626 research outputs found

    Nuclear surface diffuseness revealed in nucleon-nucleus diffraction

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    Nuclear surface provides useful information on nuclear radius, nuclear structure as well as properties of nuclear matter. We discuss the relationship between the nuclear surface diffuseness and elastic scattering differential cross section at the first diffraction peak of high-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering as an efficient tool in order to extract the nuclear surface information from limited experimental data involving short-lived unstable nuclei. The high-energy reaction is described by a reliable microscopic reaction theory, the Glauber model. Extending the idea of the black sphere model, we find one-to-one correspondence between the nuclear bulk structure information and proton elastic scattering diffraction peak. This implies that we can extract both the nuclear radius and diffuseness simultaneously, using the position of the first diffraction peak and its magnitude of the elastic scattering differential cross section. We confirm the reliability of this approach by using realistic density distributions obtained by a mean-field model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Improved parametrization of the transparency parameter in Kox and Shen models of total reaction cross sections

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    The total reaction cross section is an essential quantity in particle and heavy-ion transport codes when determining the mean free path of a transported particle. Many transport codes determine the distance a particle is transported before it collides with the target or is stopped in the target material, with the Monte Carlo (MC) method using semiempirical parametrization models for the total reaction cross sections. In order to improve the well-known Kox and Shen models of total reaction cross sections and allow the models to be used at energies below 30 MeV/nucleon, we propose a modified parametrization of the transparency parameter. We also report that the Kox and Shen models have a projectile-target asymmetry and should be used so that the lighter nucleus is always treated as the projectile

    Nuclear transparencies for nucleons, knocked-out under various semi-inclusive conditions

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    Using hadron dynamics we calculate nuclear transparencies for protons, knocked-out in high-Q2Q^2, semi-inclusive reactions. Predicted transparencies are, roughly half a standard deviation above the NE18 data. The latter contain the effects of binned proton missing momenta and mass, and of finite detector acceptances. In order to test sensitivity we compare computed transparencies without restrictions and the same with maximal cuts for missing momenta and the electron energy loss. We find hardly any variation, enabling a meaningful comparison with data and predictions based on hadron dynamics. Should discrepancies persist in high-statistics data, the above may with greater confidence be attributed to exotic components in the description of the outgoing proton.Comment: 13 pages + 3 figsin appended PS file, report # WIS-94/43/Oct-P

    Absolute accuracy in membrane-based ac nanocalorimetry

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    To achieve accurate results in nanocalorimetry a detailed analysis and understanding of the behavior of the calorimetric system is required. There are especially two system-related aspects that should be taken in consideration: the properties of the empty cell and the effect of the thermal link between sample and cell. Here we study these two aspects for a membrane-based system where heater and thermometer are both in good contact with each other and the center of the membrane. Practical, analytical expressions for describing the frequency dependence of heat capacity, thermal conductance, and temperature oscillation of the system are formulated and compared with measurements and numerical simulations. We finally discuss the experimental conditions for an optimal working frequency, where high resolution and good absolute accuracy are combined

    Field-induced Bose-Einstein Condensation of triplons up to 8 K in Sr3Cr2O8

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    Single crystals of the spin dimer system Sr3Cr2O8 have been grown for the first time. Magnetization, heat capacity, and magnetocaloric effect data up to 65 T reveal magnetic order between applied fields of Hc1 ~ 30.4 T and Hc2 ~ 62 T. This field-induced order persists up to ~ 8 K at H ~ 44 T, the highest observed in any quantum magnet where Hc2 is experimentally-accessible. We fit the temperature-field phase diagram boundary close to Hc1 using the expression Tc = A(H-Hc1)^v. The exponent v = 0.65(2), obtained at temperatures much smaller than 8 K, is that of the 3D Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) universality class. This finding strongly suggests that Sr3Cr2O8 is a new realization of a triplon BEC where the universal regimes corresponding to both Hc1 and Hc2 are accessible at He-4 temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PR

    Proton-nucleus total reaction cross sections in the optical limit Glauber theory: Subtle dependence on the equation of state of nuclear matter

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    We calculate the proton-nucleus total reaction cross sections at different energies of incident protons within the optical limit approximation of the Glauber theory. The isospin effect has been taken into account. The nucleon distribution is obtained in the framework of macroscopic nuclear models in a way depending on the equation of state of uniform nuclear matter near the saturation density. We find that at an energy of order 40 MeV, the reaction cross section calculated for neutron- rich isotopes significantly increases as the parameter L characterizing the density dependence of the symmetry energy increases, while at energies of order 300 and 800 MeV, it is almost independent of L. This is a feature of the optical limit Glauber theory in which an exponential dependence of the reaction cross section on the neutron skin thickness remains when the total proton-neutron cross section is small enough.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure