575 research outputs found

    The Star Formation Rate of Turbulent Magnetized Clouds: Comparing Theory, Simulations, and Observations

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    We derive and compare six theoretical models for the star formation rate (SFR) - the Krumholz & McKee (KM), Padoan & Nordlund (PN), and Hennebelle & Chabrier (HC) models, and three multi-freefall versions of these, suggested by HC - all based on integrals over the log-normal distribution of turbulent gas. We extend all theories to include magnetic fields, and show that the SFR depends on four basic parameters: (1) virial parameter alpha_vir; (2) sonic Mach number M; (3) turbulent forcing parameter b, which is a measure for the fraction of energy driven in compressive modes; and (4) plasma beta=2(M_A/M)^2 with the Alfven Mach number M_A. We compare all six theories with MHD simulations, covering cloud masses of 300 to 4x10^6 solar masses and Mach numbers M = 3 to 50 and M_A = 1 to infinity, with solenoidal (b=1/3), mixed (b=0.4) and compressive turbulent (b=1) forcings. We find that the SFR increases by a factor of four between M=5 and 50 for compressive forcing and alpha_vir~1. Comparing forcing parameters, we see that the SFR is more than 10x higher with compressive than solenoidal forcing for Mach 10 simulations. The SFR and fragmentation are both reduced by a factor of two in strongly magnetized, trans-Alfvenic turbulence compared to hydrodynamic turbulence. All simulations are fit simultaneously by the multi-freefall KM and multi-freefall PN theories within a factor of two over two orders of magnitude in SFR. The simulated SFRs cover the range and correlation of SFR column density with gas column density observed in Galactic clouds, and agree well for star formation efficiencies SFE = 1% to 10% and local efficiencies epsilon = 0.3 to 0.7 due to feedback. We conclude that the SFR is primarily controlled by interstellar turbulence, with a secondary effect coming from magnetic fields.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in press, movies at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~chfeder/pubs/sfr/sfr.shtm

    On the Star Formation Efficiency of Turbulent Magnetized Clouds

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    We study the star formation efficiency (SFE) in simulations and observations of turbulent, magnetized, molecular clouds. We find that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the density and the column density in our simulations with solenoidal, mixed, and compressive forcing of the turbulence, sonic Mach numbers of 3-50, and magnetic fields in the super- to the trans-Alfvenic regime, all develop power-law tails of flattening slope with increasing SFE. The high-density tails of the PDFs are consistent with equivalent radial density profiles, rho ~ r^(-kappa) with kappa ~ 1.5-2.5, in agreement with observations. Studying velocity-size scalings, we find that all the simulations are consistent with the observed v ~ l^(1/2) scaling of supersonic turbulence, and seem to approach Kolmogorov turbulence with v ~ l^(1/3) below the sonic scale. The velocity-size scaling is, however, largely independent of the SFE. In contrast, the density-size and column density-size scalings are highly sensitive to star formation. We find that the power-law slope alpha of the density power spectrum, P(rho,k) ~ k^alpha, or equivalently the Delta-variance spectrum of column density, DV(Sigma,l) ~ l^(-alpha), switches sign from alpha 0 when star formation proceeds (SFE > 0). We provide a relation to compute the SFE from a measurement of alpha. Studying the literature, we find values ranging from alpha = -1.6 to +1.6 in observations covering scales from the large-scale atomic medium, over cold molecular clouds, down to dense star-forming cores. From those alpha values, we infer SFEs and find good agreement with independent measurements based on young stellar object (YSO) counts, where available. Our SFE-alpha relation provides an independent estimate of the SFE based on the column density map of a cloud alone, without requiring a priori knowledge of star-formation activity or YSO counts.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, ApJ in press, more info at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~chfeder/pubs/sfe/sfe.shtml?lang=e

    The Density Probability Distribution in Compressible Isothermal Turbulence: Solenoidal versus Compressive Forcing

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    The probability density function (PDF) of the gas density in turbulent supersonic flows is investigated with high-resolution numerical simulations. In a systematic study, we compare the density statistics of compressible turbulence driven by the usually adopted solenoidal forcing (divergence-free) and by compressive forcing (curl-free). Our results are in agreement with studies using solenoidal forcing. However, compressive forcing yields a significantly broader density distribution with standard deviation ~3 times larger at the same rms Mach number. The standard deviation-Mach number relation used in analytical models of star formation is reviewed and a modification of the existing expression is proposed, which takes into account the ratio of solenoidal and compressive modes of the turbulence forcing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJL, simulation movies available at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~chfeder/videos.shtml?lang=e
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