348 research outputs found
A quantitative interrelation between the physical parameters of electromagnetic and acoustic waves perceived by the sight and hearing organs of a human has been discovered. It is shown that visible light wavelengths can be correlated with the range most used by humans for acoustic communication, including, in particular, verbal dialogue. It is shown, that maxima of spectroscopic sensitivity of the eye receptors are placed on the scale of wavelengths like musical consonance intervals (the small third, major third, quart)
Chiral topological insulator of magnons
We propose a magnon realization of 3D topological insulator in the AIII
(chiral symmetry) topological class. The topological magnon gap opens due to
the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. The existence of the
topological invariant is established by calculating the bulk winding number of
the system. Within our model, the surface magnon Dirac cone is protected by the
sublattice chiral symmetry. By analyzing the magnon surface modes, we confirm
that the backscattering is prohibited. By weakly breaking the chiral symmetry,
we observe the magnon Hall response on the surface due to opening of the gap.
Finally, we show that by changing certain parameters the system can be tuned
between the chiral topological insulator (mcTI), three dimensional magnon
anomalous Hall (3D-mAH), and Weyl magnon phases.Comment: 6 page
Theory of magnon motive force in chiral ferromagnets
We predict that magnon motive force can lead to temperature dependent,
nonlinear chiral damping in both conducting and insulating ferromagnets. We
estimate that this damping can significantly influence the motion of skyrmions
and domain walls at finite temperatures. We also find that in systems with low
Gilbert damping moving chiral magnetic textures and resulting magnon motive
forces can induce large spin and energy currents in the transverse direction
Spin Hall and Nernst effects of Weyl magnons
In this paper, we present a simple model of a three-dimensional insulating
magnetic structure which represents a magnonic analog of the layered electronic
system described in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 107}, 127205 (2011)]. In particular,
our model realizes Weyl magnons as well as surface states with a Dirac
spectrum. In this model, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is responsible
for the separation of opposite Weyl points in momentum space. We calculate the
intrinsic (due to the Berry curvature) transport properties of Weyl and
so-called anomalous Hall effect (AHE) magnons. The results are compared with
fermionic analogs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, published versio
Magnetic skyrmions unwrapped
Experiments with chiral magnets may hold the key to a better understanding of fundamental aspects of transformations between different skyrmionic states, necessary for magnetic memory and logic applications to become a reality.
With the aim of developing computing devices that operate with low power dissipation, scientists have been pursuing the idea of encoding information in magnetic states. Specifically, skyrmions, which can be thought of as whirl-like states of magnetic moments, are promising candidates for this purpose. The advantage of skyrmions lies in their topological protection, a property implying that only a ‘global’ system modification can erase a skyrmion. Realizations of skyrmions and other topologically non-trivial magnetic textures1,2 such as antiskyrmions — skyrmions with mirror-reflected positions of magnetic moments — and interconversions between them may prove to be useful for magnetic-memory and logic applications. In this regard, researchers are trying to find suitable materials and experimental techniques for the design and manipulation of such magnetic textures. Now, writing in Nature Physics, Nikolai Kiselev and colleagues3 report the observation of a process in which skyrmions and antiskyrmions are annihilated and created while topological charge is conserved. These results are expected to drive further studies of various fundamental aspects and control possibilities of topological magnetic states
Spin glass reflection of the decoding transition for quantum error correcting codes
We study the decoding transition for quantum error correcting codes with the
help of a mapping to random-bond Wegner spin models.
Families of quantum low density parity-check (LDPC) codes with a finite
decoding threshold lead to both known models (e.g., random bond Ising and
random plaquette gauge models) as well as unexplored earlier generally
non-local disordered spin models with non-trivial phase diagrams. The decoding
transition corresponds to a transition from the ordered phase by proliferation
of extended defects which generalize the notion of domain walls to non-local
spin models. In recently discovered quantum LDPC code families with finite
rates the number of distinct classes of such extended defects is exponentially
large, corresponding to extensive ground state entropy of these codes.
Here, the transition can be driven by the entropy of the extended defects, a
mechanism distinct from that in the local spin models where the number of
defect types (domain walls) is always finite.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
Fault-Tolerance of "Bad" Quantum Low-Density Parity Check Codes
We discuss error-correction properties for families of quantum low-density
parity check (LDPC) codes with relative distance that tends to zero in the
limit of large blocklength. In particular, we show that any family of LDPC
codes, quantum or classical, where distance scales as a positive power of the
block length, , , can correct all errors with
certainty if the error rate per (qu)bit is sufficiently small. We specifically
analyze the case of LDPC version of the quantum hypergraph-product codes
recently suggested by Tillich and Z\'emor. These codes are a finite-rate
generalization of the toric codes, and, for sufficiently large quantum
computers, offer an advantage over the toric codes.Comment: 4.5 pages, 1 figur
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