deep litter system (DL) and provided significantly higher amount of dry matter, 19.56%. By adding water, DM concentration was reduced to 10%. The average dynamics of producing biogas out of deep litter (DL) substrates was 232.75 ml/day, and out of grid floor substrates it was 105.25 ml/day. The most intensive production was achieved with deep litter substrates in the period from 5th to 35th day of anaerobic fermentation, when the average daily amount of produced gas reached 472.44 ml. Pig manure from grid floor had weaker intensity of biogas production. The most intensive biogas production was achieved from 2nd to 21st day, with average daily amount of 390.92 ml. Total biogas produced out of 500 ml of pig manure with 10% DM during an 80-day anaerobic fermentation was 18.768 ml (DL), and total biogas produced out of 500 ml pig manure from grid floor with 10% DM was 8.415 ml. By testing daily amounts of biogas and total biogas produced, statistically highly significant difference were determined (p<0.001), which led to a conclusion that deep litter pig manure was more favorable for biogas production. The research has proved that it is possible to produce 6.1 kWh of electric energy out of 1 m3 of biogas. Pig farms spend great amounts of electric and heating energy. The farm with grid floors spends yearly 984200 KW of electric energy and 433512 m3 of earth gas. Building plants for biogas production within farms enables usage of manure as a source of energy, thus producing their own energy affecting resulting in lower production costs


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    SveučiliÅ”ni udžbenik Peradarstvo - bioloÅ”ki i zootehnički principi temelji se na suvremenim spoznajama iz selekcije, uzgoja, hranidbe i tehnologije proizvodnje pri intenzivnom iskoriÅ”tava nju pojedinih kategorija kokoÅ”i, pura, gusaka i pataka. Posebno su prikazani pokazatelji kvalitete mesa peradi i jaja, kao i modificiranje njihovog prehrambenog sastava u pravcu proizvodnje funkcionalne hrane. Za maksimalno iskoriÅ”tavanje genetskog potencijala peradi potrebno je poznavati građu i funkciju organskih sustava. Tako je iscrpno obrađen kostur peradi, karakterističan u odnosu na ostale kralježnjake. Obrađeni su: diÅ”ni su stav, krvožilni i limfni sustav, probavni sustav, sustav organa za izlučivanje, spolni sustav, endokrini sustav i osjetila. Uz metaboličke procese koji su zajednički svim kralježnjacima iscrpno su opisane i objaÅ”njene specifične metaboličke prilagod be karakteristične za kralježnjake koji lete, poput peradi. U udžbeniku je opisana moderna tehnologija koja je sve viÅ”e prisutna u peradarskoj proizvodnji. Danas uzgoj peradi predstavlja potpuno automatizirani proces s minimalnim fizičkim naprezanjima zootehničara. Suvremena proizvodnja peradi složeni je proces koji zahtijeva stručnu i znanstvenu educiranost uzgajivača, zootehničke uvjete prilagođene genetskom potencijalu danaÅ”njih pasmina i hibrida peradi, kao i zadovoljavanje visokih standarda u pogledu zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a.The academic textbook Poultry Breeding ā€“ Biological and Zootechnical Principles presents up-to-date trends and knowledge on selection, breeding, nutrition and production technology in intensive exploitation of different types of poultry, i.e. hens, turkeys, geese and ducks. A special emphasis is put on presentation of poultry meat and egg quality indicators, as well as on modification of their nutritive composition for the purpose of production of functional food. In order to make advantage of the poultry genetic potential, it is necessary to understand anatomy and functioning of the animal organ system. With this respect, this handbook presents the poultry skeleton in detail, as it differs from skeleton of other vertebrates. Furthermore, the following organ systems: respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic, digestive, excretory, reproductive and endocrine, as well as sensory system, are elaborated in the handbook. Along with metabolic processes that all vertebrates have in common, additional attention has been given to specific metabolic adjustments of vertebrates that have the ability to fly, like poultry. This handbook also presents modern technology that is applied in poultry production. Modern poultry production is completely automated process that requires minimum physical engagement of zootechnicians. At the same time, it is also a very complex process that demands professional and scientific knowledge of breeders, as zootechnical conditions need to be adjusted to genetic potential of contemporary poultry breeds and hybrids, as well as to attain high standards of environment protection


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    Poultry meat and eggs are a significant source of nutrients in the human diet. Poultry products are widely consumed because they are nutritionally valuable, there are no religious restrictions on consumption, it is relatively easy to prepare diverse meals based on poultry, and the price of such products is relatively low. The aim of this research was to investigate the development of poultry production in the Republic of Croatia in the period 2010-2014, comprising the period of two years after Croatia joined the EU. The paper also compares data of poultry production in Croatia and in the EU. Over the period in question, total meat production in Croatia was reduced by 23%, meat import was increased by 45%, poultry meat export was increased by 46%, and production of eggs decreased by 20%. At the same time, in the EU countries poultry production was increased by 8.8% on average, export was increased by 10%, and import was reduced by 3.7%, while the egg production stagnated. In 2014, consumption of poultry meat in Croatia was 18.3 kg per capita, and in the EU 26.8 kg per capita. Self-sufficiency in the poultry production over the analyzed period was not satisfactory, therefore in the coming years, Croatia will have to develop quickly this important branch of livestock breeding. In addition to conventional production, faster development refers to production of organic and functional poultry products

    Utjecaj koncentracije digestata prilikom uzgoja na kvalitetu bioplina dobivenoga anaerobnom digestacijom vodene leće (Spirodela polyrhiza)

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    Duckweed is a widespread type of tiny free-floating plants of the flowering class. A typical representative of the family of the cowhide (Lemnaceae) is a large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) and it is very common on Croatian inland waters. Like all other species of duckweeds, it is characterized by the possibility of vegetative and sexual reproduction and very rapid growth. It has the ability to remove nitrogen, phosphorus and some heavy metals from the substrate and is considered a very desirable raw material for biogas production for several reasons. The necessity of reducing environmental pollution of nitrates from agricultural production and the ability to grow water lenses under eutrophic conditions have sparked this research. The primary objective of the study is to determine the possibilities of continuously growing large duckweed at different concentrations of digestates for the purpose of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the dependence between the different digestate concentrations used for the duckweed green mass production and the quantity and quality of the biogas obtained through the anaerobic digestion process at thermophilic conditions.Vodena leća je Å”iroko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih biljaka iz razreda cvjetnica. Tipičan predstavnik porodice kozlačevki (Lemnaceae) je velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza) i vrlo je česta na vodenim povrÅ”inama kontinentalne Hrvatske. Kao i sve ostale vrste vodenih leća, karakterizira ju mogućnost vegetativnoga i spolnog razmnožavanja te vrlo brz rast. Smatra se vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina iz nekoliko razloga. Nužnost smanjenja zagađenja okoliÅ”a nitratima iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje te sposobnost rasta vodenih leća u eutrofnim uvjetima potaknuli su ovo istraživanje. Primarni cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranoga uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata, sa ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni je cilj utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata koriÅ”tenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog postupkom anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima

    Anaerobic Digestion System Selection for Croatian Swine Manures

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    Interest in the anaerobic digestion (AD) of swine manures and slaughter waste continues to increase due to the potential to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas and due to the expanding market for carbon credits around the world. This paper provides an analysis of the anaerobic digestion types and operational schemes that are best suited to Croatian swine production. In addition, it proposes a methodology to optimize system selection and design by predicting biogas production quantity and quality based on the use of biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays followed by the use of pilot-scale reactors to make final system selections and estimate system hydraulic retention times (HRT) for the selected system design. A review of reactor configurations that are promising for swine manure and slaughter waste digestion suggests that a mesophilic, continuously fed AD system be investigated to digest a mix of Croatian large-scale swine manure and slaughter waste


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    SADRŽAJ SveučiliÅ”ni udžbenik Svinjogojstvo ā€” BioloÅ”ki i zootehnički principi na poseban i originalan način upoznaje studente preddiplomskih, diplomskih i poslijediplomskih sveučiliÅ”nih studija, ali i zainteresirane proizvođače svinja, s mnogobrojnim aspektima kompleksne tematike koju obrađuje. Sastavljen je iz dvanaest poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju gotovo sve aspekte proizvodnje svinja, od anatomsko-fizioloÅ”kih specifičnosti, selekcijskih metoda, hranidbe, rasta i razmnožavanja svinja, do tehnologije proizvodnje i smjeÅ”taja. U posebnom poglavlju obrađuju se najnovije molekularne i genetske metode koje danas imaju značajnu ulogu u selekciji svinja i poboljÅ”anju kvalitete svinjskih polovica i mesa. Suvremena proizvodnja svinja složeni je proces koji zahtijeva stručnu i znanstvenu educiranost uzgajivača, zootehničke uvjete prilagođene genetskom potencijalu danaÅ”njih pasmina i hibrida svinja, kao i zadovoljavanje visokih standarda u pogledu zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a. Sve navedeno preduvjet je za proizvodnju kvalitetnih svinja i svinjskog mesa koje će zadovoljiti potroÅ”ača, ali i osigurati proizvođaču financijsku do-bit. U udžbeniku su prikazana saznanja mnogih autora, ali i vlastitog znanstvenog rada.CONTENTS The academic textbook Pig Science - Biological and Zootechnical Principles presents in an original way many aspects of respective topic to students of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies, as well as to pig producers. It is composed of twelve chapters referring to all aspects of pig production, such as anatomy and physiological specificities, selection methods, feeding, growth and reproduction, production technology as well as housing of pigs. Special chapter elaborates the most recent molecular and genetic methods, which are important for pig selection and carcass and meat quality. Contemporary pig production is a complex process within which professional and scientific knowledge of producers should be involved, zootechnical conditions should be adjusted to genetic potential of contemporary pig breeds and hybrids, and the highest standards in environment protection should be met. All of these facts are seen as a prerequisite for quality pig and pig meat production, which will meet consumers\u27 demands and assure financial profit for producers. This textbook also presents research work, conclusions and comments of the respective authors and other authors, as well


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    Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the most significant applications of anaerobic fermentation. In Asian countries, particularly in China, India, Nepal and Vietnam, there are several million very simple, small biogas plants that produce gas for household cooking and lighting. In Europe and North America a number of agricultural biogas plants now, are increasing daily, a few thousand biogas plants exist, most of which use modern technologies, anaerobic fermentation. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibility of biogas production from poultry manure with 10% of total solids and through the segments of the quality and quantity, determine the content of total solids (DM), volatile solids (OM), and the amount and composition of biogas. The aim was also to justify the use of poultry manure in biogas production and its application for specific purposes Laboratory research showed that 1 kg of poultry 10% of poultry manure produced 47.01 l of biogas during the 40 days of anaerobic fermentation under mezofilic conditions. Production of biogas has a good potential for development in Croatia, especially in the continental part. Usages of this technology are multiple because of the fact that the Republic of Croatia imports most of the energy. Usage of biogas would reduce the import of certain energy and thus reduce energy dependence; it would increase the number of employers and ease the obligation of Croatia toward EU in replacing some fossil fuels with renewable ones.Bioplinski pogoni koji prerađuju sirovine iz poljoprivrede, poput izmeta peradi, predstavljaju jednu od najvažnijih primjena anaerobne fermentacije. Samo u azijskim zemljama, osobito u Kini, Indiji, Nepalu i Vijetnamu, postoji nekoliko milijuna vrlo jednostavnih, malih bioplinskih reaktora koji proizvode plin za kuhanje i rasvjetu kućanstava. U Europi i Sjevernoj Americi svakodnevno raste broj poljoprivrednih bioplinskih pogona, a danas ih funkcionira nekoliko tisuća, od kojih se većina koristi suvremenim tehnologijama anaerobne fermentacije. Cilj rada je utvrditi mogućnost proizvodnje bioplina iz pilećega gnoja s 10% suhe tvari. S pomoću segmenata kvalitete i kvantitete tijekom istraživanja utvrditi udio suhe tvari (ST), organske tvari (OT), količinu i sastav bioplina te dokazati opravdanost uporabe pilećega gnoja u proizvodnji bioplina i njegove primjene u određene svrhe. Na temelju provedenoga laboratorijskoga istraživanja, dokazana je proizvodnja bioplina iz izmeta peradi i svinjske gnojovke. Anaerobnom fermentacijom u trajanju od 40 dana pri mezofilnim uvjetima proizvedeno je iz 1 kg izmeta nesilica 25 litara bioplina, a iz svinjske gnojovke u kombinaciji s 10% brojlerskoga stajnjaka 47,01 litara bioplina. Proizvodnja bioplina ima dobre uvjete za razvoj u Republici Hrvatskoj, posebice u kontinentalnome dijelu. Koristi od te tehnologije viÅ”estruke su, jer je RH prisiljena uvoziti većinu energenata. KoriÅ”tenjem bioplina smanjio bi se uvoz pojedinih energenata, čime bi se umanjila i energetska ovisnost o drugim državama; povećao bi se broj zaposlenih i RH bi ostvarila lakÅ”e svoju obvezu prema EU-u, da zamijeni dio fosilnih goriva obnovljivima
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