528 research outputs found
Generalized Weierstrass representation for surfaces in multidimensional Riemann spaces
Generalizations of the Weierstrass formulae to generic surface immersed into
, and into multidimensional Riemann spaces are proposed. Integrable
deformations of surfaces in these spaces via the modified Veselov-Novikov
equation are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, minor misprints correcte
Oriented Associativity Equations and Symmetry Consistent Conjugate Curvilinear Coordinate Nets
This paper is devoted to description of the relationship among oriented
associativity equations, symmetry consistent conjugate curvilinear coordinate
nets, and the widest associated class of semi- Hamiltonian hydrodynamic-type
systems.Comment: 19 page
On the dbar-dressing method applicable to heavenly equation
The \dbar-dressing scheme based on local nonlinear vector \dbar-problem
is developed. It is applicable to multidimensional nonlinear equations for
vector fields, and, after Hamiltonian reduction, to heavenly equation.
Hamiltonian reduction is described explicitely in terms of the \dbar-data. An
analogue of Hirota bilinear identity for heavenly equation hierarchy is
introduced, -function for the hierarchy is defined. Addition formulae
(generating equations) for the -function are found. It is demonstrated
that -function for heavenly equation hierarchy is given by the action for
\dbar-problem evaluated on the solution of this problem.Comment: 11 page
Unfolding of singularities and differential equations
Interrelation between Thom's catastrophes and differential equations
revisited. It is shown that versal deformations of critical points for
singularities of A,D,E type are described by the systems of Hamilton-Jacobi
type equations. For particular nonversal unfoldings the corresponding equations
are equivalent to the integrable two-component hydrodynamic type systems like
classical shallow water equation and dispersionless Toda system and others.
Pecularity of such integrable systems is that the generating functions for
corresponding hierarchies, which obey Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, contain
information about normal forms of higher order and higher corank singularities.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the WASCOM 2011 conference,
Brindisi, Italy, June 12-18, 2011. Corrected typo
Quantum effects for extrinsic geometry of strings via the generalized Weierstrass representation
The generalized Weierstrass representation for surfaces in is
used to study quantum effects for strings governed by Polyakov-Nambu-Goto
action. Correlators of primary fields are calculated exactly in one-loop
approximation for the pure extrinsic Polyakov action. Geometrical meaning of
infrared singularity is discussed. The Nambu-Goto and spontaneous curvature
actions are treated perturbatively.Comment: Latex, 13 page
On the deformation theory of structure constants for associative algebras
Algebraic scheme for constructing deformations of structure constants for
associative algebras generated by a deformation driving algebras (DDAs) is
discussed. An ideal of left divisors of zero plays a central role in this
construction. Deformations of associative three-dimensional algebras with the
DDA being a three-dimensional Lie algebra and their connection with integrable
systems are studied.Comment: minor corrections and references adde
Paraxial light in a Cole-Cole nonlocal medium: integrable regimes and singularities
Nonlocal nonlinear Schroedinger-type equation is derived as a model to
describe paraxial light propagation in nonlinear media with different `degrees'
of nonlocality. High frequency limit of this equation is studied under specific
assumptions of Cole-Cole dispersion law and a slow dependence along propagating
direction. Phase equations are integrable and they correspond to dispersionless
limit of Veselov-Novikov hierarchy. Analysis of compatibility among intensity
law (dependence of intensity on the refractive index) and high frequency limit
of Poynting vector conservation law reveals the existence of singular
wavefronts. It is shown that beams features depend critically on the
orientation properties of quasiconformal mappings of the plane. Another class
of wavefronts, whatever is intensity law, is provided by harmonic minimal
surfaces. Illustrative example is given by helicoid surface. Compatibility with
first and third degree nonlocal perturbations and explicit solutions are also
discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; eq. (36) corrected, minor change
Confluence of hypergeometric functions and integrable hydrodynamic type systems
It is known that a large class of integrable hydrodynamic type systems can be
constructed through the Lauricella function, a generalization of the classical
Gauss hypergeometric function. In this paper, we construct novel class of
integrable hydrodynamic type systems which govern the dynamics of critical
points of confluent Lauricella type functions defined on finite dimensional
Grassmannian Gr(2,n), the set of 2xn matrices of rank two. Those confluent
functions satisfy certain degenerate Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations. It is
also shown that in general, hydrodynamic type system associated to the
confluent Lauricella function is given by an integrable and non-diagonalizable
quasi-linear system of a Jordan matrix form. The cases of Grassmannian Gr(2,5)
for two component systems and Gr(2,6) for three component systems are
considered in details.Comment: 22 pages, PMNP 2015, added some comments and reference
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