937 research outputs found
On Sobolev regularity of mass transport and transportation inequalities
We study Sobolev a priori estimates for the optimal transportation between probability measures and $\nu=e^{-W} \
dx\R^dW\int \| D^2 \Phi\|^2_{HS} \ d\mu\|\cdot\|_{HS}\muL^p(\mu)\|D^2 \Phi\|L^p$-generalizations of the well-known Caffarelli contraction
theorem. We establish a connection of our results with the Talagrand
transportation inequality. We also prove a corresponding dimension-free version
for the relative Fisher information with respect to a Gaussian measure.Comment: 21 pages; 34 references. minor change
Weak regularity of Gauss mass transport
Given two probability measures and we consider a mass
transportation mapping satisfying 1) sends to , 2) has
the form , where is a
function with convex sublevel sets.
We prove a change of variables formula for . We also establish Sobolev
estimates for , and a new form of the parabolic maximum principle.
In addition, we discuss relations to the Monge-Kantorovich problem, curvature
flows theory, and parabolic nonlinear PDE's.Comment: 31 pages; 40 references; new result on Sobolev estimates is adde
Mass transportation and contractions
According to a celebrated result of L. Caffarelli, every optimal mass
transportation mapping pushing forward the standard Gaussian measure onto a
log-concave measure with is 1-Lipschitz. We
present a short survey of related results and various applications.Comment: 13 pages, 27 reference
Modified log-Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
We find sufficient conditions for a probability measure to satisfy an
inequality of the type where is concave and (a cost
function) is convex. We show that under broad assumptions on and the
above inequality holds if for some and one has where is the
isoperimetric function of and . In a partial case
is a concave function growing not faster than , , and , we establish a family of tight inequalities
interpolating between the -Sobolev and modified inequalities of log-Sobolev
type. A basic example is given by convex measures satisfying certain
integrability assumptions.Comment: 26 page
Remarks on curvature in the transportation metric
According to a classical result of E.~Calabi any hyperbolic affine
hypersphere endowed with its natural Hessian metric has a non-positive Ricci
tensor. The affine hyperspheres can be described as the level sets of solutions
to the "hyperbolic" toric K\"ahler-Einstein equation
on proper convex cones. We prove a generalization of this theorem by showing
that for every
solving this equation on a proper convex domain the
corresponding metric measure space has a non-positive
Bakry-{\'E}mery tensor. Modifying the Calabi computations we obtain this result
by applying the tensorial maximum principle to the weighted Laplacian of the
Bakry-{\'E}mery tensor. Our computations are carried out in a generalized
framework adapted to the optimal transportation problem for arbitrary target
and source measures. For the optimal transportation of the log-concave
probability measures we prove a third-order uniform dimension-free apriori
estimate in the spirit of the second-order Caffarelli contraction theorem,
which has numerous applications in probability theory.Comment: 18 pages; minor change
Brascamp-Lieb type inequalities on weighted Riemannian manifolds with boundary
It is known that by dualizing the Bochner-Lichnerowicz-Weitzenb\"{o}ck
formula, one obtains Poincar\'e-type inequalities on Riemannian manifolds
equipped with a density, which satisfy the Bakry-\'Emery Curvature-Dimension
condition (combining a lower bound on its generalized Ricci curvature and an
upper bound on its generalized dimension). When the manifold has a boundary, an
appropriate generalization of the Reilly formula may be used instead. By
systematically dualizing this formula for various combinations of boundary
conditions of the domain (convex, mean-convex) and the function (Neumann,
Dirichlet), we obtain new Brascamp-Lieb type inequalities on the manifold. All
previously known inequalities of Lichnerowicz, Brascamp-Lieb, Bobkov-Ledoux and
Veysseire are recovered, extended to the Riemannian setting and generalized
into a single unified formulation, and their appropriate versions in the
presence of a boundary are obtained. Our framework allows to encompass the
entire class of Borell's convex measures, including heavy-tailed measures, and
extends the latter class to weighted-manifolds having negative generalized
dimension.Comment: 24 pages. The original submission has been split into two parts for
publication. The first part, corresponding to the present arXiv version, was
published in J. Geom. Anal. The second part, corresponding to a new arXiv
version submitted on Nov 23, 2017, will appear in the Amer. J. of Mat
Sharp Poincar\'e-type inequality for the Gaussian measure on the boundary of convex sets
A sharp Poincar\'e-type inequality is derived for the restriction of the
Gaussian measure on the boundary of a convex set. In particular, it implies a
Gaussian mean-curvature inequality and a Gaussian iso second-variation
inequality. The new inequality is nothing but an infinitesimal form of
Ehrhard's inequality for the Gaussian measure.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in GAFA Seminar Notes (Springer's Lecture Notes
in Math. 2169
Poincar\'e and Brunn--Minkowski inequalities on the boundary of weighted Riemannian manifolds
We study a Riemannian manifold equipped with a density which satisfies the
Bakry--\'Emery Curvature-Dimension condition (combining a lower bound on its
generalized Ricci curvature and an upper bound on its generalized dimension).
We first obtain a Poincar\'e-type inequality on its boundary assuming that the
latter is locally-convex; this generalizes a purely Euclidean inequality of
Colesanti, originally derived as an infinitesimal form of the Brunn-Minkowski
inequality, thereby precluding any extensions beyond the Euclidean setting. A
dual version for generalized mean-convex boundaries is also obtained, yielding
spectral-gap estimates for the weighted Laplacian on the boundary. Motivated by
these inequalities, a new geometric evolution equation is proposed, which
extends to the Riemannian setting the Minkowski addition operation of convex
domains, a notion thus far confined to the purely linear setting. This
geometric flow is characterized by having parallel normals (of varying
velocity) to the evolving hypersurface along the trajectory, and is intimately
related to a homogeneous Monge-Amp\`ere equation on the exterior of the convex
domain. Using the aforementioned Poincar\'e-type inequality on the boundary of
the evolving hypersurface, we obtain a novel Brunn--Minkowski inequality in the
weighted-Riemannian setting, amounting to a certain concavity property for the
weighted-volume of the evolving enclosed domain. All of these results appear to
be new even in the classical non-weighted Riemannian setting.Comment: 43 pages, to appear in American Journal of Mathematics. This is the
second part of the work originally posted in arXiv:1310.2526, which has been
split into two parts for publicatio
Local -Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for
The -Brunn-Minkowski theory for , proposed by Firey and
developed by Lutwak in the 90's, replaces the Minkowski addition of convex sets
by its counterpart, in which the support functions are added in
-norm. Recently, B\"{o}r\"{o}czky, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang have proposed to
extend this theory further to encompass the range . In particular,
they conjectured an -Brunn-Minkowski inequality for origin-symmetric
convex bodies in that range, which constitutes a strengthening of the classical
Brunn-Minkowski inequality. Our main result confirms this conjecture locally
for all (smooth) origin-symmetric convex bodies in and . In addition, we confirm the local log-Brunn--Minkowski
conjecture (the case ) for small-enough -perturbations of the
unit-ball of for , when the dimension is sufficiently
large, as well as for the cube, which we show is the conjectural extremal case.
For unit-balls of with , we confirm an analogous result
for , a universal constant. It turns out that the local version
of these conjectures is equivalent to a minimization problem for a spectral-gap
parameter associated with a certain differential operator, introduced by
Hilbert (under different normalization) in his proof of the Brunn-Minkowski
inequality. As applications, we obtain local uniqueness results in the even
-Minkowski problem, as well as improved stability estimates in the
Brunn-Minkowski and anisotropic isoperimetric inequalities.Comment: 85 pages; corrected typos, and added a section with additional
applications regarding new and improved stability estimates in the
Brunn-Minkowski and anisotropic isoperimetric inequalitie
Remarks on mass transportation minimizing expectation of a minimum of affine functions
We study the Monge--Kantorovich problem with one-dimensional marginals
and and the cost function that equals the
minimum of a finite number of affine functions satisfying certain
non-degeneracy assumptions. We prove that the problem is equivalent to a
finite-dimensional extremal problem. More precisely, it is shown that the
solution is concentrated on the union of products , where
and are partitions of the real line into unions of disjoint
connected sets. The families of sets and have the following
properties: 1) on , 2) is a couple
of partitions solving an auxiliary -dimensional extremal problem. The result
is partially generalized to the case of more than two marginals.Comment: 7 page
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