103 research outputs found

    Usage-Based Collection Evaluation with a Curricular Focus

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    Systematic evaluation of a library’s collection can be a useful tool for collection development. After reviewing three evaluation methods and their usefulness for our small academic library, I undertook a usage-based evaluation, focusing on narrow segments of our collection that served specific undergraduate courses. For each section, I collected data on the number of books owned, number of checkouts in the past four years, and number of unique books used. Using examples from the data, I discuss possible ways to interpret and act on the data. I also note how the knowledge gained from this evaluation fits into the larger toolkit of librarian competencies for collection developmen

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 15, 1965

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    Lorelei at Sunnybrook features Lester Lanin: Ten Whitians named, John Wirth crowned king • Forum presents Hinderas performing American works • Inter-Fraternity Council plans three part weekend: To be first in series of Winter events • Agency presents British TW3 in conjunction with Greek weekend: London group here Thursday • Rights workers to speak on Miss. Summer project • Phi Beta Kappa professors seek student chapter • Y and Curtain Club cooperate on JB production • Campus Chest committee chooses groups to benefit • Editorial: Time for a change • Student teachers relate classroom experiences • Giovanni\u27s Room = Departure for Baldwin • Students help to convert gift shop into coffee house • Letters to the editor • Matmen take 3 out of 4; Lose to Elizabethtown • Snellbelles win first of season • Bears win 2 to snap streak; Stand 6-7 for season • First draft of course descriptions discovered • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1239/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 9, 1964

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    Senior Ball, Friday, offers Camelot, Al Raymond band: Lord and Lady, permanent class officers to be announced • Graduate awards available from science foundation • Miller and Zucker review election returns, meaning • Museum director on American art to be Forum highlight: Dr. Turner to emphasize the 20th century • William Shaffer, vice-president UC Board of Directors, dies • Pancoast in State House to seek greater local power • Faculty action penalizes 4 with fines, demerits • Curtain Club selects cast for Winnie the Pooh production, schedules December showing • English Club to meet tonight • Editorial: Altruism at Ursinus • Life in the cow palace; An eyewitness account • Kaffee Klatsch hosts large crowd to discuss rights • A girl\u27s life at Ursinus: 1906 • Spotlight: UC abroad • Advice column • Bears belt Haverford 19-6 at Haverford homecoming: Tony Motto scores two touchdowns • Soccermen defeat LaSalle 5-2 • Hockey team wins biggest: W.C., best ever, falls 1-0; West Chester places 5 on all-stars, Ursinus team effort proves supreme • Wrestling to start Tuesday • U.C. men\u27s mooning team suffers setback at hands of faculty • 200 dance to Okie Duke at Cafe Montmarte • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1233/thumbnail.jp

    A strategy for the rapid identification of fungal metabolites and the discovery of the antiviral activity of pyrenocine a and harzianopyridon

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    The isolation and identification of bioactive metabolites from complex extracts obtained from microbial growth media is a time consuming, costly, and labor-intensive task. A strategy to rapidly identify secondary metabolites isolated from extracts obtained from the culture media of marine-derived and endophytic fungal strains is described. Identification was achieved by HPLC-UV-MS and 1H NMR analyses in combination with data obtained from the Dictionary of Natural Products. Among the compounds identified, (-)-naphthoquinoneimine, citreorosein, emodin, pyrenocine A and harzianopyridone displayed moderate to potent antiviral activity. (-)-Naphthoquinoneimine was isolated as the enantiomer of its previously reported dextrorotatory congener, while 6,7-dihydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-chromanone is herein reported for the first time as a natural product396720731CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPBEX 4498-14-32010/50190-2; 2013/50228-8; 2011/08064-2; 2008/00331-9; 2013/23153-

    Sublithospheric diamond ages and the supercontinent cycle.

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    Subduction related to the ancient supercontinent cycle is poorly constrained by mantle samples. Sublithospheric diamond crystallization records the release of melts from subducting oceanic lithosphere at 300-700 km depths1,2 and is especially suited to tracking the timing and effects of deep mantle processes on supercontinents. Here we show that four isotope systems (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb and Re-Os) applied to Fe-sulfide and CaSiO3 inclusions within 13 sublithospheric diamonds from Juína (Brazil) and Kankan (Guinea) give broadly overlapping crystallization ages from around 450 to 650 million years ago. The intracratonic location of the diamond deposits on Gondwana and the ages, initial isotopic ratios, and trace element content of the inclusions indicate formation from a peri-Gondwanan subduction system. Preservation of these Neoproterozoic-Palaeozoic sublithospheric diamonds beneath Gondwana until its Cretaceous breakup, coupled with majorite geobarometry3,4, suggests that they accreted to and were retained in the lithospheric keel for more than 300 Myr during supercontinent migration. We propose that this process of lithosphere growth-with diamonds attached to the supercontinent keel by the diapiric uprise of depleted buoyant material and pieces of slab crust-could have enhanced supercontinent stability

    The Global Jukebox: A public database of performing arts and culture

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    Standardized cross-cultural databases of the arts are critical to a balanced scientific under- standing of the performing arts, and their role in other domains of human society. This paper introduces the Global Jukebox as a resource for comparative and cross-cultural study of the performing arts and culture. The Global Jukebox adds an extensive and detailed global database of the performing arts that enlarges our understanding of human cultural diversity. Initially prototyped by Alan Lomax in the 1980s, its core is the Cantometric s dataset, encompassing standardized codings on 37 aspects of musical style for 5,776 traditional songs from 1,026 societies. The Cantometrics dataset has been cleaned and checked for reliability and accuracy, and includes a full coding guide with audio training examples ( https:// theglobaljukebox. org/?songsofearth ). Also being released are seven additional datasets coding and describing instrumentation, conversation, popular music, vowel and consonant placement, breath management , social factors, and societies. For the first time, all digitized Global Jukebox data are being made available in open-access, downloadable format ( https://github.com/theglobaljukebox ), linked with streaming audio recordings (theglobaljukebox.org) to the maximum extent allowed while respecting copyright and the wishes of cul- ture-bearers. The data are cross-indexed with the Database of Peoples, Languages, and Cultures (D-PLACE) to allow researchers to test hypotheses about worldwide coevolution of aesthetic patterns and traditions. As an example, we analyze the global relationship between song style and societal complexity, showing that they are robustly related, in contrast to previous critiques claiming that these proposed relationships were an artifact of autocorrelation (though causal mechanisms remain unresolved

    3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type

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    We investigated genome folding across the eukaryotic tree of life. We find two types of three-dimensional(3D) genome architectures at the chromosome scale. Each type appears and disappears repeatedlyduring eukaryotic evolution. The type of genome architecture that an organism exhibits correlates with theabsence of condensin II subunits. Moreover, condensin II depletion converts the architecture of thehuman genome to a state resembling that seen in organisms such as fungi or mosquitoes. In this state,centromeres cluster together at nucleoli, and heterochromatin domains merge. We propose a physicalmodel in which lengthwise compaction of chromosomes by condensin II during mitosis determineschromosome-scale genome architecture, with effects that are retained during the subsequent interphase.This mechanism likely has been conserved since the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes.C.H. is supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds; C.H., Á.S.C., and B.D.R. are supported by an ERC CoG (772471, “CohesinLooping”); A.M.O.E. and B.D.R. are supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO-Echo); and J.A.R. and R.H.M. are supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). T.v.S. and B.v.S. are supported by NIH Common Fund “4D Nucleome” Program grant U54DK107965. H.T. and E.d.W. are supported by an ERC StG (637597, “HAP-PHEN”). J.A.R., T.v.S., H.T., R.H.M., B.v.S., and E.d.W. are part of the Oncode Institute, which is partly financed by the Dutch Cancer Society. Work at the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics is sponsored by the NSF (grants PHY-2019745 and CHE-1614101) and by the Welch Foundation (grant C-1792). V.G.C. is funded by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation and Higher Education Personnel) grants 2016/13998-8 and 2017/09662-7. J.N.O. is a CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research. E.L.A. was supported by an NSF Physics Frontiers Center Award (PHY-2019745), the Welch Foundation (Q-1866), a USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant (2017-05741), the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute (NSF DBI-2021795), and an NIH Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Mapping Center Award (UM1HG009375). Hi-C data for the 24 species were created by the DNA Zoo Consortium (www.dnazoo.org). DNA Zoo is supported by Illumina, Inc.; IBM; and the Pawsey Supercomputing Center. P.K. is supported by the University of Western Australia. L.L.M. was supported by NIH (1R01NS114491) and NSF awards (1557923, 1548121, and 1645219) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0060/2017). The draft A. californica project was supported by NHGRI. J.L.G.-S. received funding from the ERC (grant agreement no. 740041), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant no. BFU2016-74961-P), and the institutional grant Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu (MDM-2016-0687). R.D.K. is supported by NIH grant RO1DK121366. V.H. is supported by NIH grant NIH1P41HD071837. K.M. is supported by a MEXT grant (20H05936). M.C.W. is supported by the NIH grants R01AG045183, R01AT009050, R01AG062257, and DP1DK113644 and by the Welch Foundation. E.F. was supported by NHGR

    Diagnosing mucopolysaccharidosis IVA

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA; Morquio A syndrome) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder resulting from a deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) activity. Diagnosis can be challenging and requires agreement of clinical, radiographic, and laboratory findings. A group of biochemical genetics laboratory directors and clinicians involved in the diagnosis of MPS IVA, convened by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., met to develop recommendations for diagnosis. The following conclusions were reached. Due to the wide variation and subtleties of radiographic findings, imaging of multiple body regions is recommended. Urinary glycosaminoglycan analysis is particularly problematic for MPS IVA and it is strongly recommended to proceed to enzyme activity testing even if urine appears normal when there is clinical suspicion of MPS IVA. Enzyme activity testing of GALNS is essential in diagnosing MPS IVA. Additional analyses to confirm sample integrity and rule out MPS IVB, multiple sulfatase deficiency, and mucolipidoses types II/III are critical as part of enzyme activity testing. Leukocytes or cultured dermal fibroblasts are strongly recommended for enzyme activity testing to confirm screening results. Molecular testing may also be used to confirm the diagnosis in many patients. However, two known or probable causative mutations may not be identified in all cases of MPS IVA. A diagnostic testing algorithm is presented which attempts to streamline this complex testing process