25 research outputs found
Failure criteria for structurally heterogeneous materials
Purpose. To analyze the current research regarding rock failure criteria and justify the analytical failure criterion for structurally heterogeneous materials in three dimensional stress-strain state.
Methods. The study is based on an integrated approach with the use of analysis and synthesis of literature on the issues related to failure of the rock with heterogeneous structure, and application of analytical and empirical failure criteria to assess the strength of rocks.
Findings. The analytical failure criterion is compared with the results of testing rocks in three dimensional stress-strain state. It is proposed to assess the degree of danger of the rock media failure for any point of homogeneous rock mass in the vicinity of mine working through the safety factor , by comparing the value of equivalent stress with tensile strength in uniaxial compression . Application of structural attenuation coefficient allows to pass from assessment of the rock sample strength to the evaluation of strength of the real structurally inhomogeneous rock mass.
Originality. Failure criterion for structurally heterogeneous bodies with defects in the form of joint system which allows to adequately assess stability of the rock mass is proposed.
Practical implications. Comparison of the analytical criterion with the results of laboratory testing of structurally heterogeneous materials in three dimensional stress state allows to predict rock failure in the massif with the accuracy of 94%.Цель. Анализ существующих исследований по критериям разрушения горных пород и обоснование аналитического критерия разрушения для структурно неоднородных материалов в объемном напряженно деформированном состоянии.
Методика. Исследования базируются на комплексном подходе с использованием анализа и обобщения литературных источников по тематике разрушения горных пород с неоднородной структурой, применении аналитических и эмпирических критериев разрушения для оценки прочности горных пород.
Результаты. Выполнено сравнение аналитического критерия разрушения с результатами испытаний горных пород в объемном напряженном состоянии. Предложено оценивать степень опасности разрушения породной среды для любой точки однородного породного массива в окрестности выработки посредством коэффициента запаса прочности , сравнивая величину эквивалентного напряжения с пределом прочности на одноосное сжатие . Применение коэффициента структурного ослабления позволяет перейти от оценки прочности породного образца к оценке прочности реального структурно неоднородного породного массива.
Научная новизна. Предложен критерий разрушения для структурно неоднородных тел с дефектами в виде
систем трещин, позволяющий адекватно оценивать устойчивость массива горных пород.
Практическая значимость. Сравнение аналитического критерия с результатами лабораторного тестирования структурно неоднородных материалов в объемном напряженном состоянии позволяет с точностью 94% прогнозировать разрушение горных пород в массиве.Мета. Аналіз існуючих досліджень щодо критеріїв руйнування гірських порід та обгрунтування аналітичного критерію руйнування для структурно неоднорідних матеріалів в об’ємному напружено деформованому стані.
Методика. Дослідження базуються на комплексному підході з використанням аналізу та узагальнення літературних джерел з тематики руйнування гірських порід з неоднорідною структурою, застосуванні аналітичних і емпіричних критеріїв руйнування для оцінки міцності гірських порід.
Результати. Виконано порівняння аналітичного критерію руйнування з результатами випробувань гірських порід в об’ємному напруженому стані. Запропоновано оцінювати ступінь небезпеки руйнування породного середовища для будь-якої точки однорідного породного масиву навколо виробки за допомогою коефіцієнта запасу міцності , порівнюючи величину еквівалентного напруження з межею міцності на одновісне стискання . Застосування коефіцієнта структурного ослаблення дозволяє перейти від оцінки міцності породного зразка до оцінки міцності реального структурно неоднорідного породного масиву.
Наукова новизна. Запропоновано критерій руйнування для структурно неоднорідних тіл з дефектами у
вигляді систем тріщин, що дозволяє адекватно оцінювати стійкість масиву гірських порід.
Практична значимість. Порівняння аналітичного критерію з результатами лабораторного тестування структурно неоднорідних матеріалів в об’ємному напруженому стані дозволяє з точністю 94% прогнозувати руйнування гірських порід в масиві.Работа выполнена в рамках программы научно-исследовательских работ Национального горного университета, связанных с международным проектом “Устойчивость геотехнических систем: риски, процессы, явления”
Geomechanical assessment of the stability of internal dump on worked up foundation of the open pit edge
Purpose. Evaluation of the stability of the internal rock dump on the worked up pit edge of Pervomaiskiy
quarry of SevGOK taking into consideration geometry, rock physical and mechanical properties and seismic impacts from blasting operations. Methodology. To study geomechanical stability of the pit edge while mining operations, the data of engineering and geological surveys, technological schemes for
conducting open mining operations, surveying data were used. For numerical simulation of the internal dump slope stability and the pit edge slope stability, the finite element analysis software Phase2 by Rocscience Inc. is used. Findings. Geomechanical assessment of the stability of the quarry internal dump constructed on the southwestern pit edge taking into consideration complex structure, rock properties and seismic effects from blasting operations has been carried out. For a three-tier dump, safety factors were calculated taking into consideration seismic impacts from blasting operations at a quarry in the range of 0.00625-0.1 g, which corresponds to a magnitude of 3-7 earthquake. The potential effect of extinguished
underground mine workings on the stability of the internal dump was assessed. Originality. It is established that the maximum potential displacement of the massif near the extinguished underground workings in the pit edge reaches the value Uxy = 7.6-22.0 m, and a large-scale subsidence area of
rocks up to 50-60 m in diameter and up to 4 m in depth can form on the surface of the internal dump. Seismic impacts from blasing operation at the quarry can be as a trigger factor for geomechanical disturbances. Practical value. The results of numerical simulation of the stability of internal dump on worked up the pit edge foundation can be considered in mining development projects to ensure the safety of the open mining technology and internal dumping operations
Ecomining as a pattern of integrated approach towards sustainaible mining
This paper briefly describes the Educational Project “EcoMining: Development of Integrated PhD Program for Sustainable Mining & Environmental Activities” (2019–2022), which is being implemented between Dnipro University of Technology (DUT, Ukraine) and Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (TU BAF, Germany) under support of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Molecular dynamics study of the stability of aluminium coatings on iron
Among the available protection systems for steel, the use of coatings is the most popular and economical method. One can protect the steel electrode from aggressive media with an aluminum coating. A thin Al film on an Fe substrate has been studied by the molecular dynamics method at a heating temperature from 300 K to 1500 K. A significant horizontal displacement of individual Al atoms on the edges of the film is observed during the simulation. The film begins to “spread” slightly near the edges. This “spreading” creates the conditions for the beginning of diffusion of iron atoms into aluminum. Some Al atoms were found to penetrate the Fe matrix at a temperature of 873 K. The total energy curve of the system shows both the melting transition in aluminum and phase transition from the body-centered cubic lattice to the face-centered cubic one at 1173 K. The binding energy for the Al atom in the lattice of the Fe crystal is smaller than that for Fe atoms. The calculated diffusion coefficients for Al and Fe have a significantly slower growth with a temperature in the range of 673 K ≤ T ≤1500 K. To describe the diffusion in a crystal using the molecular dynamics model, a temperature-dependent correction to the activation energy is calculated. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient of aluminum atoms in an iron crystal can be represented as an Arrhenius expression with a temperature-dependent energy barrier for diffusion. © 2019, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved
Ecological hazard of landslides in national and regional contexts
Представлено аналітичний матеріал стосовно розвитку та поширення екзогенних геологічних процесів, зокрема зсувів, на території України та в Дніпропетровській області в контексті екологічної та техногенної безпеки. Систематизовано основні природні чинники активізації зсувів. Автором запропоновано нове тлумачення терміну «зсув» як складного геологічного явища, обумовленого спільним впливом ендогенних та екзогенних факторів.Представлен аналитический материал по развитию и распространению экзогенных геологических процессов, в частности оползней на территории Украины и в Днепропетровской области в контексте экологической и техногенной безопасности. Систематизированы основные природные факторы активизации оползней. Автором предложено новое толкование термина «оползень» как сложного геологического явления, обусловленного общим влиянием эндогенных и экзогенных факторов.The purpose of the paper is to analyze the primary information regarding the spreading of exogenous geological processes, in particular landslides, on the territory of Ukraine and in Dnipropetrovsk region in the context of environmental and technogenic safety
Ecomining as a pattern of integrated approach towards sustainable mining
This paper briefly describes the Educational Project “EcoMining: Development of Integrated PhD
Program for Sustainable Mining & Environmental Activities” (2019–2022), which is being implemented
between Dnipro University of Technology (DUT, Ukraine) and Technical University Bergakademie
Freiberg (TU BAF, Germany) under support of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Changes in the pattern of sleep disturbances in healthy subjects under 21-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia
Background. Antiorthostatic hypokinesia (ANOH) reproduces some of the effects of weightlessness on the human body and is used to study adaptation to space flight conditions. It is known that ANOH affects nighttime sleep, but there is no information in the literature on the sequence of occurrence of sleep disorders in ANOH.The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of subjective changes in assessing sleep quality under conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia.Materials and methods. Six healthy male volunteers (age from 26 to 34 years) participated in the experiment with 21-day ANOH. They were on a medical bed with a body inclination angle relative to the horizon of –6° for 21 days. To assess sleep quality, a structured questionnaire was used that assessed sleep duration, rate of falling asleep, night awakenings, the presence of daytime sleepiness, and daytime falling asleep.Results. Based on the assessment of the dynamics of the sleep efficiency index (SEI), three stages of adaptation were identified. At the stage of acute adaptation (the first 3 days), there is a decrease in SEI from 96.4 to 91.3 (p < 0.01), a statistically significant prolongation of falling asleep from 17.6 to 33.6 minutes (p < 0.01), an increase duration of night awakenings up to 17.4 minutes, increase in daytime sleepiness by 11 %. In the next 3 days (the “recovery” stage), there is a statistically significant increase in SEI compared to the 1st stage to 94.7 (p < 0.01), but it remains statistically significantly lower than the background values (p < 0.004). The number of complaints about daytime sleepiness increases (up to 42 %), evening bedtime shifts later by 26 minutes. At the 3rd stage (the remaining nights) there is a relative stabilization of the sleep-wake cycle.Conclusion. Under conditions of 21-day ANOH, a gradual change in the pattern of sleep disturbances occurs. The most negative changes in terms of subjective assessment were noted in the first three days. Then there is an improvement in falling asleep, a decrease in night awakenings, combined with an increase in daytime sleepiness and the formation of a schedule with a later bedtime
Criticality analysis of pyrochemical reprocessing apparatuses for mixed uranium-plutonium nitride spent nuclear fuel using the MCU-FR and MCNP program codes
A preliminary criticality analysis for novel pyrochemical apparatuses for the reprocessing of mixed uranium-plutonium nitride spent nuclear fuel from the BREST-OD-300 reactor was performed. High-temperature processing apparatuses, “metallization” electrolyzer, refinery remelting apparatus, refining electrolyzer, and “soft” chlorination apparatus are considered in this work. Computational models of apparatuses for two neutron radiation transport codes (MCU-FR and MCNP) were developed and calculations for criticality were completed using the Monte Carlo method. The criticality analysis was performed for different loads of fissile material into the apparatuses including overloading conditions. Various emergency situations were considered, in particular, those associated with water ingress into the chamber of the refinery remelting apparatus. It was revealed that for all the considered computational models nuclear safety rules are satisfied. © 2022 Korean Nuclear Societ