68 research outputs found

    Influence of female sex and fertile age on neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders

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    Background: Gender and age at onset are important epidemiological factors influencing prevalence, clinical presentation, and treatment response in autoimmune diseases. Objective: To evaluate the impact of female sex and fertile age on aquaporin-4-antibody (AQP4-ab) status, attack localization, and response to attack treatment in patients with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and its spectrum disorders (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD)). Methods: Female-to-male ratios, diagnosis at last visit (NMO vs NMOSD), attack localization, attack treatment, and outcome were compared according to sex and age at disease or attack onset. Results: A total of 186 NMO/SD patients (82% female) were included. In AQP4-ab-positive patients, female predominance was most pronounced during fertile age (female-to-male ratio 23:1). Female patients were more likely to be positive for AQP4-abs (92% vs 55%; p40years. Conclusion: Our data suggest an influence of sex and age on susceptibility to AQP4-ab-positive NMO/SD. Genetic and hormonal factors might contribute to pathophysiology of NMO/SD

    Ther Adv Neurol Disord

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system affecting approximately 2.8 million people worldwide. In addition to genetic and environmental factors, various lifestyle factors contribute to disease development and progression. We performed a monocentric retrospective study and investigated the effect of lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and dietary habits on the degree of disability in a cohort of people with MS (pwMS) with an average onset of disease after the age of 55. This late-onset MS (LOMS) study group ( = 47) was characterized by a mean age of 60.9 years and a mean duration of disease of 5.0 years. The LOMS study group was compared with two control groups. The study participants in the "old control group" (C) were on average as old and in the "young control group" (C) as long suffering from MS as the pwMS in the LOMS group. Data from medical documentation and a questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive frequency analyses and testing for correlation between different variables also by generalized estimating equations. The Expanded Disabilty Status Scale (EDSS) score and the progression index were used as a measure of disability. We found a significant association between smoking history and the current EDSS score in the C group, but not in the two older study groups. For physical activity, there was a significant negative correlation with EDSS score in the study group and the C group, alcoholic beverage consumption correlated with decreased EDSS in the C group. The intake of meat negatively correlated with the progression index in the LOMS group. In summary, different life-style factors correlated with disability depending on patient age and disease duration. These life-style factors may be considered in the future counseling of pwMS at older ages

    Retinal Involvement in a Patient with Cerebral Manifestation of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host-Disease

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    Background: We report a 35-year-old female patient with cerebral manifestations of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) and putative retinal involvement after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT). Patient and Methods: The patient experienced recurrent episodes of fever and encephalitic signs 7 months after alloHSCT during taper of immunosuppression (IS). Results: Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed non-gadolinium-enhancing confluent periventricular lesions and cerebrospinal fluid inflammation. After exclusion of infectious causes, treatment with steroids and antiepileptics improved cognitive deficits. Steroid reduction provoked a relapse responding to IS. 2 years later, she complained of right-sided blurred vision and floaters; both eyes showed whitish circumscribed retinal infiltrations, cellular infiltration of the vitreous and mild bilateral optic disc edema. Oncological and neurological work-up ruled out infectious diseases and other GvHD manifestations. Symptoms and signs resolved under continued systemic IS, leaving pigmented retinal scars. After IS withdrawal, classical cutaneous cGvHD developed, resolving on systemic IS. 94 months after transplantation, she is doing well. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first observation of retinal involvement of cerebral cGvHD manifestations with retinal infiltrations documented in the absence of other causes and in parallel to periventricular lesions in cerebral MRI. Based on bone marrow histology, we discuss a small vessel pathophysiology of cGvHD

    Apheresis therapies for NMOSD attacks A retrospective study of 207 therapeutic interventions

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    Objective To analyze whether 1 of the 2 apheresis techniques, therapeutic plasma exchange (PE) or immunoadsorption (IA), is superior in treating neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) attacks and to identify predictive factors for complete remission (CR). Methods This retrospective cohort study was based on the registry of the German Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group, a nationwide network established in 2008. It recruited patients with neuromyelitis optica diagnosed according to the 2006 Wingerchuk criteria or with aquaporin-4 (AQP4-ab)-antibody-seropositive NMOSD treated at 6 regional hospitals and 16 tertiary referral centers until March 2013. Besides descriptive data analysis of patient and attack characteristics, generalized estimation equation (GEE) analyses were applied to compare the effectiveness of the 2 apheresis techniques. A GEE model was generated to assess predictors of outcome. Results Two hundred and seven attacks in 105 patients (87% AQP4-ab-antibody seropositive) were treated with at least 1 apheresis therapy. Neither PE nor IA was proven superior in the therapy of NMOSD attacks. CR was only achieved with early apheresis therapy. Strong predictors for CR were the use of apheresis therapy as first-line therapy (OR 12.27, 95% CI: 1.04-144.91, p = 0.047), time from onset of attack to start of therapy in days (OR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.89-0.99, p = 0.014), the presence of AQP4-abantibodies (OR 33.34, 95% CI: 1.76-631.17, p = 0.019), and monofocal attack manifestation (OR 4.71, 95% CI: 1.03-21.62, p = 0.046). Conclusion: s Our findings suggest early use of an apheresis therapy in NMOSD attacks, particularly in AQP4-ab-seropositive patients. No superiority was shown for one of the 2 apheresis techniques

    Influence of female sex and fertile age on neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders

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    Background: Gender and age at onset are important epidemiological factors influencing prevalence, clinical presentation, and treatment response in autoimmune diseases. Objective: To evaluate the impact of female sex and fertile age on aquaporin-4-antibody (AQP4-ab) status, attack localization, and response to attack treatment in patients with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and its spectrum disorders (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD)). Methods: Female-to-male ratios, diagnosis at last visit (NMO vs NMOSD), attack localization, attack treatment, and outcome were compared according to sex and age at disease or attack onset. Results: A total of 186 NMO/SD patients (82% female) were included. In AQP4-ab-positive patients, female predominance was most pronounced during fertile age (female-to-male ratio 23:1). Female patients were more likely to be positive for AQP4-abs (92% vs 55%;p40years. Conclusion: Our data suggest an influence of sex and age on susceptibility to AQP4-ab-positive NMO/SD. Genetic and hormonal factors might contribute to pathophysiology of NMO/SD

    The neuropathology of fatal encephalomyelitis in human Borna virus infection

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    After many years of controversy, there is now recent and solid evidence that classical Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) can infect humans. On the basis of six brain autopsies, we provide the first systematic overview on BoDV-1 tissue distribution and the lesion pattern in fatal BoDV-1-induced encephalitis. All brains revealed a non-purulent, lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis with detection of BoDV-1-typical eosinophilic, spherical intranuclear Joest-Degen inclusion bodies. While the composition of histopathological changes was constant, the inflammatory distribution pattern varied interindividually, affecting predominantly the basal nuclei in two patients, hippocampus in one patient, whereas two patients showed a more diffuse distribution. By immunohistochemistry and RNA in situ hybridization, BoDV-1 was detected in all examined brain tissue samples. Furthermore, infection of the peripheral nervous system was observed. This study aims at raising awareness to human bornavirus encephalitis as differential diagnosis in lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis. A higher attention to human BoDV-1 infection by health professionals may likely increase the detection of more cases and foster a clearer picture of the disease

    IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study

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    More than 40 human infections with the zoonotic Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) have been reported to German health authorities from endemic regions in southern and eastern Germany. Diagnosis of a confirmed case is based on the detection of BoDV-1 RNA or BoDV-1 antigen. In parallel, serological assays such as ELISA, immunoblots, and indirect immunofluorescence are in use to detect the seroconversion of Borna virus-reactive IgG in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). As immunopathogenesis in BoDV-1 encephalitis appears to be driven by T cells, we addressed the question of whether an IFN-γ-based ELISpot may further corroborate the diagnosis. For three of seven BoDV-1-infected patients, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with sufficient quantity and viability were retrieved. For all three patients, counts in the range from 12 to 20 spot forming units (SFU) per 250,000 cells were detected upon the stimulation of PBMC with a peptide pool covering the nucleocapsid protein of BoDV-1. Additionally, individual patients had elevated SFU upon stimulation with a peptide pool covering X or phosphoprotein. Healthy blood donors (n = 30) and transplant recipients (n = 27) were used as a control and validation cohort, respectively. In this pilot study, the BoDV-1 ELISpot detected cellular immune responses in human patients with BoDV-1 infection. Its role as a helpful diagnostic tool needs further investigation in patients with BoDV-1 encephalitis

    Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections

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    Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) causes rare but often fatal encephalitis in humans. Late diagnosis prohibits an experimental therapeutic approach. Here, we report a recent case of fatal BoDV-1 infection diagnosed on day 12 after hospitalization by detection of BoDV-1 RNA in the cerebrospinal fluid. In a retrospective analysis, we detect BoDV-1 RNA 1 day after hospital admission when the cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid is still normal. We develop a new ELISA using recombinant BoDV-1 nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein, and accessory protein X to detect seroconversion on day 12. Antibody responses are also shown in seven previously confirmed cases. The individual BoDV-1 antibody profiles show variability, but the usage of three different BoDV-1 antigens results in a more sensitive diagnostic tool. Our findings demonstrate that early detection of BoDV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal fluid and the presence of antibodies against at least two different viral antigens contribute to BoDV-1 diagnosis. Physicians in endemic regions should consider BoDV-1 infection in cases of unclear encephalopathy and initiate appropriate diagnostics at an early stage

    Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany

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    More than 40 human cases of severe encephalitis caused by Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) have been reported to German health authorities. In an endemic region in southern Germany, we conducted the seroepidemiological BoSOT study (“BoDV-1 after solid-organ transplantation”) to assess whether there are undetected oligo- or asymptomatic courses of infection. A total of 216 healthy blood donors and 280 outpatients after solid organ transplantation were screened by a recombinant BoDV-1 ELISA followed by an indirect immunofluorescence assay (iIFA) as confirmatory test. For comparison, 288 serum and 258 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples with a request for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) diagnostics were analyzed for BoDV-1 infections. ELISA screening reactivity rates ranged from 3.5% to 18.6% depending on the cohort and the used ELISA antigen, but only one sample of a patient from the cohort with requested TBE diagnostics was confirmed to be positive for anti-BoDV-1-IgG by iIFA. In addition, the corresponding CSF sample of this patient with a three-week history of severe neurological disease tested positive for BoDV-1 RNA. Due to the iIFA results, all other results were interpreted as false-reactive in the ELISA screening. By linear serological epitope mapping, cross-reactions with human and bacterial proteins were identified as possible underlying mechanism for the false-reactive ELISA screening results. In conclusion, no oligo- or asymptomatic infections were detected in the studied cohorts. Serological tests based on a single recombinant BoDV-1 antigen should be interpreted with caution, and an iIFA should always be performed in addition

    Seronegative myasthenic crisis: a multicenter analysis

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    Myasthenic crisis (MC) is a life-threatening condition for patients with myasthenia gravis (MG). Seronegative patients represent around 10–15% of MG, but data on outcome of seronegative MCs are lacking. We performed a subgroup analysis of patients who presented with MC with either acetylcholine-receptor-antibody-positive MG (AChR-MG) or seronegative MG between 2006 and 2015 in a retrospective German multicenter study. We identified 15 seronegative MG patients with 17 MCs and 142 AChR-MG with 159 MCs. Seronegative MCs were younger (54.3 ± 14.5 vs 66.5 ± 16.3 years; p = 0.0037), had a higher rate of thymus hyperplasia (29.4% vs 3.1%; p = 0.0009), and were more likely to be female (58.8% vs 37.7%; p = 0.12) compared to AChR-MCs. Time between diagnosis of MG and MC was significantly longer in seronegative patients (8.2 ± 7.6 vs 3.1 ± 4.4 years; p < 0.0001). We found no differences in duration of mechanical ventilation (16.2 ± 15.8 vs 16.5 ± 15.9 days; p = 0.94) and length of stay at intensive care unit (17.6 ± 15.2 vs 17.8 ± 15.4 days; p = 0.96), or in-hospital mortality (11.8% vs. 10.1%; p = 0.69). We conclude that MC in seronegative MG affects younger patients after a longer period of disease, but that crisis treatment efficacy and outcome do not differ compared to AChR-MCs