180 research outputs found

    Molecules, grains, and shocks: A comparison of CO, H I, and IRAS data

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    The IR and H I properties, and CO content were compared for a set of 26 isolated, degree-sized interstellar clouds. The comparisons offer some conclusions concerning the effects of kinematics on molecular content and grain size distribution. It was also found that some clouds must have very large fractions of their total Carbon in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

    Infrared cirrus point sources

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    The IRAS discovered a large number of unresolved sources which were more intense at 100 microns than at shorter IR wavelengths. A sample of these point sources was isolated which are located in regions of very low Galactic H I column density. Whereas it was initially believed these sources to be prime candidates for a class of previously unknown astronomical object, the observations has proven that most of these sources are associated with the interstellar medium (ISM) of our Galaxy