1,176 research outputs found
全木パルプ化に関する基礎的データを蓄積する目的で, モリシマアカシア各部位をパルプ化し, 組織構成要素および紙質と関連づけて研究した。その結果, アカシア樹皮の師部繊維は木繊維より大きい繊維長を持ち, これが全木パルプシートにおける紙力向上に寄与することから, アカシアが全木パルプ化に適した樹種であると推定し得た。なお, 樹皮には製紙に際して悪影響を及ぼすと考えられる要素がほとんど存在しないが, 未さらし全木パルプには易漂白性の褐色斑点が存在する
セルロースの還元性未端基の反応性 I : フェニルセルロシドの調製
As the first step in a project to synthesize cellulose derivatives with highly regioselelective functionality, we planned to introduce a specific functional group into only the reducing-end group of a cellulose derivative. Glycosylation reactions, which are specific for the hemiacetal hydroxyl group, were carried out using cellulose triacetate (CTA) as the starting material and phenol, a simple and easily identifiable compound, as the aglycon. CTA was reacted with phenol in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate to obtain phenyl peracetyl celluloside (PPAC), which contains the phenyl group in only the reducing-end group, in high yield. Based on the molecular weight of the product, calculated both from viscosity and from the absorbance at 274 nm, it was concluded that under these reaction conditions a certain degree of depolymerization also occurs. However, it is clear that a phenyl group was introduced into each new reducing-end group formed by the cleavage of a glycosidic bond. Thus, the reaction proceeding under these conditions is a sort of henolysis of CTA. The present method offers one means to introduce a specific functional group into only the reducing-end group of CTAセルロースの高位置選抗的置換誘導体の合成研究の一環として, まずセルロースの還元性未端基のみにある特定の官能基を導入することを計画した。出発物質としてセルローストリアセテー卜 (CTA), アグリコンとして最も簡単で, 同定しやすいフェノールを用いて, ヘミアセタール性水酸基に特異的であるグリコシル化反応を試みた。三フッ化ホウ素エーテル錯塩の存在下, CTAとフェノールを反応させたところ, フェノールがCTAの還元性未端基のみに導入されたフェニルパーアセチルセルロシド (PPAC) が高収率で得られた。生成物の溶液粘度および274nmの吸光度から求めた分子量から, この反応条件下ではある程度の解重合が進行するが, グリコシド結合が切断した後に新たに生成した還元性未端基には必らずフェノールが導入されることが判明した。すなわち, この反応は一種のCTAのフェノール分解であり, 本法はCTAの還元性未端基のみにある特定の官能基を導入するための一つの手段を提供するものと考えられる
On the Precipitation in Aluminium-Zinc-Magnesium Alloys
The precipitation characteristics in Al-5wt% Zn-2wt% Mg alloys with or without a trace addition of Ag, Cu or Cr have been studied as the function of solution temperature and time, quenching temperature and medium, and pre-aging between quenching and artificial aging mainly by electrical resistivity measurement and tensile test. Imperfections such as sub-boundaries still remained after incomplete solution treatment, though it is particularly the case when added Cr, influence remarkably the following precipitation. Vacancy-solute clusters, which could be formed during or immediately after quenching, can act as precipitation nuclei of η' intermediate phase and, therefore, influence considerably the age-hardening at higher temperatures. Pre-aging and small additions of Ag have also many favorable effects on higher temperature aging
Induction of apoptosis in Lewis lung carcinoma cells by an intestinal bacterial metabolite produced from orally administered ginseng protopanaxadiol saponins
The present study demonstrated that oral administration of an intestinal bacterial metabolite (M1) of protopanaxadiol-type saponin significantly inhibited the tumor growth at the implantation site after intrapulmonary implantation of Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells, and suppressed the metastasis to mediastinal lymph nodes. We also investigated the inhibitory mechanism of M1 on the growth of LLC cells. M1 inhibited the proliferation of LLC cells in a concentration-dependent manner, with characteristic morphological changes at the concentration of 30 μM. Treatment of LLC cells with M1 resulted in marked elevation of the caspase-3 activity, peaking at 2 h, and a subsequent time-dependent induction of apoptosis during the period from 3 to 24 h, as evidenced by DNA fragmentation analysis. Since M1-induced growth inhibition of LLC cells was completely abrogated by the pretreatment with a specific inhibitor of caspase-3, Z-DEVD-FMK, M1 functions via the activation of caspase-3 in the process of apoptosis in LLC cells. Thus, the anti-proliferative activity of M1 against LLC cells is primarily due to the induction of apoptosis via promotion of caspase-3 activity, and this induction may lead to the anti-tumor activity in vivo
An intestinal bacterial metabolite (M1) of ginseng protopanaxadiol saponins inhibits tumor-induced neovascularization
The present study demonstrated that an intestinal bacterial metabolite (M1) of protopanaxadiol-type ginsenosides significantly inhibited the growth of implanted tumor and the intrahepatic metastasis by the implantation of a small fragment of colon 26-L5 tumor into the liver when it was administered orally. These findings indicates that M1 was effective for the inhibition of the growth and metastasis of colon26-L5 cells in addition to lung metastasis of B16-BL6 melanoma cells as have been reported previously. The conditioned medium of colon 26-L5 cellS (CM-L5) induced in vitro tube formation of hepatic sinusoidal endothelial (HSE) cells on Matrigel-coated substrates, which is considered to be an important step in the processes of tumor angiogenesis. \u27This activity of CML5 was abrogated by noncytotoxic concentrations of M1 in a concentration-dependent manner. Similarly, M1 eliminated the ability of CM-L5 to promote the migration of HSE cells concentration-dependently. These findings indicate that M1-induced inhibition of tumor growth and intrahepatic metastasis may be partly related to the suppression of tumor angiogenic responses including capillary tube formation and migration of HSE cells. 本研究では,薬用人参(Panax ginseng C.A.MEYER)のprotopanaxadiol-type ginsenosidesの主要な腸内細菌代謝物M1の経口投与は,マウス結腸癌colon 26-L5細胞の腫瘍小片を肝へ直接移植した後の移植部位での増殖と肝内移転に対して有意に抑制効果を示すことを明らかにした。この結果は,B16-BL6メラノーマ細胞による肺転移を抑制した以前の報告と同様に,co1on 26-L5細胞に対しても有効であることが示された。肝類洞内度細胞(HSE細胞)をマトリゲルをコートした基質上で,colon 26-L5細胞の培養上清(CM-L5)とともに培養すると,腫瘍血管新生の週程における重要なステップのひとつである,内度細胞の菅腔形成を誘導した。CM-L5による菅形成能は,細胞傷害性を示さない濃度範囲のM1により,濃度依存的に抑制された。同様に,CM-L5によるHSE細胞の移動能の亢進を,M1は濃度に依存して抑制した。以上,M1による結腸癌の肝における増殖及び肝内転移の抑制は,内度細胞の骨腔形成及ぴ移動能を含む血管新生反応の抑制と部分的に関係していることが示唆された
Muisti ja Arki : Ajankohtaista tietoa muistisairauksista, niiden ennaltaehkäisemisestä sekä arjesta muistisairauden kanssa
Suomen väestön ikärakenne muuttuu nopeasti lähivuosikymmeninä. Tilastokeskuksen ennusteiden mukaan yli 75-vuotiaiden määrä kaksinkertaistuisi vuoteen 2030 mennessä, joten muistisairauksien esiintyvyys tulee myös lisääntymään ikääntyvien määrän kasvaessa.
Opinnäytetyömme idea sai alkunsa SenioriKaste-hankkeelta, joka toivoi ensitietopäivän järjestämistä Keski-Pohjanmaan alueella muistisairauksiin sairastuneille sekä heidän läheisilleen. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli järjestää muistisairauksia käsittelevä tilaisuus muistisairauteen sairastuneille sekä heidän läheisilleen. Tilaisuus oli myös avoin kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena oli välittää muistisairauteen sairastuneille ja heidän läheisilleen ajankohtaista tietoa muistisairauksista sekä keinoista, joiden avulla kotona pärjääminen onnistuu mahdollisimman pitkään. Kartoitimme yhteistyökumppaneidemme kautta aiheen tärkeyttä ja tarvetta. Heidän asiakkailtaan saadun palautteen perusteella varmistuimme tilaisuuden järjestämisen tärkeydestä ja tiedon tarpeellisuudesta.
Opinnäytetyömme toteutui toiminnallisena projektityönä yhteistyössä toimeksiantajan SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa Kokkolassa 4.6.2015. Tilaisuudessa luennoitiin muistisairauksien ennaltaehkäisemisestä, yleisimmistä muistisairauksista, muistisairauksien varhaisesta tunnistamisesta sekä niiden tuomista haasteista ja vaikutuksista ihmisen jokapäiväiseen elämään. Tilaisuuteen osallistui yhteensä 140 henkilöä. Osallistujilta kerättiin kirjallinen palaute. Palautekyselyistä tehtiin yhteenveto ja kehittämisehdotukset kirjattiin myös opinnäytetyöhön. Tilaisuus vastasi yleisesti osallistujien odotuksia kiitettävästi. Projekti toteutettiin parityöskentelynä, jossa onnistuimme kiitettävästi.The age structure of Finnish population is changing rapidly within the next few decades. Statistics prognosis is that the number of over 75 years old people will be doubled by 2030, so the occurrence of memory disorders will increase with aging people.
The idea for this study got its start from Senior Initiation project that wished a public lecture to be organized in Central Ostrobothnia for patients with memory disorder and their families. The purpose of our study was to organize a memory disorder event for the aforementioned groups. The occasion was open for anyone who was interested in it.
The aim of this study was to provide current information to memory disorder patients and their loved ones about memory disorders and ways to cope with it at home as long as possible. Through our co-operation partners we surveyed the importance and need of the topic. Based on the feedback from their clients we were convinced of the importance of the event and the need for information.
Our thesis was completed as a functional project work together with our client Senior Initiation project in Kokkola 4th of June 2015. The prevention of memory disorders, most common memory disorders, their early recognition and the challenges and effects they bring to people’s everyday lives were discussed during this event. The total of 140 people took part in the event. A written feedback was collected from all participants. A summary was made from the feedback survey, and all development proposals were registered also in this thesis. The event corresponded in general to the participants’ expectations very well. The project was implemented as pair work, in which we succeeded commendably
Assessment of Myocardial Function During Mechanical Left Ventricular Support Using Serial Echocardiography: A Case Report
A 40-year-old man with valvular heart disease was successfully treated using a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) after open heart surgery. Echocardiography revealed left ventricular ejection fraction (LV-EF) at LVAD on/off: 23.4%/14.6% on the 4th, 23.8%/23.8% on the 5th, and 23.8%/26.8% on the 6th postoperative day (POD), respectively. The patient was weaned from LVAD on the 8th POD and discharged from the hospital on the 58th POD. The LV-EF improved to 54% 6 months after surgery and increased from 57% to 64% in response to exercise stress testing 1 year after surgery.</p
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