154 research outputs found
Aspects of the ground state of the Hubbard ladder
We consider two aspects of the ground state of the Hubbard ladder:
ferromagnetism and the metal-insulator transition at quarter-filling. First, we
present rigorous results for the Hubbard ladder in the limit of the
large inter-chain hopping (). In this limit, the total
spin of the ground state is shown to be zero for the electron density and its maximum () for . The charge gap at
quarter-filling is . We extend these results to finite
by means of the density-matrix renormalization group method. We
estimate the phase boundaries with respect to spontaneous magnetization and the
charge gap at quarter-filling for finite . Applying the extended
Aharonov-Bohm method, we give numerical evidence that the critical ratio
, above which the charge gap opens, is less than 0.001.
Ferromagnetism in the t-J ladder is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex, 11 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.
Quasiparticles of spatially anisotropic triangular antiferromagnets in a magnetic field
The spectral properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an
anisotropic triangular lattice in a magnetic field are investigated using a
weak-interchain-coupling approach combined with exact solutions of a chain.
Dominant modes induced by interchain interactions in a magnetic field behave as
quasiparticles which show distinctive features such as anomalous incommensurate
ordering and high-energy modes. In terms of them, various unusual features
observed in the anisotropic triangular antiferromagnet Cs_2CuCl_4 in a magnetic
field are quantitatively explained in a unified manner.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Relation between high-energy quasiparticles of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets in a magnetic field and a doublon of a Hubbard chain
In spin-1/2 one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets and anisotropic
triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnets, high-energy states carrying
considerable spectral weights have been observed in a magnetic field using
inelastic neutron scattering. Such high-energy properties cannot be explained
in terms of either Nambu-Goldstone bosons due to spontaneous breaking of
continuous symmetries or quasiparticles in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. Here,
we show that the mechanism causing the high-energy states is analogous to that
of the upper Hubbard band in the one-dimensional Hubbard model, by
theoretically tracing the origin of the high-energy states back to string
solutions of the Bethe ansatz.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Ground State Properties of the Two-Dimensional t-J Model
The two-dimensional - model in the ground state is investigated by the
power Lanczos method. The pairing-pairing correlation function for
-wave symmetry is enhanced in the realistic parameter regime for
high- superconductors. The charge susceptibility shows divergent
behavior as near half-filling for the doping
concentration , indicating that the value of the dynamical exponent
is four under the assumption of hyperscaling. The peak height of the spin
structure factor also behaves as
near half-filling, which leads to the divergence of the antiferromagnetic
correlation length as . The boundary of
phase separation is estimated on the basis of the Maxwell construction.
Numerical results are compared with experimental features observed in
high- cuprates.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 12 PostScript figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.
Spectral properties near the Mott transition in the two-dimensional t-J model
The single-particle spectral properties of the two-dimensional t-J model in
the parameter regime relevant to cuprate high-temperature superconductors are
investigated using cluster perturbation theory. Various anomalous features
observed in cuprate high-temperature superconductors are collectively explained
in terms of the dominant modes near the Mott transition in this model. Although
the behavior of the dominant modes in the low-energy regime is similar to that
in the two-dimensional Hubbard model, significant differences appear near the
Mott transition for the high-energy electron removal excitations which can be
considered to primarily originate from holon modes in one dimension. The
overall spectral features are confirmed to remain almost unchanged as the
cluster size is increased from 4x4 to 6x6 sites by using a combined method of
the non-abelian dynamical density-matrix renormalization group method and
cluster perturbation theory.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Spectral properties near the Mott transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping
The single-particle spectral properties near the Mott transition in the
two-dimensional Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping are
investigated by using cluster perturbation theory. Complicated spectral
features of this model are simply interpreted, by considering how the
next-nearest-neighbor hopping shifts the spectral weights of the
two-dimensional Hubbard model. Various anomalous features observed in
hole-doped and electron-doped cuprate high-temperature superconductors are
explained in a unified manner as properties near the Mott transition in a
two-dimensional system whose spectral weights are shifted by
next-nearest-neighbor hopping.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
States induced in the single-particle spectrum by doping a Mott insulator
In strongly correlated electron systems, the emergence of states in the Mott
gap in the single-particle spectrum following the doping of the Mott insulator
is a remarkable feature that cannot be explained in a conventional rigid-band
picture. Here, based on an analysis of the quantum numbers and the overlaps of
relevant states, as well as through a demonstration using the ladder and
bilayer t-J models, it is shown that in a continuous Mott transition due to
hole doping, the magnetically excited states of the Mott insulator generally
emerge in the electron-addition spectrum with the dispersion relation shifted
by the Fermi momentum in the momentum region where the lower Hubbard band is
not completely filled. This implies that the dispersion relation of a
free-electron-like mode in the electron-addition spectrum eventually transforms
into essentially the momentum-shifted magnetic dispersion relation of the Mott
insulator, while its spectral weight gradually disappears toward the Mott
transition. This feature reflects the spin-charge separation of the Mott
insulator.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
Magnetic and Electronic Properties of the New Ferrimagnet Sr8CaRe3Cu4O24
Magnetic and electronic properties of the recently-discovered material
Sr8CaRe3Cu4O24 were investigated by means of a quantum Monte Carlo simulation,
the Green function method and the LSDA+U (local spin-density approximation plus
the Hubbard-U term) method. The LSDA+U calculation shows that the ground state
is an insulator with magnetic moment M=1.01\muB/f.u., which is consistent with
experimental results. The magnetic sites were specified and an effective model
for the magnetic properties of this compound derived. The resultant effective
model is a three-dimensional Heisenberg model with spin-alternation.
Finite-temperature properties of this effective model are investigated by the
quantum Monte Carlo method (continuous-time loop algorithm) and the Green
function method. The numerical results are consistent with experimental
results, indicating that the model is suitable for this material. Using the
analysis of the effective model, some predictions for the material are made.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Mott transition and electronic excitation of the Gutzwiller wavefunction
The Mott transition is usually considered as resulting from the divergence of
the effective mass of the quasiparticle in the Fermi-liquid theory; the
dispersion relation around the Fermi level is considered to become flat towards
the Mott transition. Here, to clarify the characterization of the Mott
transition under the assumption of a Fermi-liquid-like ground state, the
electron-addition excitation from the Gutzwiller wavefunction in the -
model is investigated on a chain, ladder, square lattice, and bilayer square
lattice in the single-mode approximation using a Monte Carlo method. The
numerical results demonstrate that an electronic mode that is continuously
deformed from a non-interacting band at zero electron density loses its
spectral weight and gradually disappears towards the Mott transition. It
exhibits essentially the magnetic dispersion relation shifted by the Fermi
momentum in the small-doping limit as indicated by recent studies for the
Hubbard and - models, even if the ground state is assumed to be a
Fermi-liquid-like state exhibiting gradual disappearance of the quasiparticle
weight. This implies that, rather than as the divergence of the effective mass
or disappearance of the carrier density that is expected in conventional
single-particle pictures, the Mott transition can be better understood as
freezing of the charge degrees of freedom while the spin degrees of freedom
remain active, even if the ground state is like a Fermi liquid.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.
Dynamically dominant excitations of string solutions in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in magnetic fields
Using Bethe-ansatz solutions, we uncover a well-defined continuum in
dynamical structure factor of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain in magnetic fields. It comes from string solutions which
continuously connect the mode of the lowest-energy excitations in the
zero-field limit and that of bound states of overturned spins from the
ferromagnetic state near the saturation field. We confirm the relevance to real
materials through comparisons with experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett
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