1,884 research outputs found

    The Importance of Material Flow Analysis for Commodity Transport Demand and Modelling

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    It can be shown that generated and attracted transport volumes, measured in tons, are closely related to direct material input (DMI). However, structural changes and new logistics concepts still lead to an increase of transportation performance. Therefore, the paper at hand aims to explain the scales of freight transport volumes (measured in tons) and performance (measured in ton-kilometers) from material flow analysis by additionally taking into account information from physical input-output tables. In so doing, effects of changing final demand on transport indicators can be identified. But while input-output tables give a good idea about technological processes, important information on the transport chain is missing. For this reason, the macroscopic approach of input-output analysis is supported by a microscopic analysis on freight transport markets and modern logistic concepts.

    The Part-Time-Society's Activity and Mobility Patterns

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    In his article 'What about People in Regional Science?' HƤgerstrand (1970) identifies time and space constraints as dominating determinants of each individual's activity pattern. The paper at hand follows this idea, but considers the whole society's accumulated time budget instead. Based on a Socio-Economic Input-Output Table (SIOT) in time and monetary) units, activity patterns of three age groups (65 years) are analyzed in further detail. Since the applied concept allows for a simultaneous analysis of time use and time receipts, inter-generational linkages can be identified as well. Care activities, for example, often require time inputs from the middle age group (18-65 years). However, the beneficiaries belong in the majority to the young and the old age group. Obviously, the age groups' activity patterns come along with specific mobility needs. Therefore, the second aim of the study is to identify mobility patterns ā€“ at an aggregated level ā€“ as well. Finally, the paper gives a first insight into potential changes of activity patterns and mobility patterns in particular, that could be initiated by the realization of a part-time-society. The latter is characterized by a strong reduction of individual (paid) working time, flexible time schedules and a strengthening of social activities

    Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials

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    Conceptualizing, observing and influencing socio-ecological transitions

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    This article creates a meeting ground between two distinct and fairly elaborate research traditions dealing with social ā€œtransitionsā€: the Dutch societal transitions management approach, and the Viennese sociometabolic transitions approach. Sharing a similar understanding of sustainability transitionsā€”namely as major transformational changes of system characteristicsā€”and a background epistemology of complex systems, autopoeisis, and evolutionary mechanisms, they address the subject from different angles: one approach asks how transformative changes happen and what they look like, and the other approach tries answer the question of how to bring them about. The Viennese approach is almost exclusively analytical and deals with a macro (ā€œlandscapeā€) level of human history with a time scale of decades to centuries; the Dutch approach is based on intervention experiences and deals with a shorter time frame (decades) of microā€“mesoā€“macro levels of industrial societies. From both their respective angles, they contribute to some of the key questions of sustainability research, namely: how can a transformative change toward sustainability be distinguished from other types of social change? By which mechanisms can obstacles, path dependencies, and adverse interests be overcome? And what are the key persistent problems that call for such a transition

    Kombinirana metoda suŔenja mrkve s prethodnom obradom ultrazvukom

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    In this paper the kinetics of osmotic dehydration of carrot and the influence of this pretreatment on the post-drying processes and the quality of obtained products are analysed. Osmotic dehydration was carried out in the aqueous fructose solution in two different ways: with and without ultrasound assistance. In the first part of the research, the kinetics of osmotic dehydration was analysed on the basis of osmotic dewatering rate, water loss and solid gain. Next, the effective time of dehydration was determined and in the second part of research samples were initially dehydrated for 30 min and dried. Five different procedures of drying were established on the grounds of convective method enhanced with microwave and infrared radiation. The influence of osmotic dehydration on the drying kinetics and final product quality was analysed. It was found that it did not influence the drying kinetics significantly but positively affected the final product quality. Negligible influence on the drying kinetics was attributed to solid uptake, which may block the pores, hindering heat and mass transfer. It was also concluded that the application of microwave and/or infrared radiation during convective drying significantly influenced the kinetics of the final stage of drying. A proper combination of aforementioned techniques of hybrid drying allows reducing the drying time. Differences between the particular dehydration methods and drying schedules were discussed.U radu su ispitani sljedeći parametri: kinetika osmotskog suÅ”enja mrkve i utjecaj tog prethodnog postupka obrade na procese dosuÅ”ivanja i kakvoću dobivenog proizvoda. Osmotsko je suÅ”enje provedeno u vodenoj otopini fruktoze na dva načina, pomoću ultrazvuka ili bez njega. U prvom je dijelu istraživanja određena kinetika osmotskog suÅ”enja prema brzini suÅ”enja, gubitku vlage i povećanju mase suhe tvari. Zatim je određeno efektivno vrijeme suÅ”enja, a u drugom su dijelu ispitivanja uzorci suÅ”eni nakon 30 min predsuÅ”enja. Odabrano je pet postupaka konvektivnog suÅ”enja pomoću mikrovalova i infracrvenog zračenja. Utvrđeno je da prethodno osmotsko suÅ”enje nije bitno utjecalo na kinetiku suÅ”enja, ali da je poboljÅ”alo kakvoću dobivenog proizvoda. Nakupljanje čestica suhe tvari može začepiti pore membrane i spriječiti prijenos topline i mase, no neznatno utječe na kinetiku suÅ”enja. Zaključeno je da primjena mikrovalova i/ili infracrvenog zračenja tijekom konvektivnog suÅ”enja bitno mijenja kinetiku zavrÅ”ne faze suÅ”enja. Optimalnom kombinacijom navedenih metoda skraćuje se vrijeme suÅ”enja. U radu se raspravlja i o razlikama između različitih metoda i vremena suÅ”enja

    Stolica Apostolska wobec organizacji międzynarodowych za pontyfikatu Piusa XI

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    During the pontificate of Pius XII, the international relations of the Holy See gained scale and momentum, which was connected with the then development of international organisations. The article focuses on those relations.Artykuł skupia się na działalności organizacji międzynarodowych za pontyfikatu Piusa X
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