19 research outputs found

    Prediction of high-Tc conventional superconductivity in the ternary lithium borohydride system

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    We investigate the superconducting ternary lithium borohydride phase diagram at pressures of 0 and 200 GPa using methods for evolutionary crystal structure prediction and linear-response calculations for the electron-phonon coupling. Our calculations show that the ground state phase at ambient pressure, LiBH4, stays in the Pnma space group and remains a wide band-gap insulator at all pressures investigated. Other phases along the 1:1:x Li:B:H line are also insulating. However, a full search of the ternary phase diagram at 200 GPa revealed a metallic Li2BH6 phase, which is thermodynamically stable down to 100 GPa. This superhydride phase, crystallizing in a Fm¯3m space group, is characterized by sixfold hydrogen-coordinated boron atoms occupying the fcc sites of the unit cell. Due to strong hydrogen-boron bonding this phase displays a critical temperature of ∼100K between 100 and 200 GPa. Our investigations confirm that ternary compounds used in hydrogen-storage applications should exhibit high-Tc conventional superconductivity in diamond anvil cell experiments, and suggest a viable route to optimize the superconducting behavior of high-pressure hydrides, exploiting metallic covalent bonds

    Entanglement Spectroscopy and probing the Li-Haldane Conjecture in Topological Quantum Matter

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    Topological phases are characterized by their entanglement properties, which is manifest in a direct relation between entanglement spectra and edge states discovered by Li and Haldane. We propose to leverage the power of synthetic quantum systems for measuring entanglement via the Entanglement Hamiltonian to probe this relationship experimentally. This is made possible by exploiting the quasi-local structure of Entanglement Hamiltonians. The feasibility of this proposal is illustrated for two paradigmatic examples realizable with current technology, an integer quantum Hall state of non-interacting fermions on a 2D lattice and a symmetry protected topological state of interacting fermions on a 1D chain. Our results pave the road towards an experimental identification of topological order in strongly correlated quantum many-body systems.Comment: 11+11 pages, 7+3 figure

    Entanglement Hamiltonian Tomography in Quantum Simulation

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    Entanglement is the crucial ingredient of quantum many-body physics, and characterizing and quantifying entanglement in closed system dynamics of quantum simulators is an outstanding challenge in today's era of intermediate scale quantum devices. Here we discuss an efficient tomographic protocol for reconstructing reduced density matrices and entanglement spectra for spin systems. The key step is a parametrization of the reduced density matrix in terms of an entanglement Hamiltonian involving only quasi local few-body terms. This ansatz is fitted to, and can be independently verified from, a small number of randomised measurements. The ansatz is suggested by Conformal Field Theory in quench dynamics, and via the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem for ground states. Not only does the protocol provide a testbed for these theories in quantum simulators, it is also applicable outside these regimes. We show the validity and efficiency of the protocol for a long-range Ising model in 1D using numerical simulations. Furthermore, by analyzing data from 1010 and 2020 ion quantum simulators [Brydges \textit{et al.}, Science, 2019], we demonstrate measurement of the evolution of the entanglement spectrum in quench dynamics.Comment: 13 pages (6 pages supplemental information), 9 figure

    Exploring Large-Scale Entanglement in Quantum Simulation

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    Entanglement is a distinguishing feature of quantum many-body systems, and uncovering the entanglement structure for large particle numbers in quantum simulation experiments is a fundamental challenge in quantum information science. Here we perform experimental investigations of entanglement based on the entanglement Hamiltonian, as an effective description of the reduced density operator for large subsystems. We prepare ground and excited states of a 1D XXZ Heisenberg chain on a 51-ion programmable quantum simulator and perform sample-efficient `learning' of the entanglement Hamiltonian for subsystems of up to 20 lattice sites. Our experiments provide compelling evidence for a local structure of the entanglement Hamiltonian. This observation marks the first instance of confirming the fundamental predictions of quantum field theory by Bisognano and Wichmann, adapted to lattice models that represent correlated quantum matter. The reduced state takes the form of a Gibbs ensemble, with a spatially-varying temperature profile as a signature of entanglement. Our results also show the transition from area to volume-law scaling of Von Neumann entanglement entropies from ground to excited states. As we venture towards achieving quantum advantage, we anticipate that our findings and methods have wide-ranging applicability to revealing and understanding entanglement in many-body problems with local interactions including higher spatial dimensions.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Entanglement phase diagrams from partial transpose moments

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    We present experimentally and numerically accessible quantities that can be used to differentiate among various families of random entangled states. To this end, we analyze the entanglement properties of bipartite reduced states of a tripartite pure state. We introduce a ratio of simple polynomials of low-order moments of the partially transposed reduced density matrix and show that this ratio takes well-defined values in the thermodynamic limit for various families of entangled states. This allows to sharply distinguish entanglement phases, in a way that can be understood from a quantum information perspective based on the spectrum of the partially transposed density matrix. We analyze in particular the entanglement phase diagram of Haar random states, states resulting form the evolution of chaotic Hamiltonians, stabilizer states, which are outputs of Clifford circuits, Matrix Product States, and fermionic Gaussian states. We show that for Haar random states the resulting phase diagram resembles the one obtained via the negativity and that for all the cases mentioned above a very distinctive behaviour is observed. Our results can be used to experimentally test necessary conditions for different types of mixed-state randomness, in quantum states formed in quantum computers and programmable quantum simulators

    Symmetry-resolved entanglement detection using partial transpose moments

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    We propose an ordered set of experimentally accessible conditions for detecting entanglement in mixed states. The kk-th condition involves comparing moments of the partially transposed density operator up to order kk. Remarkably, the union of all moment inequalities reproduces the Peres-Horodecki criterion for detecting entanglement. Our empirical studies highlight that the first four conditions already detect mixed state entanglement reliably in a variety of quantum architectures. Exploiting symmetries can help to further improve their detection capabilities. We also show how to estimate moment inequalities based on local random measurements of single state copies (classical shadows) and derive statistically sound confidence intervals as a function of the number of performed measurements. Our analysis includes the experimentally relevant situation of drifting sources, i.e. non-identical, but independent, state copies.Comment: 11+11 pages, 6 figure

    Towards simulating 2D effects in lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer

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    Gauge theories are the most successful theories for describing nature at its fundamental level, but obtaining analytical or numerical solutions often remains a challenge. We propose an experimental quantum simulation scheme to study ground state properties in two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (2D QED) using existing quantum technology. The proposal builds on a formulation of lattice gauge theories as effective spin models in arXiv:2006.14160, which reduces the number of qubits needed by eliminating redundant degrees of freedom and by using an efficient truncation scheme for the gauge fields. The latter endows our proposal with the perspective to take a well-controlled continuum limit. Our protocols allow in principle scaling up to large lattices and offer the perspective to connect the lattice simulation to low energy observable quantities, e.g. the hadron spectrum, in the continuum theory. By including both dynamical matter and a non-minimal gauge field truncation, we provide the novel opportunity to observe 2D effects on present-day quantum hardware. More specifically, we present two Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) based protocols for the study of magnetic field effects, and for taking an important first step towards computing the running coupling of QED. For both instances, we include variational quantum circuits for qubit-based hardware, which we explicitly apply to trapped ion quantum computers. We simulate the proposed VQE experiments classically to calculate the required measurement budget under realistic conditions. While this feasibility analysis is done for trapped ions, our approach can be easily adapted to other platforms. The techniques presented here, combined with advancements in quantum hardware pave the way for reaching beyond the capabilities of classical simulations by extending our framework to include fermionic potentials or topological terms