177 research outputs found
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal terhadap kinerja Industri kecil di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Faktor internal yang diteliti adalah variabel bauran produk,  tenaga ahli, kapasitas produksi, dan tingkat upah. Sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari variabel dukungan pemerintah, pemasok, dan pesaing. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah kelompok pengrajin tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang tergolong dalam kelompok industri kecil formal dan telah terdaftar pada kantor Dinas Perindustrian Sidoarjo. Sampel yang diambil dari populasi dilakukan dengan metode Cluster Random Sampling. Jumlah sampel untuk setiap area (lokasi) ditentukan secara proporsional. Hasil pengujian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak faktor pemerintah, pemasok, pesaing, bauran produk, tenaga ahli, kapasitas produksi, dan tingkat upah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja industri kerajinan tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Selanjutnya, dari hasil pengujian secara parsial diketahui bahwa dari ketujuh faktor yang dianalisis ternyata faktor pemasok mempunyai pengaruh yang dominan terhadap kinerja industri kerajinan tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Kata Kunci : Kinerja, Faktor Internal, Faktor Eksternal, Industri Kecil  Abstract This study aims to determine impacts of internal and external factors on the performance of small industry in Kabupaten Sidoarjo, East Java. The internal factors observed in the study were product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage levels. The external factors consisted of government supports, suppliers and competitors. The population of this study was a group of handbag and suitcase makers formally registered as members of small handicraft association in Sidoarjo. All members were officially registered at the Dinas Perindustrian Sidoarjo (Sidoarjo Office for Industrial Affairs). Samples were taken with Cluster Random Sampling method. Sample sizes for each area (location) were determined in proportion to the number of handicraft makers. Results of the study indicated that factors of governments, suppliers, competitors, product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage rates simultaneously had a significant influence on the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo. Further partial test resulted that among all of the seven factors analyzed, supplier was the most dominant factor that determined the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo. Keyword: performance, internal factors, external factors, small industr
Name : Siti Komariyah
Reg. Number : 06430614
The Analysis of Educational Values
In The Novel Message From Nam By Danielle Steel
A novel is a kind of fiction which is actually very interesting to read and to
discuss. It is like the real life of the world living – phenomena produced from writer’s
living experience. A good novel will be able to give its readers some important things
that are need into their life, such as teaching and good examples of good actions.
Novel is built from several elements that formed a unity and totally. The elements
are not separated. They work together to build a good work . Considering the purpose of
the educational scope in this study, the writer will analyze the educational values of the
The method used by the writer is qualitative method. The writer chooses this
method for some reasons. First, qualitative method is good method in studying plural
reality. Second, it presents the relation between the researcher and the research itself
directly. The last, it more useful and have high contribution for the student’s skill in
The sample of the research is Danielle Steel’s novel entitled Message From Nam
that describes” The novel told about a young woman who lost her boy friend- Peterbecause
friendly fire in Vietnam War. She worked as Journalist who tried to find the
really condition in Vietnam. There, she met Captain Bill Quin and they loved each other.
But Bill was dead because Viet Chong shot him. And the last, she met Sergeant Tony
Campobello, they loved each other too. But, Tony was listed as missing in action. She
was so frustrated, but she never got up to find Tony. It needed too long time to search
Tony, she never knew that Tony was still alive or no. An miracle coming, she could find
him when she was feeling doubt. And finally they were happy and backed to America,
leaving the sadness of war.
The result of the writer’s analysis on Danielle Steel novel Message From Nam is a
foreign author who has many literature writings that explain universal message such as
educational values by using figurative language, such as: Peace is Beautiful, Loyalty in
Action, Hard Working, The power of Love, Telling the truth, and Don’t judge the
woman can not do the great thing
Writing is a language skill that is used for indirect communication to convey a message or information to the readers. In writing a text, we can explore our ideas, feelings and thoughts which are arranged in words, sentences, and paragraph by using eyes, brain and hand. In writing a text, we must be able to use a good language and we also must be able to arrange good sentences grammatically in order the readers understand about the content of our writing. Besides that, if the students will make a sentences or paragraph, they must have knowledge about tenses. The objectives of the research are to find out the students’ simple past tense mastery and their paragraph writing performance and also to find out whether or not there is a correlation between the students’ simple past tense mastery and their paragraph writing performance. The subjects of this research are the tenth grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Metro (class XTKJ1 and class XP). In this research, the writer used descriptive quantitative method because the final score of variable is number and the analysis is using statistic. The writer tried to analyze the current data about students’ simple past tense mastery and their performance in writing. In collecting data, the writer administered two kinds of test. They are simple past tense test and writing test. The simple past tense test are consists of 10 items of multiple choice and the writing test, the students choose one of topics from three topics. The result of this research shows that the students’ simple past tense mastery was middle. It can be seen from the average of simple past tense test is 69.2. The students’ performance in paragraph writing was middle. It can be seen from the average of paragraph writing performance test is 65.2. The conclusion above was from result of data analysis; it was found that paragraph writing performance affected by simple past tense mastery.
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal terhadap kinerja Industri kecil di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Faktor internal yang diteliti adalah variabel bauran produk,  tenaga ahli, kapasitas produksi, dan tingkat upah. Sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari variabel dukungan pemerintah, pemasok, dan pesaing. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah kelompok pengrajin tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang tergolong dalam kelompok industri kecil formal dan telah terdaftar pada kantor Dinas Perindustrian Sidoarjo. Sampel yang diambil dari populasi dilakukan dengan metode Cluster Random Sampling. Jumlah sampel untuk setiap area (lokasi) ditentukan secara proporsional. Hasil pengujian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak faktor pemerintah, pemasok, pesaing, bauran produk, tenaga ahli, kapasitas produksi, dan tingkat upah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja industri kerajinan tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Selanjutnya, dari hasil pengujian secara parsial diketahui bahwa dari ketujuh faktor yang dianalisis ternyata faktor pemasok mempunyai pengaruh yang dominan terhadap kinerja industri kerajinan tas dan koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Kata Kunci : Kinerja, Faktor Internal, Faktor Eksternal, Industri Kecil  Abstract This study aims to determine impacts of internal and external factors on the performance of small industry in Kabupaten Sidoarjo, East Java. The internal factors observed in the study were product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage levels. The external factors consisted of government supports, suppliers and competitors. The population of this study was a group of handbag and suitcase makers formally registered as members of small handicraft association in Sidoarjo. All members were officially registered at the Dinas Perindustrian Sidoarjo (Sidoarjo Office for Industrial Affairs). Samples were taken with Cluster Random Sampling method. Sample sizes for each area (location) were determined in proportion to the number of handicraft makers. Results of the study indicated that factors of governments, suppliers, competitors, product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage rates simultaneously had a significant influence on the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo. Further partial test resulted that among all of the seven factors analyzed, supplier was the most dominant factor that determined the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo. Keyword: performance, internal factors, external factors, small industr
Kajian Tentang Penurunan Jumlah Pengrajin Batik Tulis Di Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan Tahun 2009-2013
Sentra batik tulis di Kabupaten Pamekasan tersebar di 6 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Galis, Kecamatan Proppo, Kecamatan Palengaan, Kecamatan Pegantenan, Kecamatan Waru, dan Kecamatan Pamekasan. Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Pamekasan tahun 2009-2013 industri batik tulis yang ada di Kecamatan Proppo, Kecamatan Palengaan, Kecamatan Pegantenan, Kecamatan Waru, dan Kecamatan Pamekasan berkembang dengan pesat dan tiap tahunnya mengalami kenaikan jumlah pengrajin batik, namun di Kecamatan Galis industri batik tulis dari tahun ke tahun jumlahnya mengalami penurunan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengkaji tentang penurunan jumlah pengrajin batik tulis di Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan tahun 2009-2013. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : 1) Kendala yang dihadapi pengrajin batik tulis di Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan. 2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penurunan jumlah pengrajin batik tulis di Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survai. Daerah penelitian ini mencakup 4 desa yang ada di Kecamatan Galis, yaitu Desa Pandan, Lembung, Polagan, dan Desa Pagendingan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 56 orang, 44 orang diantaranya sudah tidak berproduksi, dan 12 orang masih berproduksi. Seluruh populasi dijadikan responden dalam penelitian ini. Tekhnik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian dapat dideskripsikan sebagai berikut. 1) Kendala yang dihadapi oleh pengrajin batik tulis di Kecamatan Galis tidak adanya tenaga kerja yang terdidik, sehingga batik yang dihasilkan kalah bersaing dengan batik dari kecamatan lain yang ada di Kabupaten Pamekasan. 2) faktor yang menyebabkan pengrajin batik tulis di Kecamatan Galis berhenti karena tenaga kerja yang ada tidak memiliki keterampilan membatik yang memadai. Terjadinya kenaikan harga garam menyebabkan mereka berhenti membatik dan beralih bekerja sebagai petani garam.
Kata kunci: Penurunan jumlah, pengrajin batik tuli
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Bentuk Geometri Melalui Permainan Lompat Geometri Pada Anak Kelompok B TK Diponegoro 109 Pageraji
This study aims to improve the ability of children to recognize geometric shapes in group B in TK Diponegoro 109 Pageraji. This research is motivated by the low ability of children to recognize geometric shapes because the methods or games in learning activities are less interesting. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). Consists of Pre cycle, cycle I, cycle II. The subjects of this study were in Group B of 109 Pageraji Kindergarten Diponegoro with a total of 14 children. Data collection techniques in this study are observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate an increase in children's ability to recognize geometric shapes through geometry jump games. In the pre-cycle the child's ability to recognize geometric shapes was only 20%, in the first cycle the child's ability to recognize geometric shapes increased to 50% and in the second cycle the child's ability to recognize geometric shapes increased to 85%. The indicator used in this study is that children are able to recognize geometric shapes. The conclusion of this study is that children are able to recognize geometric shapes through geometry jump games.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak mengenal bentuk geometri pada kelompok B di TK Diponegoro 109 Pageraji. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan anak dalam mengenal bentuk geometri dikarenakan metode atau permainan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kurang menarik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Terdiri dari Pra siklus, siklus I, siklus II. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu pada Kelompok B TK Diponegoro 109 Pageraji dengan jumlah 14 anak. Teknik Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan anak mengenal bentuk geometri melalui permainan lompat geometri. Pada pra siklus kemampuan anak mengenal bentuk geometri hanya 20%, pada siklus I kemampuan anak mengenal bentuk geometri meningkat menjadi 50% dan pada siklus II kemampuan anak mengenal bentuk geometri meningkat menjadi 85%. Indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah anak mampu mengenal bentuk geometri. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah anak mampu mengenal bentuk geometri melalui permainan lompat geometri
Karakterisasi Sifat Fisik dan Sifat Mekanik Komposit Polyurethane/Serbuk Bambu sebagai Aplikasi Panel Pintu Mobil
Panel pintu merupakan bagian badan mobil yang pada umumnya terbuat dari material termoplastik dengan kekuatan lentur antara 11-25 MPa. Akan tetapi, sejak tahun 2015, European Union\u27s end-of-live of Vehicles (ELV) menekankan untuk menggunakan material daur ulang, yang menjadikan penambahan serat natural pada beberapa badan mobil sebagai trend terbaru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis komposit polyurethane/serbuk bambu (PU-SB) sebagai material kandidat panel pintu mobil dan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan serbuk bambu pada komposit PU-SB. Bahan utama pembentuk komposit terdiri dari polyurethane dan serbuk bambu betung berukuran < 140 µm. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan komposit adalah metode blending dengan variasi komposisi serbuk bambu 5%; 10%; dan 15% fraksi massa komposit. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilakukan analisa densitas dan analisa kekuatan lentur berdasarkan ASTM D 790. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh, komposit dengan penambahan 15% serbuk bambu memiliki nilai densitas sebesar 0.1093 gr/cm3 dan kekuatan lentur sebesar 28,20 MPa
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Matematika Berbasis Masalah Untuk Kelas VII SMP Pada Materi Himpunan
This study aims to generate math worksheets based on a valid and practical issues on the set material. This type of research was development of research (Research and Development), which consists of three stages of development of the definition (Define), the design (Design) and development (Develop). The subjects were students of class VII SMP N 2 Ujung Batu in the first semester of the school year 2015/2016. The instrument used in this study was validation questionnaire sheet and questionnaire sheet practicalities. Results of this research problem based worksheets. Based on test validity problem based worksheets that have been made to four people validator with some revisions and corrections then obtained an average score of problem-based validation results LKS was 3.52 categorized as very valid and based on the test the practicalities of using questionnaires, observation of the importance of the implementation of learning the average score of problem-based LKS practicalities result was 85% in the category of very practical. So it can be concluded that based LKS issue is very valid and very practical
Pengukuran Kinerja Industri Kecil (Studi Empirik pada Industri Kerajinan Tas dan Koper di Kabupaten Sidoarjo)
This study aims to determine impacts of internal and external factors on the performance of small industry in Kabupaten Sidoarjo, East Java. The internal factors observed in the study were product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage levels. The external factors consisted of government supports, suppliers and competitors. The population of this study was a group of handbag and suitcase makers formally registered as members of small handicraft association in Sidoarjo. All members were officially registered at the Dinas Perindustrian Sidoarjo (Sidoarjo Office for Industrial Affairs). Samples were taken with Cluster Random Sampling method. Sample sizes for each area (location) were determined in proportion to the number of handicraft makers. Results of the study indicated that factors of governments, suppliers, competitors, product mix, experts, production capacity, and wage rates simultaneously had a significant influence on the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo. Further partial test resulted that among all of the seven factors analyzed, supplier was the most dominant factor that determined the performance of suitcases and bags handicrafts industry in Sidoarjo
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