2 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Dirofilaria Immitis in te Area of Istria County

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    Oblić Dirofilaria immitis je uzročnik dirofilarioze, invazijske bolesti koju prenose biološki vektori, komarci iz porodice Culicidae i rodova Anopheles, Aedimorphus, Armigeres, Ochlerotatus, Stegomya, Culex, Coquillettidia i Mansonia. U najvećem broju slučajeva adulti oblića se nalaze u pulmonarnoj arteriji ili u srcu, a sami klinički simptomi često su prikriveni pa postavljanje dijagnoze može biti vrlo zahtjevno. Adulti druge vrste, D. repens, parazitiraju u pasa u potkožju, te uglavnom ne uzrokuju kliničke simptome. Cilj istraživanja bio je rutinskim pretragama krvi, tj., modificiranim Knottovim testom i ELISA antigen testom dokazati pozitivne životinje na enzootskom području kao što je Istarska županija. Od ukupno 160 nasumično odabranih uzoraka krvi pasa, modificiranim Knottovim testom dokazana su četiri D. immitis pozitivna i 13 D. repens pozitivnih pasa. ELISA antigen testom dokazana su još dodatna tri D. immitis pozitivna psa.Nematode Dirofilaria immitis is the causative agent of dirofilariosis, an invasive disease transmitted by biological vectors, mosquitoes from the family Culicidae and the genera Anopheles, Aedimorphus, Armigeres, Ochlerotatus, Stegomya, Culex, Coquillettidia and Mansonia. In the majority of cases, nematode adults are found in the pulmonary artery or in the heart, and the clinical symptoms are often hidden, so establishing a diagnosis can be very demanding. Adults of another species, D. repens, parasitize in the dog’s subcutaneous tissue, and generally do not cause clinical symptoms. The aim of the research was to prove positive animals in an enzootic area such as Istria County by routine blood tests, i.e., modified Knott's test and ELISA antigen test. Out of 160 randomly selected canine blood samples, four D. immitis positive and 12 D. repens positive dogs were proven by the modified Knott's test. Three additional D. immitis positive dogs were proven by the ELISA antigen test

    Prevalence of Dirofilaria Immitis in te Area of Istria County

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    Oblić Dirofilaria immitis je uzročnik dirofilarioze, invazijske bolesti koju prenose biološki vektori, komarci iz porodice Culicidae i rodova Anopheles, Aedimorphus, Armigeres, Ochlerotatus, Stegomya, Culex, Coquillettidia i Mansonia. U najvećem broju slučajeva adulti oblića se nalaze u pulmonarnoj arteriji ili u srcu, a sami klinički simptomi često su prikriveni pa postavljanje dijagnoze može biti vrlo zahtjevno. Adulti druge vrste, D. repens, parazitiraju u pasa u potkožju, te uglavnom ne uzrokuju kliničke simptome. Cilj istraživanja bio je rutinskim pretragama krvi, tj., modificiranim Knottovim testom i ELISA antigen testom dokazati pozitivne životinje na enzootskom području kao što je Istarska županija. Od ukupno 160 nasumično odabranih uzoraka krvi pasa, modificiranim Knottovim testom dokazana su četiri D. immitis pozitivna i 13 D. repens pozitivnih pasa. ELISA antigen testom dokazana su još dodatna tri D. immitis pozitivna psa.Nematode Dirofilaria immitis is the causative agent of dirofilariosis, an invasive disease transmitted by biological vectors, mosquitoes from the family Culicidae and the genera Anopheles, Aedimorphus, Armigeres, Ochlerotatus, Stegomya, Culex, Coquillettidia and Mansonia. In the majority of cases, nematode adults are found in the pulmonary artery or in the heart, and the clinical symptoms are often hidden, so establishing a diagnosis can be very demanding. Adults of another species, D. repens, parasitize in the dog’s subcutaneous tissue, and generally do not cause clinical symptoms. The aim of the research was to prove positive animals in an enzootic area such as Istria County by routine blood tests, i.e., modified Knott's test and ELISA antigen test. Out of 160 randomly selected canine blood samples, four D. immitis positive and 12 D. repens positive dogs were proven by the modified Knott's test. Three additional D. immitis positive dogs were proven by the ELISA antigen test