49,242 research outputs found
Generalized Mom-structures and ideal triangulations of 3-manifolds with non-spherical boundary
The so-called Mom-structures on hyperbolic cusped 3-manifolds without
boundary were introduced by Gabai, Meyerhoff, and Milley, and used by them to
identify the smallest closed hyperbolic manifold. In this work we extend the
notion of a Mom-structure to include the case of 3-manifolds with non-empty
boundary that does not have spherical components. We then describe a certain
relation between such generalized Mom-structures, called protoMom-structures,
internal on a fixed 3-manifold N, and ideal triangulations of N; in addition,
in the case of non-closed hyperbolic manifolds without annular cusps, we
describe how an internal geometric protoMom-structure can be constructed
starting from Epstein-Penner or Kojima decomposition. Finally, we exhibit a set
of combinatorial moves that relate any two internal protoMom-structures on a
fixed N to each other.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figues; exposition style changed, particularly in
Section 2.2; minor content changes in Section 2.
Gravitational Correction in Neutrino Oscillations
We investigate the quantum mechanical oscillations of neutrinos propagating
in weak gravitational field. The correction to the result in the flat
space-time is derived.Comment: 5 pages, Latex file without figures , accepted for publication in
Modern Physics Letters
Financial contracts and strategic customer exclusion
The paper studies an incentive contract in a monopolistic and duopolistic credit
market where borrowers are different in risk. One lender is in an advantaged position
with respect to the other due to past relations with the borrowers. The
features of the equilibrium contract are investigated. It is shown that the equilibrium
contract drastically changes between the monopolistic and the duopolistic
situations and are sensitive to other parameters. In some cases, the superior lender
strategically yields borrowers, especially the better ones to the opponent lender
Quasi-toroidal oscillations in rotating relativistic stars
Quasi-toroidal oscillations in slowly rotating stars are examined in the
framework of general relativity. The oscillation frequency to first order of
the rotation rate is not a single value even for uniform rotation unlike the
Newtonian case. All the oscillation frequencies of the r-modes are purely
neutral and form a continuous spectrum limited to a certain range. The allowed
frequencies are determined by the resonance condition between the perturbation
and background mean flow. The resonant frequency varies with the radius
according to general relativistic dragging effect.Comment: 4 pages, Latex file without figure, submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron.
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