1 research outputs found
pH-Sensitive Adsorption Behavior of Polymer Particles at the Air–Water Interface
adsorption of polymer particles bearing polyÂ[2-(dimethylamino)Âethyl
methacrylate] hairs at the air–water interface was investigated
using a surface tensiometer, a Langmuir–Blodgett trough, and
an X-ray reflectometer. We clarified that the particles are adsorbed
at the interface at basic pH; by contrast, at acidic pH, only a small
number of particles are adsorbed, whereas the majority are dispersed
in the water phase. X-ray reflectometry analysis revealed that a particle
monolayer was formed at the air–water interface, which was
packed densely under increasing surface pressure, as determined by
the electron density profile change. The contact angles of the particles
at the air–water interface were estimated to be 29° and
34° at pH 3 and 10, respectively, by direct visualization of
the air–water interface position of the particles using a polycyanoacrylate
trapping method