133 research outputs found
Rotating Black Branes wrapped on Einstein Spaces
We present new rotating black brane solutions which solve Einstein's
equations with cosmological constant in arbitrary dimension . For
negative , the branes naturally appear in AdS supergravity
compactifications, and should therefore play some role in the AdS/CFT
correspondence. The spacetimes are warped products of a four-dimensional part
and an Einstein space of dimension , which is not necessarily of constant
curvature. As a special subcase, the solutions contain the higher dimensional
generalization of the Kerr-AdS metric recently found by Hawking et al.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, no figures, thermodynamical discussion and 2
references adde
Nonextremal black holes in gauged supergravity and the real formulation of special geometry
We give a rather general recipe for constructing nonextremal black hole
solutions to N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity coupled to abelian vector multiplets.
This problem simplifies considerably if one uses the formalism developed in
arXiv:1112.2876, based on dimensional reduction and the real formulation of
special geometry. We use this to find new nonextremal black holes for several
choices of the prepotential, that generalize the BPS solutions found in
arXiv:0911.4926. Some physical properties of these black holes are also
discussed.Comment: 26 pages, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: Minor corrections, 1 ref. adde
First order flow equations for nonextremal black holes in AdS (super)gravity
We consider electrically charged static nonextremal black holes in
-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-(A)dS gravity, whose horizon is a generic
Einstein space in dimensions. It is shown that for this system the
Hamilton-Jacobi equation is exactly solvable and admits two branches of
solutions. One of them exhibits a non-simply connected domain of integration
constants and does not reduce to the well-known solution for the BPS
case. The principal functions generate two first order flows that are
analytically different, but support the same general solution. One of the two
sets of flow equations corresponds to those found by L\"u, Pope and
V\'azquez-Poritz in hep-th/0307001 and (for and ) by Miller,
Schalm and Weinberg in hep-th/0612308. This clarifies also the reason for the
very existence of first order equations for nonextremal black holes, namely,
they are just the expressions for the conjugate momenta in terms of derivatives
of the principal function in a Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. In the last part of
our paper we analyze how much of these integrability properties generalizes to
matter-coupled , gauged supergravity.Comment: 17 pages. v2: Refs. added. v3: Final version to appear in JHE
Black holes in an expanding universe and supersymmetry
This paper analyzes the supersymmetric solutions to five and six-dimensional
minimal (un)gauged supergravities for which the bilinear Killing vector
constructed from the Killing spinor is null. We focus on the spacetimes which
admit an additional boost symmetry. Upon the toroidal
dimensional reduction along the Killing vector corresponding to the boost, we
show that the solution in the ungauged case describes a charged, nonextremal
black hole in a Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe with an
expansion driven by a massless scalar field. For the gauged case, the solution
corresponds to a charged, nonextremal black hole embedded conformally into a
Kantowski-Sachs universe. It turns out that these dimensional reductions break
supersymmetry since the bilinear Killing vector and the Killing vector
corresponding to the boost fail to commute. This represents a new mechanism of
supersymmetry breaking that has not been considered in the literature before.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor modifications, published version in PL
Fluid dynamics on ultrastatic spacetimes and dual black holes
We show that the classification of shearless and incompressible stationary
fluid flows on ultrastatic manifolds is equivalent to classifying the
isometries of the spatial sections. For a flow on R x S this leaves only
one possibility, since on the 2-sphere all Killing fields are conjugate to each
other, and it is well-known that the gravity dual of such a (conformal) fluid
is the spherical KNAdS black hole. On the other hand, in R x H the
situation is more complicated, since the isometry group of H admits
elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic elements. One might thus ask what the
gravity duals of the flows corresponding to these three different cases are.
Answering this question is one of the scopes of this paper. In particular we
identify the black hole dual to a fluid that is purely translating on the
hyperbolic plane. Although this lies within the Carter-Plebanski (CP) class, it
has never been studied in the literature before, and represents thus in
principle a new black hole solution in AdS. For a rigidly rotating fluid in
R x H (holographically dual to the hyperbolic KNAdS solution), there is
a certain radius where the velocity reaches the speed of light, and thus the
fluid can cover only the region within this radius. Quite remarkably, it turns
out that the boundary of the hyperbolic KNAdS black hole is conformal to
exactly that part of R x H in which the fluid velocity does not exceed the
speed of light. We extend these results to establish a precise mapping between
possible flows on ultrastatic spacetimes (with constant curvature spatial
sections) and the parameter space of the CP solution. Finally, we show that the
alternative description of the hyperbolic KNAdS black hole in terms of
fluid mechanics on R x S or on flat space is dynamical and consists of a
contracting or expanding vortex.Comment: 43 pages, many figures. v2: Final version to appear in JHE
Nut-charged black holes in matter-coupled N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity
Using the results of arXiv:0804.0009, where all timelike supersymmetric
backgrounds of N=2, D=4 matter-coupled supergravity with Fayet-Iliopoulos
gauging were classified, we construct genuine nut-charged BPS black holes in
AdS_4 with nonconstant moduli. The calculations are exemplified for the
SU(1,1)/U(1) model with prepotential F=-iX^0X^1. The resulting supersymmetric
black holes have a hyperbolic horizon and carry two electric, two magnetic and
one nut charge, which are however not all independent, but are given in terms
of three free parameters. We find that turning on a nut charge lifts the flat
directions in the effective black hole potential, such that the horizon values
of the scalars are completely fixed by the charges. We also oxidize the
solutions to eleven dimensions, and find that they generalize the geometry
found in hep-th/0105250 corresponding to membranes wrapping holomorphic curves
in a Calabi-Yau five-fold. Finally, a class of nut-charged Nernst branes is
constructed as well, but these have curvature singularities at the horizon.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, uses JHEP3.cl
Geometry of Killing spinors in neutral signature
We classify the supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity
in four dimensions with neutral signature. They are distinguished according to
the sign of the cosmological constant and whether the vector field constructed
as a bilinear of the Killing spinor is null or non-null. In neutral signature
the bilinear vector field can be spacelike, which is a new feature not arising
in Lorentzian signature. In the non-null case, the canonical form
of the metric is described by a fibration over a three-dimensional base space
that has holonomy with torsion. We find that a generalized
monopole equation determines the twist of the bilinear Killing field, which is
reminiscent of an Einstein-Weyl structure. If, moreover, the electromagnetic
field strength is self-dual, one gets the Kleinian signature analogue of the
Przanowski-Tod class of metrics, namely a pseudo-hermitian spacetime determined
by solutions of the continuous Toda equation, conformal to a scalar-flat
pseudo-K\"ahler manifold, and admitting in addition a charged conformal Killing
spinor. In the null case, the supersymmetric solutions define an
integrable null K\"ahler structure. In the non-null case, the
manifold is a fibration over a Lorentzian Gauduchon-Tod base space. Finally, in
the null class, the metric is contained in the Kundt family, and it
turns out that the holonomy is reduced to .
There appear no self-dual solutions in the null class for either sign of the
cosmological constant.Comment: 40 pages, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: Appendix and ref. added. v3: Published
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