87 research outputs found

    The distance-regular graphs such that all of its second largest local eigenvalues are at most one

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    In this paper, we classify distance regular graphs such that all of its second largest local eigenvalues are at most one. Also we discuss the consequences for the smallest eigenvalue of a distance-regular graph. These extend a result by the first author, who classified the distance-regular graph with smallest eigenvalue βˆ’1βˆ’b12-1-\frac{b_1}{2}.Comment: 16 pages, this is submitted to Linear Algebra and Application

    Shilla distance-regular graphs

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    A Shilla distance-regular graph G (say with valency k) is a distance-regular graph with diameter 3 such that its second largest eigenvalue equals to a3. We will show that a3 divides k for a Shilla distance-regular graph G, and for G we define b=b(G):=k/a3. In this paper we will show that there are finitely many Shilla distance-regular graphs G with fixed b(G)>=2. Also, we will classify Shilla distance-regular graphs with b(G)=2 and b(G)=3. Furthermore, we will give a new existence condition for distance-regular graphs, in general.Comment: 14 page

    Distance-regular graph with large a1 or c2

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    In this paper, we study distance-regular graphs Ξ“\Gamma that have a pair of distinct vertices, say x and y, such that the number of common neighbors of x and y is about half the valency of Ξ“\Gamma. We show that if the diameter is at least three, then such a graph, besides a finite number of exceptions, is a Taylor graph, bipartite with diameter three or a line graph.Comment: We submited this manuscript to JCT

    An inequality involving the second largest and smallest eigenvalue of a distance-regular graph

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    For a distance-regular graph with second largest eigenvalue (resp. smallest eigenvalue) \mu1 (resp. \muD) we show that (\mu1+1)(\muD+1)<= -b1 holds, where equality only holds when the diameter equals two. Using this inequality we study distance-regular graphs with fixed second largest eigenvalue.Comment: 15 pages, this is submitted to Linear Algebra and Applications
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